
Welcome to the Workshop on Biological and Computer Vision Interfaces in Firenze October 12, 2012. This workshop is held in conjunction with ECCV 2012

From the simplest vision architectures in insects to the extremely complex cortical hierarchy in primates, it is fascinating to observe how biology found efficient solutions to solve vision problems. Pioneers in computer vision dreamt of building machines that could match and perhaps outperform human vision. Although this goal has not been reached on the scale originally foreseen, the field of computer vision has overcome many other challenges from an unexpected variety of applications and fostered entirely new scientific and technological areas such as computer graphics and medical image analysis. In spite of great progress, there remain many open challenges in both biological and computer vision.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from the fields of biological and computer vision, computational neuroscience, and psychophysics, have them present their latest results and discuss how an interdisciplinary approach could foster new advances in science and technology at the interface between neuroscience and computer science. This will provide a basis for cross-fertilisation that will hopefully stimulate the emergence of new ideas and collaborations among scientists from different yet complementary disciplines.

This workshop will be a one-day event with prestigious invited speakers discussing several aspects of biological and computer Vision interfaces, namely biological vision, mathematical and computational paradigms for biological and human vision, computational and hardware models of the visual brain and bio-inspired methods for computer vision.

The organizers,
Olivier Faugeras and Pierre Kornprobst
Inria, Neuromathcomp project team
Sophia Antipolis, France

Olivier Faugeras Pierre Kornprobst

Workshop on Biological and Computer Vision Interfaces
Organized by Olivier Faugeras and Pierre Kornprobst
This work is partially supported by the ERC grant 227747 (Nervi)