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Project Presentation
MAESTRO is an INRIA project-team (created on October 1st, 2003) whose permanent members are located in Sophia Antipolis (Sara Alouf, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Giovanni Neglia), in Avignon (Eitan Altman) and in Montpellier (Alain Jean-Marie).
The ambition of MAESTRO is to provide the community with methods and tools for the performance evaluation, optimization and
control of networks. More precisely, the objectives of MAESTRO are:
- to develop mathematical and software tools for evaluating the performance, optimizing and controlling
discrete-event systems, including networks and their applications;
- to evaluate the performance and to control communication networks
(protocols, architectures, applications) and, primarily, IP networks.
These objectives essentially fall in the first scientific challenge of INRIA, which is "To master digital infrastructures by being capable of programming, computing, and communicating on the Internet and on heterogeneous networks."
Project-team MAESTRO is the successor of MISTRAL (1993-2003).
An exhaustive overview of our activities can be found in our yearly activity reports:
Once news
The associate team Thanes has been created in March 2014.
Thesis defence of
Marina Sokol,
Tuesday April 29, 2014,
at 14:00 in room Euler Violet (E006) at INRIA.
Title: Graph-based semi-supervised learning methods and
quick detection of central nodes
The 11th MAESTRO retreat has occurred on 13-14 March 2014, at Hotel Bonnano in Pisa, Italy. Check this link for the program and this video to glimpse at the retreat.
Konstantin Avrachenkov and Giovanni Neglia received the Best Paper Award of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks ( (IEEE NetSciCom 2014, Toronto, Canada, May 2, 2014) for their joint work with Prithwish Basu, Bruno Ribeiro, and Don Towsley, titled "Pay Few, Influence Most: Online Myopic Network Covering".
The book "Analytic Perturbation Theory and Its Applications", written by Konstantin E. Avrachenkov, Jerzy A. Filar, Phil G. Howlett, has been published by SIAM in December 2013 (372 pages), ISBN: 1611973139, 9781611973136.
The associate team GANESH has been extended for a third year.
Giovanni Neglia received the Best Paper Award of the IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring 2013, 2-5 June 2013, Dresden, Germany) for his joint work with Xiaolan Zhang, James Kurose, Don Towsley and Haixiang Wang, entitled "On Optimal Packet Routing in Deterministic DTNs".
Eitan Altman has been awarded the Prix France Telecom 2012 from the French Academy of Sciences.
Nicaise Choungmo Fofack, Philippe Nain and Giovanni Neglia received the Best Paper Award of the 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS, 9-12 October 2012, Cargèse, France) for their joint work with Don Towsley, titled "Analysis of TTL-based Cache Networks".
Konstantin Avrachenkov and Marina Sokol (PhD student in Maestro) received the Best Paper Award (out of 214 accepted papers) of the 8th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2012, 27-31 September 2012, Limassol, Cyprus) for their joint work with Arnaud Legout (Inria, Planete) and Paulo Goncalves (Inria, Reso), entitled "Classification of Content and User in BitTorrent by Semi-supervised Learning Methods".
Alain Jean-Marie received the Best Paper Award of the 14èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel'12, 29 May-1 June 2012, La Grande Motte, France) for his joint work with Fedor Fomin, Frédéric Giroire, Dorian Mazauric and Nicolas Nisse, entitled "Satisfaire un internaute impatient est difficile".