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Int4Sci Tutorial


Int4Sci is an interval analysis interface for Scilab based on the C/C++ BIAS/PROFIL low level interval library . A basic version based on Boost C++ library is also available. This interface creates an high level library for Scilab by loading and building a low level library. For further explanations about installation see the Install file.


A Interval

A-1 Creating interval elements

An interval is created with the function interval, whose shortcut is #.

For example :

    --> t = interval(0,2)
    --> t = #(0,2)

creates the range [0,2] and affect it to t. The width of an interval [xi,xs] is defined as xs - xi, its radius is (xs - xi)/2, while the mid-point of the interval is (xs + xi)/2. Hence the width of t is 2, its radius is 1 while its mid-point is 1.

Interval matrix may also be created by specifying a real matrix for the lower bound and another matrix for the upper bound. For example :

--> A = [1,2;3,4] 
--> B = [2,3;4,5] 
--> C = interval(A,B) //or --> C = #(A,B))

will create the interval matrix



printed on your Scilab window as :

 C  =
!|1,2|  |2,3|  !
!              !
!|3,4|  |4,5|  !

The following example shows the different possibilities for interval element creation :

--> interval(0,1)
 ans  =

--> C = interval(A)
 C  =
!|1,1|  |2,2|  !
!              !
!|3,3|  |4,4|  !

--> C = interval(A,7)
 C  =
!|1,7|  |2,7|  !
!              !
!|3,7|  |4,7|  !

The notation interval(x) is equivalent to interval(x,x). Such an interval [x,x] is called a degenerate interval.

An interval can also be created with the function mradius which takes as input the mid-point value and the radius of the interval. For example if x and r are real the call mradius(x,r) will create the interval [x-r,x+r].

We may also use mradius with an interval as mid-point. If x=[xi,xs], then the call mradius(x,r) will create the interval [xi-r,xs+r].

The function mradius is extended for mid-point matrix/vectors with real or matrix radius. For example:

-->A = [1,2;3,4]

-->B = [2,3;4,5]

-->S = mradius(A,2)

-->T = mradius(A,B)

will create the interval matrices :

 S  =Int4Sci_Tutorial.htm
!|-1,3|  |0,4|  !
!               !
!|1,5|   |2,6|  !

 T  =
!|-1,3|  |-1,5|  !
!                !
!|-1,7|  |-1,9|  !



A-2 Interval characteristics

An interval t=[x,y] has basic characteristics that can be retrieved with Int4Sci functions :

  • Functions inf and sup for getting he lower and upper bound x and y of the interval t .
  • Function mid for getting the mid-point of t defined as (y+x)/2.
  • Function rad for getting the radius of t defined as |y-x|/2.
  • Function width for getting the interval width defined as twice the radius.
  • Function mag for getting the interval magnitude defined as the maximum of the absolute value of its bounds.
  • Function mig for getting the interval mignitude defined as the minimum of the absolute values of all reals included in the interval.

All those definitions are extended here to interval matrix or vector :

--> C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|-1,2|  |-2,3|  !
!                !
!|3,4|   |4,5|   !
--> inf(C)
 ans  =
  - 1.  - 2.  
    3.    4.  
--> sup(C)
 ans  =
    2.    3.  
    4.    5.  
--> mid(C)
 ans  =
    0.5    0.5  
    3.5    4.5  
--> rad(C)
 ans  =
    1.5    2.5  
    0.5    0.5  
--> width(C)
 ans  =
    3.    5.  
    1.    1.  
--> mag(C)
 ans  =
    2.    3.  
    4.    5.  
--> mig(C)
 ans  =
    0.    0.  
    3.    4. 


A-3 Operation on intervals

Interval arithmetic theory defines the intersection of two intervals as the interval containing all the reals that belong to both intervals.

The function t=intersection(x,y) allows using such functionality for interval matrix or vector by returning t, an interval vector or matrix containing the intersection of each x and y components. For example :

-->A = [1,2;-4,-5];
-->B = [2,4;-2,-3];
-->C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|1,2|    |2,4|    !
!                  !
!|-4,-2|  |-5,-3|  !
-->D=  [0,3;-3,-4];
-->E = interval(D,B)
 E  =
!|0,2|    |3,4|    !
!                  !
!|-3,-2|  |-4,-3|  !
-->F = intersection(C,E)
 F  =
!|1,2|    |3,4|    !
!                  !
!|-3,-2|  |-4,-3|  !

It may occur that the intersection of two intervals is the empty set represented by |Nan,Nan|. To test if an interval is the empty set you may use the isempty function.

The inclusion of an interval or a real into another interval is checked with the function in :

 ans  =
  T F  
  F F  

Finally, hull and dothull furnish respectively hull and element-wise hull calculations :

--> a = #([1,2,3;4,5,6],[3,4,5;6,7,8]);

--> b = #([2,-3,4;-%inf,6,6],11);

--> dothull(a,b)
 ans  =
!|1,11|     |-3,11|  |3,11|  !
!                            !
!|-Inf,11|  |5,11|   |6,11|  !

--> hull(a,b)
 ans  =


A-4 Manipulation of interval structures

Int4Sci offers tools that allow the manipulation of interval structures. These tools use a syntax close to Scilab functions. Their name and role for any mathematical structure are coherent with other Scilab functions

For further information, the help for a Scilab function is obtained with :

--> help function-name;

And for the functions of Int4Sci, the help is obtained with :

--> help interval;
--> help I4S_Basic_Func;
--> help I4S_Functions;


A-4-1 Scilab-like functions

The following functions of Scilab keep their classical uses and definitions :

': returns the transpose of an interval matrix or vector (help quote;)

diag: returns the diagonal of an interval matrix or creates a diagonal interval matrix based on an interval vector

sum: returns the sum of the components of an interval matrix or vector (see the section Interval arithmetic for addition of intervals)

Insertion and extraction for interval matrices or vectors: intervals can be inserted/extracted into/from a real/interval matrix or vector ( help insertion; help extraction;)

matrix: resize an interval vector or matrix

size: for an interval matrix/vector,size returns the number of its rows and columns.

length: for an interval matrix/vector, length returns the total number of elements it contains.


-->A = [1,2,3;-3,-4,-5];
-->B = [2,3,4;-2,-3,-4];
-->C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|1,2|    |2,3|    |3,4|    !
!                           !
!|-3,-2|  |-4,-3|  |-5,-4|  !
-->D = C' //transpose
 D  =
!|1,2|  |-3,-2|  !
!                !
!|2,3|  |-4,-3|  !
!                !
!|3,4|  |-5,-4|  !
-->matrix(D,[2,3])//returns C
 ans  =
!|1,2|  |3,4|    |-4,-3|  !
!                         !
!|2,3|  |-3,-2|  |-5,-4|  !
-->E = diag(C)
 E  =
!|1,2|    !
!         !
!|-4,-3|  !
 ans  =
!|1,2|  |0,0|    !
!                !
!|0,0|  |-4,-3|  !
 C  =
!|1,2|    |2,3|    |3,4|    !
!                           !
!|-3,-2|  |-4,-3|  |-5,-4|  !
 ans  =
 ans  =
!|-2,0|  |-2,0|  |-2,0|  !
-->C(1,1) = #(-20,20)
 C  =
!|-20,20|  |2,3|    |3,4|    !
!                            !
!|-3,-2|   |-4,-3|  |-5,-4|  !
 ans  =
!|2,3|    !
!         !
!|-4,-3|  !
 A  =
    1.    2.    3.  
  - 3.  - 4.  - 5.  
-->A(1:2,2) = #([-10;-30],[10;30])
 A  =
!|1,1|    |-10,10|  |3,3|    !
!                            !
!|-3,-3|  |-30,30|  |-5,-5|  !

 ans  =
    2.    3.  
 ans  =
 ans  =



A-4-2 Other functions

norm: this function is an overload for intervals of the Scilab norm function. Various norms may be defined for a real matrix t and have been extended to interval matrix.

Int4Sci provides the following norms :

  • infinity norm: the real defined as the maximum row sum, where the row sum is the sum of the absolute values of the elements in a given row
  • The 1_norm: the real defined as the maximum column sum, where the column sum is the sum of the absolute values of the elements in a given column.

See the section Elementary Functions for the definition of the absolute value of interval.

The infinity norm exists too for an interval vector t, and is defined as the largest absolute value of the components of t. The 1_norm for interval vector is based on the p_norm defined as :

  • y=sum(t(i)^p))^(1/p)( see Arithmetic operations below for power of intervals). The default norm returned by norm(t) is the 2_norm (i.e. p=2).

Interval order: The use of >, >=, <, <=, ==, <> is possible in Int4Sci. These operators will return a Boolean value as for reals. An interval x is greater than an other one y if the lower bound of x is greater than the upper bound of y. This definition is extended for >=, < and <=.

== and <> will compare respectively the equality/inequality of the bounds of two different intervals.


-->A = [1,2,3;-3,-4,-5];
-->B = [2,3,4;-2,-3,-4];
-->C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|1,2|    |2,3|    |3,4|    !
!                           !
!|-3,-2|  |-4,-3|  |-5,-4|  !
-->E = norm(C)
 E  =
-->E = norm(C(1,:),5)
 E  =
 C  =
!|1,2|    |2,3|    |3,4|    !
!                           !
!|-3,-2|  |-4,-3|  |-5,-4|  !
-->C(1,:) < C(2,:)
 ans  =
  F F F  
-->C(1,:) > C(2,:)
 ans  =
  T T T  
-->C(1,:) == C(2,:)
 ans  =
  F F F  
-->C(1,:) <> C(2,:)
 ans  =
  T T T  


A-4-3 Adding your own function

You can add your own functions in Int4Sci.

For that :

1- Write your own function in the file intervaloperator.sci located in the directory HighLevel.

2- Close any Scilab windows in which you have used Int4Sci.

3- Open a Scilab window and type exec loader.sce;.

For further explanation about function writing or overloading in Scilab:

help function;

help functions;

help overloading;


help I4S_Functions;


B Interval arithmetic

B-1 Elementary operator

Classical interval arithmetic is implemented in this interface. It is possible to add, subtract, multiply or divide two intervals. Int4Sci implements the extension to interval matrices or vectors of the the classical Scilab operator: +, -, *( matrix multiplication), .*( element-wise multiplication), .*.( Kronecker multiplication ), / (multiplication with the inverse of a matrix), ./ (element-wise division), .\ (element-wise left division) and \. For interval arithmetic the \ operator is the inverse of / (i.e. B\A is equivalent to A/B). Note that this symbol is also used for linear system solving (see the section Solving Interval Linear System).

These operations can usually be applied to:

  • interval vectors or matrices of compatible size
  • interval matrix or vector and an interval (in which case the operation is performed between all elements of the matrix/vector and the interval)
  • interval and real vector/matrix

Exceptions are for the Kronecker multiplication (defined whatever is the vector/matrix size) and for the "divisions" ( / and \ are only available for operations between an interval matrix/vector and a simple interval).

Note that a division by an interval including 0 returns the interval ]-inf,+inf[ (i.e. the set of real numbers printed as |-Inf,Inf| on Scilab ). In theory, such an operation should return the union of two intervals. For example [1,2]/[-1,1] is defined as the set of real numbers x such that it exists y in [1,2] and z in [-1,1] such that x = y/z and consequently this set is ]-inf,-2] union [1,+inf[. Hence the result provided by / is conservative and the exact result for the division of two single intervals may be obtained with the function extdiv whose result is a list of two interval.

Note also that the division by the degenerate interval [0,0] will return the interval [Nan,Nan].

All arithmetic operations are performed through a call to an appropriate procedure of the BIAS/PROFIL interval library.


-->#(0,1) + #(-1,1)
 ans  =
-->#(-1,1)- #(-1,1)
 ans  =
-->#(0,1)* #(-1,1)
 ans  =
-->#(1,2) / #(3,4)
 ans  =

 ans  =

-->A = [1,2,3;-3,-4,-5];
-->B = [2,3,4;2,3,4];

-->C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|1,2|   |2,3|   |3,4|   !
!                        !
!|-3,2|  |-4,3|  |-5,4|  !
-->D = C + 3
 D  =
!|4,5|  |5,6|   |6,7|   !
!                       !
!|0,5|  |-1,6|  |-2,7|  !
-->E = C + #(0,1)
 E  =
!|1,3|   |2,4|   |3,5|   !
!                        !
!|-3,3|  |-4,4|  |-5,5|  !
-->F = D + E
 F  =
!|5,8|   |7,10|   |9,12|   !
!                          !
!|-3,8|  |-5,10|  |-7,12|  !
-->F = D - E
 F  =
!|1,4|   |1,4|    |1,4|    !
!                          !
!|-3,8|  |-5,10|  |-7,12|  !

-->F.*C // Element wise multiplication
 ans  =
!|1,8|     |2,12|    |3,16|    !
!                              !
!|-24,16|  |-40,30|  |-60,48|  !

-->F*C' //matrix-matrix multiplication
 ans  =
!|6,36|    |-48,36|   !
!                     !
!|-49,94|  |-124,94|  !

Power ^ is also defined for interval and matrix while .^ denotes element-wise power. The power should be either an integer or a real between -1 and 1. For such reals, a root calculation is performed element-wise (with .^) only for intervals containing a positive part.

The square root function sqrt exists too.


-->A = [1,2;-3,-4];
-->B = [2,3;2,3];
-->C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|1,2|   |2,3|   !
!                !
!|-3,2|  |-4,3|  !

 ans  =
!|-61,50|  |-84,75|    !
!                      !
!|-96,95|  |-133,132|  !
 ans  =
!|1,8|     |8,27|    !
!                    !
!|-27,18|  |-64,48|  !
 ans  =
!|1,1.259921|  |1.259921,1.4422496|  !
!                                    !
!|0,1.259921|  |0,1.4422496|         !

 ans  =
!|1,1.4142136|  |1.4142136,1.7320508|  !
!                                      !
!|0,1.4142136|  |0,1.7320508|          !
-->n = [1,2./3;3,4]
 n  =
    1.    0.6666667  
    3.    4.         
 ans  =
!|1,2|     |1.4142136,1.7320508|  !
!                                 !
!|-27,18|  |0,256|                !


help I4S_Arith_Op;


B-2 Elementary Functions

Interval arithmetic in Int4Sci allows also one to use basic unary functions whose list is presented below. These functions may also be used for interval matrix and vector.

List of Scilab arithmetic functions that may be applied to interval :

-->A = [1,2;-3,-4];
-->B = [2,3;2,3];
-->C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|1,2|   |2,3|   !
!                !
!|-3,2|  |-4,3|  !
-->abs(C) //absolute value
 ans  =
!|1,2|  |2,3|  !
!              !
!|0,3|  |0,4|  !
-->exp(C) //exponential
 ans  =
!|2.7182818,7.3890561|  |7.3890561,20.085537|  !
!                                              !
!|0.0497871,7.3890561|  |0.0183156,20.085537|  !
-->log(C) //natural logarithm
 ans  =
!|0,0.6931472|     |0.6931472,1.0986123|  !
!                                         !
!|-Inf,0.6931472|  |-Inf,1.0986123|       !
-->log10(C) // logarithm with base 10
 ans  =
!|0,0.30103|     |0.30103,0.4771213|  !
!                                     !
!|-Inf,0.30103|  |-Inf,0.4771213|     !
-->A = [%pi/6;-%pi/3];
-->B = [%pi/3;-%pi/6];

-->C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|0.5235988,1.0471976|    !
!                         !
!|-1.0471976,-0.5235988|  !
 ans  =
!|0.5,0.8660254|    !
!                   !
!|-0.8660254,-0.5|  !
 ans  =
!|0.5,0.8660254|  !
!                 !
!|0.5,0.8660254|  !
 ans  =
!|0.5773503,1.7320508|    !
!                         !
!|-1.7320508,-0.5773503|  !
 ans  =
!|0.5773503,1.7320508|    !
!                         !
!|-1.7320508,-0.5773503|  !
-->A = [0.2;0.5];
-->B = [1;0.9];
-->C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|0.2,1|    !
!           !
!|0.5,0.9|  !
 ans  =
!|0.2013579,1.5707963|  !
!                       !
!|0.5235988,1.1197695|  !

 ans  =
!|0,1.3694384|          !
!                       !
!|0.4510268,1.0471976|  !
 ans  =
!|0.1973956,0.7853982|  !
!                       !
!|0.4636476,0.7328151|  !
-->A = [2;3];
-->B = [4;6];
-->C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|2,4|  !
!       !
!|3,6|  !
 ans  =
!|3.6268604,27.289917|  !
!                       !
!|10.017875,201.71316|  !
 ans  =
!|3.7036859,27.366743|  !
!                       !
!|10.044008,201.73929|  !
 ans  =
!|0.1325280,7.3683131|  !
!                       !
!|0.0496575,20.082935|  !
 ans  =
!|0.1357163,7.5455737|  !
!                       !
!|0.0497935,20.137933|  !

 ans  =
!|1.4436355,2.0947125|  !
!                       !
!|1.8184465,2.4917799|  !
 ans  =
!|1.3169579,2.0634371|  !
!                       !
!|1.7627472,2.4778887|  !
 ans  =
!|0.2554128,0.5493061|  !
!                       !
!|0.1682361,0.3465736|  !

There may be restrictions for some of these functions in terms of definition domain: for example the function asin should be called with an interval included in [-1,1]. If not, a fatal error is returned.

Note that the result returned by BIAS are certified with respect to numerical round-off errors. Hence the result of Int4Sci may be rounded. For example log(#(1,2)) is computed as [-0.49 10-323,0.693..] (depending on your Scilab version and your computer) although it should be [0,0.693..].


help I4S_Arith_Func;


B-3 Natural Evaluation

An interval evaluation of a single variable function f(x) over a range X for x is an interval Y=[yi,ys] such that for all x in X we have :

yi <= f(x) <= ys

There are many ways to calculate the interval evaluation of a function. The most simple one is to use interval arithmetic by substituting all mathematical operators in f by their interval equivalent. Consider for example the function f(x) = x^2-2x +1 that has to be interval evaluated over the range [0,2].

On Scilab :

-->function y=f(x)
-->y = x^2-2*x+1

-->//Evaluation of f(x) = x^2-2x-1 for x in |0,2|
-->// Natural extension of f to intervals
 X  =
 ans  =


We may consider now another formulation of f, which may be written as f1(x) = (x-1)^2.

-->function y=f1(x)                              
-->y = (x-1)^2                                   
-->//Evaluation of f(x) = x^2-2x-1 for x in |0,2|

-->// Same extension written on an other form : f(x) = f1(x) = (x-1)^2
 X  =
 ans  =

It may be seen that two different values are returned. This simple example shows the complexity of a function evaluation. It is due to interval arithmetic rules that may lead to an overestimation of the lower and upper bounds. Note that there is a single occurrence of the variable x in (x-1)^2 : in that case the natural evaluation [yi,ys] is optimal i.e. there are x1, x2 in X such that f(x1) = yi, f(x2) = ys while yi <= f(x) <= ys holds for all x in X.

Natural evaluation can evidently be extended to multi-variate functions.


C Solving with interval analysis

C-1 Solving interval linear system

Int4Sci allows the solving of interval linear systems AX = b where A is an interval square matrix of dimensions n x n and b an n-dimensional interval vector.

A linear interval system represents a set of real linear systems and solving such system means finding a domain, called the enclosure of the system, that includes the solutions of all systems in the set.

Such system may be solved if A is not singular (meaning there is no real matrix a included in A such as det(a) = 0) but the current version of Int4Sci does not offer the possibility of checking the regularity of an interval matrix.

The current version of Int4Sci is not able to deal with system involving infinite element(s).

By default the usual Scilab symbol for linear resolution \ is used in Int4Sci and the call X = A\b involves a call to the BIAS/PROFIL interval linear system solver ILSS.

However other algorithms for solving interval linear system are available by using the I4Slinearsolve function. This function allows choosing different methods that are defined in [Hansen03], [Jaulin01] and [Neumaier90] and are implemented in the PROFIL library.

The following methods are available:

  • PROFIL ILSS method called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b) (default execution equivalent to A\b).
  • Gauss elimination method called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,"GE").
  • Gauss elimination method with preconditioning called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,"PGE").
  • Bareiss method called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,"B").
  • Bareiss method with preconditioning called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,"PB").
  • Hansen Bliek method called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,"HB").
  • Hansen Bliek method with preconditioning called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,"PHB").

Some methods, called contractor, require an initial estimation of the solution, here called y:

  • Krawczyck contractor method called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,y,"K").
  • Krawczyck contractor method with preconditioning called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,y,"PK").
  • Faster Krawczyck contractor method called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,y,"KGS").
  • Faster Krawczyck contractor method with preconditioning called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,y,"PKGS").
  • Gauss Seidel contractor method called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,y,"GS").
  • Gauss Seidel contractor method with preconditioning called by I4Slinearsolve(A,b,y,"PGS").

If any other string than the twelve shown above is used, or if any contractor method is called without initial estimation, then an error will occur and will stop the calculation.

Note that the preconditioning usually improves the efficiency in terms of size of the enclosure and computation time. Refer to the I4Slinearsolve help for more details about preconditioning.

In most cases these methods will not return the same enclosure for a given interval linear system. The contractor methods may, for example, be used to refine a solution found with Gauss elimination, Bareiss or Hansen Bliek method.


-->Ai = [2,0;1,2];
-->As = [3,1;2,3];
-->A = interval(Ai,As)
 A  =
!|2,3|  |0,1|  !
!              !
!|1,2|  |2,3|  !
-->bi = [0;60];
-->bs = [120;240];
-->b = interval(bi,bs)
 b  =
!|0,120|   !
!          !
!|60,240|  !
-->A\b // default execution
 ans  =
!|-141.78491,169.05764|  !
!                        !
!|-165.41018,269.04655|  !
-->x = I4Slinearsolve(A,b,"GE")
 x  =
!|-120,90|  !
!           !
!|-60,240|  !
-->I4Slinearsolve(A,b,x,"K") // try to see if x is the sharpest solution
  Krawczyck's test failure   
 ans  =
!|-120,90|  !
!           !
!|-60,240|  !
-->// it doesn't work because A is not adapted for this method
  no more intersection during iterative Gauss Seidel algorithm   
 ans  =
!|-120,90|  !
!           !
!|-60,240|  !
-->// x is maybe included in an enclosure of the solution
-->// Let's try with preconditioning methods
-->x = I4Slinearsolve(A,b,"PGE")
 x  =
!|-130.22727,167.72727|  !
!                        !
!|-60,267.27273|         !

-->A = #([4,-1,1.5;-0.5,-7,1;-1.5,-0.7,2],[5,1,2.5;.5,-5,2;-.5,-.5,3])
 A  =
!|4,5|        |-1,1|       |1.5,2.5|  !
!                                     !
!|-0.5,0.5|   |-7,-5|      |1,2|      !
!                                     !
!|-1.5,-0.5|  |-0.7,-0.5|  |2,3|      !
-->b = #([3;0;3],[4;2;4])
 b  =
!|3,4|  !
!       !
!|0,2|  !
!       !
!|3,4|  !
 ans  =
!|-1.2138764,1.4405166|  !
!                        !
!|-0.9653743,1.3795559|  !
!                        !
!|-0.0567019,3.0467616|  !

 ans  =
!|-1.8192789,1.1687204|  !
!                        !
!|-0.4140698,1.7252296|  !
!                        !
!|0.7002321,3.4207543|   !
 ans  =
!|-3.4419653,3.7186643|  !
!                        !
!|-3.3077733,4.0960635|  !
!                        !
!|0.2051336,10.214535|   !


help I4Slinearsolve;


D Designing your own interval analysis solver

One purpose of Int4Sci is also to allow you to prototype your own solving algorithm. Int4Sci offers some basic building blocks to design your software.

D-1 Bisection

Bisection is a key element of most interval analysis algorithm. Int4Sci hence offers a general purpose bisection tool with the operator :.

t:k bisects an interval t = [xi,xs] in k ranges [xi+(j-1)(xs-xi)/k,xi+j(xs-xi)/k] for j in [1,k]. The result is stored in a k element list.

If t is an interval matrix/vector, t:k bisects the t component with the largest width. Any t component can be cut by adding its Scilab line matrix index g : t:k:g .

Finally, k can be a real in ]0,1]. In this case t:k creates the two ranges [xi,xi+k(xs-xi)] and [xi+k(xs-xi),xs] stored in a two element list.


 ans  =
 ans  =

 ans  =

-->A = [-1,-2;3,4];
-->B = [2,3;4,5];
-->C = interval(A,B)
 C  =
!|-1,2|  |-2,3|  !
!                !
!|3,4|   |4,5|   !
 ans  =
!|-1,2|  |-2,0.5|  !
!                  !
!|3,4|   |4,5|     !
!|-1,2|  |0.5,3|  !
!                 !
!|3,4|   |4,5|    !
 ans  =
!|-1,2|  |-2,0.5|  !
!                  !
!|3,4|   |4,5|     !
!|-1,2|  |0.5,3|  !
!                 !
!|3,4|   |4,5|    !


help I4S_Basic_Tools;



Raphael PEREIRA, David DANEY, Jean Pierre MERLET

COPRIN Project

INRIA Sophia Antipolis

Contacts :



[Hansen03] E. Hansen, and G. W. Walster, Global Optimization Using Interval Analysis, Marcel Dekker, 2003.

[Jaulin01] L. Jaulin, M. Kieffer, O. Didrit, and E. Walter, Applied Interval Analysis with Examples in Parameter and State Estimation, Robust Control and Robotics, Springer-Verlag, 2001.

[Rump99] S. M. Rump, Fast And Parallel Interval Arithmetic, Springer Netherlands, 1999.

[Kearfott96] R. Baker Kearfott, Rigorous Global Search : Continuous Problems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.

[Neumaier90] A. Neumaier, Interval Methods For Systems Of Equations, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990.

[Moore66] R. E. Moore, Interval Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1966.

INRIA Scilab coprin