Second Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing
in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH

REGISTRATION (deadline June, 30th)

Registration fees:

For EG members:
Student or AIM@SHAPE fellow: 200 Euros
Researcher: 300 Euros
Industry: 400 Euros

For non EG members:
Student: 200 + 45 = 245 Euros
AIM@SHAPE fellow: 200 + 90 = 290 Euros
Researcher: 300 + 90 = 390 Euros
Industry: 400 + 90 = 490 Euros

Download registration form : [doc] [pdf]

We invite you to register as soon as possible.

NOTE: paying by cash at the conference is also possible. But you have to send your registration form before (mentioning you will pay by cash) in order to
- appear on the list of participants
- get a badge
- be sure you have the proceedings


Call for papers
Important dates

Invited speakers
Social event

Conference venue
Getting there