Geometric concepts and CGAL

Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) (formerly Integrated Action Program (PAI)) Amadeus (2007-2008)

INRIA Geometrica Graz University of Technology


Oswin Aichholzer, Franz Aurenhammer, Olivier Devillers, Thomas Hackl, Monique Teillaud, and Birgit Vogtenhuber.
Counting Quadrics and Delaunay Triangulations and a new Convex Hull Theorem. Research Report 6748, INRIA, 2008.

Oswin Aichholzer, Franz Aurenhammer, Olivier Devillers, Thomas Hackl, Monique Teillaud, and Birgit Vogtenhuber.
Lower and upper bounds on the number of empty cylinders and ellipsoids. In Abstracts 25th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, Brussels, Belgium, 2009.


December 9-12, 2008 Manuel Caroli and Monique Teillaud visit Graz University.
Manuel Caroli gives a talk on recent advances on computing 3D triangulations in periodic spaces.
November 17-21, 2008 Olivier Devillers visits Graz University.
November 3-7, 2008 Oswin Aichholzer, Wolfgang Aigner and Bernhard Kornberger visit INRIA Geometrica.
Wolfgang Aigner gives a talk on the computation of the medial axes for polygons which are represented by line segments and circular arcs.

December 17-21, 2007 Olivier Devillers visits Graz University.
November 8-16, 2007 Manuel Caroli visits Graz University.
September 26 - October 2, 2007 Bernhard Kornberger visits INRIA Geometrica.
He also attends the Workshop on Robust Shape Operations organized by Monique Teillaud.
July 16-20, 2007 Oswin Aichholzer and Birgit Vogtenhuber visit INRIA Geometrica.
They give a talk on Maximizing Maximal Angles for Plane Straight-Line Graphs
July 9-11, 2007 Monique Teillaud visits Graz University.
March 19-21, 2007 Monique Teillaud attends the 23rd European Workshop on Computational Geometry organized by the PHC participants in Graz.
January 1st, 2007. The PHC officially starts!

December 11-22, 2006 Bernhard Kornberger visits INRIA Geometrica.
He gives a talk on Approximation of solids by unions of spheres.
November 25-27, 2005 Monique Teillaud is invited by Graz University.
She gives a course on CGAL.

Monique Teillaud