
00001 /*******************************************************************
00002  *   This file is part of the source code of the SYNAPS kernel.
00003  *   Author(s): B. Mourrain, GALAAD, INRIA
00004  ********************************************************************/
00005 #ifndef synaps_topology_inter_points_h
00006 #define synaps_topology_inter_points_h
00007 //===================================================================
00008 #include <synaps/init.h>
00009 #include <synaps/topology/point_graph.h>
00010 //===================================================================
00013 // for sorting
00014 struct XMAJOR
00015 {
00016   template<class T>
00017   static bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00018   {
00019     return (a->pnt[0]<b->pnt[0]);
00020   }
00021   template<class T>
00022   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00023   {
00024     return less(a,b);
00025   }
00026 };
00027 struct YMAJOR
00028 {
00029   template<class T>
00030   static bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00031   {
00032     return (a->pnt[1]<b->pnt[1]);
00033   }
00034   template<class T>
00035   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00036   {
00037     return less(a,b);
00038   }
00039 };
00040 struct ZMAJOR
00041 {
00042   template<class T>
00043   static bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00044   {
00045     return (a->pnt[2]<b->pnt[2]);
00046   }
00047   template<class T>
00048   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00049   {
00050     return less(a,b);
00051   }
00052 };
00054 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00055 struct XPT
00056 {
00057   template<class T>
00058   static bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00059   {
00060     return (a[0]<b[0]);
00061   }
00062   template<class T>
00063   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00064   {
00065     return less(a,b);
00066   }
00067 };
00068 struct YPT
00069 {
00070   template<class T>
00071   static bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00072   {
00073     return (a[1]<b[1]);
00074   }
00075   template<class T>
00076   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00077   {
00078     return less(a,b);
00079   }
00080 };
00081 struct ZPT
00082 {
00083   template<class T>
00084   static bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00085   {
00086     return (a[2]<b[2]);
00087   }
00088   template<class T>
00089   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00090   {
00091     return less(a,b);
00092   }
00093 };
00094 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00095 template<class point_t>
00096 struct XYPLANE
00097 {
00098   point_t center;
00100   XYPLANE(const point_t& pt): center(pt){};
00102   template<class T>
00103   bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00104   {
00105     return ((a[0]-center[0]) * (b[1]-center[1]) <= (b[0]-center[0]) * (a[1]-center[1]));
00106   }
00107   template<class T>
00108   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00109   {
00110     return less(a,b);
00111   }
00112 };
00115 template<class point_t>
00116 struct XZPLANE
00117 {
00118   point_t center;
00120   XZPLANE(const point_t& pt): center(pt){};
00122   template<class T>
00123   bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00124   {
00125     return ((a[0]-center[0]) * (b[2]-center[2]) <= (b[0]-center[0]) * (a[2]-center[2]));
00126   }
00127   template<class T>
00128   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00129   {
00130     return less(a,b);
00131   }
00132 };
00134 template<class point_t>
00135 struct YZPLANE
00136 {
00137   point_t center;
00139   YZPLANE(const point_t& pt): center(pt){};
00141   template<class T>
00142   bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00143   {
00144     return ((a[1]-center[1]) * (b[2]-center[2]) <= (b[1]-center[1]) * (a[2]-center[2]));
00145   }
00146   template<class T>
00147   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00148   {
00149     return less(a,b);
00150   }
00151 };
00152 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00153 #define _is_singular(x) ((x) < 1e-6 && (x) > -1e-6)
00154 #define _is_verysmall(x) (std::abs(x)<1e-3)
00155 template<class POINT>
00156 bool same_point(const POINT & a, const POINT & b)
00157 {
00158   return (_is_singular(a[0]-b[0]) && _is_singular(a[1]-b[1]) && _is_singular(a[2]-b[2]));
00159 }
00160 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00161 // maximum number of faces that will be computed for each cell
00162 #define MAX_FACEIDX 3
00163 // index of a cell to be computed per computation for a face
00164 static int _cellidx[] =  { 0, 0, 0,  1, 1, 1,  2, 2, 2,   3, 3, 3,
00165                            4, 4, 4,  5, 5, 5,  6, 6, 6,   7, 7, 7};
00166 // index of a face that needed to compute the intersections; a cell has at most
00167 // 2 faces needed to be computed; if a cell gets less than 3 faces to be computed,
00168 // a -1 index will hold the place
00169 static int _faceidx[] =  { 1, 3, 5,  3, 5,-1,  1, 5,-1,   5,-1,-1,
00170                            1, 3,-1,  3,-1,-1,  1,-1,-1,  -1,-1,-1};
00171 // index of a subcell that sharing a faces, for each face indicated by _faceidx
00172 static int _shareidx[] = { 1, 2, 4,  3, 5,-1,  3, 6,-1,  7,-1,-1,
00173                            5, 6,-1,  7,-1,-1,  7,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1};
00174 // index of faces that the subcells inherits from their parent cells
00175 static int _inheritidx[]={ 0, 2, 4,  1, 2, 4,  0, 3, 4,  1, 3, 4,
00176                            0, 2, 5,  1, 2, 5,  0, 3, 5,  1, 3, 5};
00178 // index of axis that represent the plane (of a cell face), see also inter->nPlane
00179 static int plane_axisidx[] = {1, 2,
00180                               0, 2,
00181                               0, 1}; // first and second indices for x-, y-, or z-major intersection
00182 // index of subcell that should inherit the intersection from its parent cell (after various test)
00183 static int subcellidx[]    = {0, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 7,  // x-major (intersection lies on YZ plane)
00184                               0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7,  // y-major (intersection lies on XZ plane)
00185                               0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7}; // z-major (intersection lies on XY plane)
00188 // enum PLANE indices
00189 enum PLANES
00190 {
00191     PLANEYZ = 0,
00192     PLANEXZ = 1,
00193     PLANEXY = 2
00194 };
00196 //====================================================================
00197 // custom structures
00199 // intersection3d: the class for representing the intersections between the curve and cell facets
00200 //                 and a variety of information that is related to those intersections
00201 template < class C = double >
00202 struct intersection3d
00203 {
00204     // type definitions:
00206     typedef topology::point_graph<C>   pointgraph_t;
00207     typedef topology::point<C>         point_t;
00210     // constructors:
00212     intersection3d() : nMulti(1), nPlane(-1), nCount(0) {}
00213     intersection3d(const point_t& p, int plane = -1, int nMul = 1) : nMulti(nMul), nPlane(plane), nCount(0) {pnt = p;}
00214     intersection3d(const intersection3d& i) : nCount(0) {assign(i);}
00217     // member data:
00219     point_t pnt;    // the intersection point
00220     point_t der;    // kth order derivative if derivative k-1 of curve at pnt vanishes;
00221     int nMulti;     // its multiplicity
00222     int nPlane;     // the id of the plane (yz=0, xz=1, xy=2)
00224     // ephemeral data, won't be duped by assign
00225     int nFlag;      // temporary flags, for buiding graphs, house keeping etc.
00226     int nCount;     // an incremental count for traversal
00227     int nDepth;
00229     // member functions:
00231     void assign(const intersection3d& i)
00232     {
00233         pnt = i.pnt;
00234         der = i.der;
00235         nMulti = i.nMulti;
00236         nPlane = i.nPlane;
00237     }
00239     intersection3d&  operator = (const intersection3d& i)
00240     {
00241         assign(i);
00242         return *this;
00243     }
00244   C operator[](unsigned i) {return pnt[i];}
00247 };
00248 //====================================================================
00249 // for comparison between two 'intersections'
00250 int ptcmp(const shared_object<intersection3d<double>*>& p1, 
00251           const shared_object<intersection3d<double>*>& p2)
00252 {
00253     return ptcmp(rep(p1)->pnt,rep(p2)->pnt);
00254 }
00256 //===================================================================
00258 #endif //synaps_topology_inter_points_h
