
00001 /*********************************************************************
00002 *      This file is part of the source code of SYNAPS library        *
00003 *   Author(s): F.Carreras, C.Tanasescu, I. Necula, Univ. Santander   *
00004 *              G. Gatellier, A. Labrouzy,                            *
00005 *              O.Ruatta, B. Mourrain, GALAAD, INRIA                  *
00006 **********************************************************************/
00007 #ifndef synaps_sweep2d_topology_H
00008 #define synaps_sweep2d_topology_H
00009 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00010 #include <vector>
00011 #include <map>
00012 #include <synaps/init.h>
00013 #include <synaps/base/Seq.h>
00014 #include <synaps/arithm/gmp.h>
00015 #include <synaps/linalg/VectDse.h>
00016 #include <synaps/linalg/MatrDse.h>
00017 #include <synaps/upol/UPolDse.h>
00018 #include <synaps/upol/SturmSeq.h>
00019 #include <synaps/upol/square_free.h>
00020 #include <synaps/mpol/MPol.h>
00021 #include <synaps/mpol/let.h>
00022 #include <synaps/mpol/subs.h>
00023 #include <synaps/usolve/Aberth.h>
00024 #include <synaps/topology/point.h>
00025 #include <synaps/topology/point_graph.h>
00028 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00030 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00031 namespace projection
00032 {
00038   template<class C>
00039   struct list_X_Y
00040   {
00041     Seq<C>             X;
00042     Seq<Seq<C> >       Y;
00043     Seq<int>           I; 
00044     void clear()
00045     {
00046       X.resize(0);
00047       Y.resize(0);
00048       I.resize(0);
00049     }
00051   };
00052   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00053   template<class C>
00054   void print(const list_X_Y<C>& L)
00055   {
00056     for(unsigned i=0;i<L.X.size();i++)
00057       std::cout<<L.X[i]<<" ["<<L.Y[i]<<"] "<<L.I[i]<<std::endl;
00058   }
00059   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00060   template<class C, class POL>
00061   POL easyquot (const POL& p, C beta, unsigned int n=1)
00062   {
00063     //    std::cout << "  easyquot "<<p<<" "<<beta<<" "<<n;
00064     POL r(p), l(C(1),1);
00065     l-= POL(beta,0);
00066     for(unsigned i=0;i<n;++i)
00067       r/=l;
00068     //    std::cout << " = "<<r<<std::endl;
00069     return r;
00070   }
00071   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00072   template<class C>
00073   unsigned insert(Seq<C>& L, const C& x)
00074   {
00075     unsigned i=0;
00076     typename Seq<C>::iterator it=L.begin();
00077     while(it !=L.end() && x> (*it) ) 
00078       {it++; i++;}
00079     L.rep().insert(it,x);
00080     //    std::cout<<"insert "<<x<<" : "<<L<<" : "<<i<<std::endl;
00081     return i;
00082   }
00083   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00084   template<class C>
00085   unsigned insert(list_X_Y<C>& L, const C& x, const Seq<C>& LY, int mu)
00086   {
00087     if(LY.size())
00088       {
00089         // std::cout <<"insert: "<<x<<" "<<LY<<" "<<mu<<std::endl;
00090         unsigned i=0;
00091         typename Seq<C>::iterator itX=L.X.begin();
00092         typename Seq<Seq<C> >::iterator itY=L.Y.begin();
00093         typename Seq<int>::iterator itI=L.I.begin();
00094         while(itX !=L.X.end() && x> (*itX) ) 
00095           {itX++; itY++; itI++, i++;}
00096         L.X.rep().insert(itX,x);
00097         L.Y.rep().insert(itY,LY);
00098         L.I.rep().insert(itI,mu);
00099         //      print(L);
00100       }
00101   }
00102   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00103   template<class C,class O, class R>
00104   UPolDse<double> eval_to_double(const MPol<C,O,R> & p, double x)
00105   {
00106     UPolDse<double> tmp(degree(p,1)+1, AsSize());
00107     VECTOR::init(tmp,0);
00108     double c;
00109     for(typename MPol<C,O,R>::const_iterator it=p.begin(); it !=p.end();it++)
00110       {
00111         unsigned d0=(*it)[0], d1=(*it)[1];
00112         c =let::convert(it->coeff(),type::As<double>());
00113         for(unsigned i=0;i<d0;i++) c*=x;
00114         tmp[d1]+=c;
00115       }
00116     return tmp;
00117   }
00119   template<class C>
00120   UPolDse<double> convert_to_double(const UPolDse<C> & P)
00121   {
00122     UPolDse<double> tmp(degree(P)+1, AsSize());
00123     for( unsigned  k=0; k< tmp.size();++k)
00124       let::assign(tmp[k],P[k]);
00125     return tmp;
00126   }
00128   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00129   template<class POL>
00130   POL change_x_minus_y(const POL& p)
00131   {
00132     return subs(0,POL("x0+x1"),p);
00133   }
00135   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00136   template<class GRAPH>
00137   void change_x_plus_y(GRAPH& g, int k)
00138   {
00139     if(k!=0)
00140       for(unsigned i=0;i< rep(g.Vertices).size(); i++)
00141         {
00142           rep(g.Vertices)[i][0]-=rep(g.Vertices)[i][1]*k;
00143         }
00144   }
00145   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00146   template<class GRAPH>
00147   void swap_x_y(GRAPH& g)
00148   {
00149     for(unsigned i=0;i< rep(g.Vertices).size(); i++)
00150       {
00151         std::swap(rep(g.Vertices)[i][0],rep(g.Vertices)[i][1]);
00152       }
00153   }
00155   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00156 }
00157 //====================================================================
00158 template<class O,  class SLV=SlvAberth<RR>, class X=double>
00159 struct TopSweep2d
00160 {
00161   typedef O solution_t;
00162   X eps;
00163   unsigned nbpt;
00164   TopSweep2d():nbpt(1),eps(1.e-4) {}
00165   TopSweep2d(const X& e):nbpt(1),eps(e) {}
00166   TopSweep2d(int n):nbpt(n),eps(1.e-4) {}
00167   TopSweep2d(const TopSweep2d & mth):nbpt(mth.nbpt),eps(mth.eps) {}
00169   typedef topology::point<double> point_t;
00170   typedef MatrDse<double>         m_solution_t;
00171   typedef Seq<VectDse<double> >   b_solution_t;
00172   typedef MPol<QQ>                equation_t;
00174   typedef Seq<RR>                 u_solution_t;
00176   template<class POL>
00177   u_solution_t u_solve(const POL &p)
00178   {
00179     return solve(p,SLV());
00180   }
00182   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00183   template<class POL, class C>
00184   bool IsGeneric1(const POL& p, const C& alpha, const C& beta)
00185   {
00186     std::vector<C> x(2); x[0]=alpha;x[1]=beta;
00187     C v= MPOLDST::eval<C>(p,x);
00188     return (std::abs(v)< this->eps);
00189   }
00191   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00192   template<class POL, class C>
00193   bool IsGeneric2(const POL& p, const C& alpha, const C& beta, int  k)
00194   {
00195     return true;
00196   }
00198   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00199   template<class C, class POL>
00200   void add_regular_y(Seq<C>& S,const POL& p,const C& alpha)
00201   {
00202     UPolDse<C> pol= projection::eval_to_double(p,alpha);
00203     u_solution_t y_sol = this->u_solve(pol);
00204     C beta;
00205     for(unsigned j=0;j<y_sol.size();j++)
00206       {
00207         let::assign(beta,y_sol[j]);
00208         S.push_back(beta);
00209       }
00210     std::sort(S.begin(),S.end());
00211   }
00212   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00215   template<class C, class POL>
00216   void add_regular_point(projection::list_X_Y<C> & L, 
00217                          const projection::list_X_Y<C> & L0, 
00218                          const POL& p,
00219                          unsigned N=1)
00220   {
00221     typedef C coeff_t;
00222     using let::convert;
00223     if(L0.X.size() && N)
00224       {
00225         coeff_t alpha,beta, dx;
00226         Seq<double>  SY;
00228         alpha=L0.X[0]-1;
00230         this->add_regular_y(SY,p,alpha);
00231         if(SY.size())
00232           {
00233             L.X.push_back(alpha);
00234             L.Y.push_back(SY);
00235             L.I.push_back(-1);
00236           }
00238         dx=coeff_t(1)/(N+1);
00239         for(unsigned l=1;l<N+1; l++)
00240         {
00241           alpha+=dx;
00242           SY.resize(0);
00243           this->add_regular_y(SY,p,alpha);
00244           if(SY.size())
00245           {
00246             L.X.push_back(alpha);
00247             L.Y.push_back(SY);
00248             L.I.push_back(-1);
00249           }
00250         }
00251         for(unsigned i=0;i<L0.X.size();i++)
00252           {
00253             L.X.push_back(L0.X[i]);
00254             L.I.push_back(L0.I[i]);
00255             L.Y.push_back(L0.Y[i]);
00256             if(i<int(L0.X.size()-1))
00257               dx=(L0.X[i+1]-L0.X[i])/(N+1);
00258             else 
00259               dx = C(1)/(N+1);
00260             alpha= L0.X[i]+dx;
00261             for(unsigned l=1;l<N+1; l++)
00262               {
00263                 SY.resize(0);
00264                 this->add_regular_y(SY,p,alpha);
00265                 if(SY.size())
00266                   {
00267                     L.X.push_back(alpha);
00268                     L.Y.push_back(SY);
00269                     L.I.push_back(-1);
00270                   }
00271                 alpha+=dx;
00272               }
00273           }
00274       }
00275     else
00276       {
00277         C alpha=-1;
00278         Seq<C> SY;
00279         L.X.push_back(alpha);
00280         L.I.push_back(-1);
00281         this->add_regular_y(SY,p,alpha);
00282         L.Y.push_back(SY);
00284         alpha=1;
00285         L.X.push_back(alpha);
00286         L.I.push_back(-1);
00287         SY.resize(0);
00288         this->add_regular_y(SY,p,alpha);
00289         L.Y.push_back(SY);
00290       }
00291   }
00295 template<class GAMMAS, class STURMSEQ>
00296 bool isgeneric(  GAMMAS & Gammas,  STURMSEQ & SH )
00297 {
00298   typedef typename GAMMAS::value_type   upol_t;
00299   typedef typename STURMSEQ::value_type bpol_t;
00300   //  DBG_PRINT(SH);
00301   for ( int i = 0; i < Gammas.size(); i ++ )
00302     {
00303       bpol_t SHi =  SH[SH.size()-i-2];
00304       upol_t betadenum =  SHi[i+1]*(i+1);
00305       upol_t betanum   = -SHi[i];
00306       if ( betadenum != 0 )
00307         {
00308           Rational<upol_t> f(betanum,betadenum);
00309           Rational<upol_t> r = SHi(f);
00310           upol_t nm = numerator(r);
00311           if ( nm % Gammas[i] != 0 )  return false;
00312           for ( int k = 0; k < i; k++ )
00313             {
00314               SHi = diff(SHi);
00315               r  = SHi(f);
00316               nm = numerator(r);
00317               if ( nm % Gammas[i] != 0 ) return false;
00318             };
00319         };
00320     };
00321   return true;
00322 };
00325   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00326   template<class C, class POL>
00327   bool insert_char_points(projection::list_X_Y<C> & L, 
00328                           const POL & p1, const POL& p2,
00329                           bool both=false)
00330   {
00331     typedef POL mpol_t;
00332     typedef ZZ coeff_t;
00333     typedef UPolDse<coeff_t> upol_t;
00334     typedef UPolDse<UPolDse<coeff_t> > bpol_t;
00335     typedef std::vector<upol_t> vector_t;
00337     using let::assign;
00338     using let::convert;
00340     bpol_t p; assign(p,p1,1);
00341     bpol_t q; assign(q,p2,1);
00343     std::cout<<"p1: "<<p<<std::endl; 
00344     std::cout<<"p2: "<<q<<std::endl; 
00345     bpol_t::var_= "y";
00346     upol_t qq=p[degree(p)];
00347     if( degree(qq) !=0) return false;
00348     SturmSeq<upol_t> s(p,q,HABICHT());
00349     //    DBG_PRINT("Sturm Habicht Sequence"<<s);
00350     vector_t r=CoeffStHa<vector_t>(s);
00351     upol_t   disc=square_free(r[r.size()-1]);
00352     //    DBG_VAL(disc);
00353     vector_t Gammas;
00354     upol_t   Fi=disc,Fin;
00356     for (unsigned j=0; j<r.size()-1; ++j)
00357       {
00358         Fin= gcd(Fi,r[r.size()-j-2]);
00359         if(Fin !=0) Gammas.push_back(Fi/Fin);
00360         Fi=Fin;
00361       }
00363     if ( ! isgeneric( Gammas, s ) ) return false;
00365     //    DBG_PRINT("Decomposition");
00367     Seq<Seq<C> > Xmu, Ycrit, Sol;
00368     Seq<int> NbXmu;
00369     Seq<C> solx, soly;
00371     std::map<double,int> mu;
00372     for (unsigned j=0; j<Gammas.size(); ++j)
00373       {
00374         if (degree(Gammas[j])>=1)
00375           {
00376             UPolDse<coeff_t> tmp =Gammas[j];
00377             std::cout<<"Solving polynomial "<<tmp <<std::endl;
00378             u_solution_t SolX = u_solve(tmp);
00379             double r;
00380             for(unsigned k=0; k< SolX.size();++k)
00381               {
00382                 assign(r,SolX[k]);
00383                 mu[r]=(j+1);
00384                 solx.push_back(r);
00385                 // std::cout<<"x_sol: "<<r<<" mu: "<<mu[r]<<std::endl;
00386               }
00387           }
00388         else
00389           {
00390             Seq<double> tmpEmpty; NbXmu.push_back(0);
00391             Xmu.push_back(tmpEmpty);
00392             Ycrit.push_back(tmpEmpty);
00393           }
00394       }
00395     sort(solx.begin(),solx.end());
00396     // std::cout<<"x-crit: "<<solx<<std::endl;
00398     //    DBG_PRINT("Nb of critical values: ");
00400     for (unsigned l=0; l<solx.size(); ++l)
00401     {
00402       Seq<double> Yreg;
00403       double alpha=solx[l], beta;
00404       L.X.push_back(alpha);
00405       // std::cout<<"alpha: "<<alpha<<std::endl;
00406       int m=mu[alpha];
00407       if(m !=0)
00408         {
00409           // std::cout << "  x-coordinate: " << alpha<<" \n  mu: "<<m<< std::endl;
00411           bpol_t tp = s[s.size()-m-1];
00412           beta = -projection::convert_to_double(tp[m-1])(alpha)/
00413             projection::convert_to_double(tp[m])(alpha)/(m);
00415           unsigned l=m+1;
00416           if(both) l=m;
00417           UPolDse<double> tmp1 = 
00418             projection::easyquot( projection::eval_to_double(p1,alpha),beta,l);
00419           //   Yreg.push_back(Xmu[j][i]);
00420           if (degree(tmp1)>0)
00421             {
00422               std::cout<<"Solving polynomial(1) "<<tmp1<<std::endl;
00423               u_solution_t y_sol = u_solve(tmp1);
00424               //  std::cout<<"  y_sol: "<<y_sol<<std::endl;
00425               for(unsigned k=0; k<y_sol.size();++k)
00426                 Yreg.push_back(convert(y_sol[k],type::As<double>()));
00427             }
00429           if(both)
00430             {
00431               std::cout<<"Solving polynomial(2) "<<tmp1<<std::endl;
00432               tmp1 = projection::easyquot(projection::eval_to_double(p2,alpha),
00433                                           beta,m);
00434               if (degree(tmp1)>0)
00435                 {
00436                   u_solution_t y_sol = u_solve(tmp1);
00437                   for(unsigned k=0; k<y_sol.size();++k)
00438                     Yreg.push_back(convert(y_sol[k],type::As<double>()));
00439                 }
00441             }
00442           sort(Yreg.begin(),Yreg.end());
00443           L.I.push_back(projection::insert(Yreg,beta));
00444         }
00445       else
00446         {
00447           // std::cout << "  x-reg: " << alpha << std::endl;
00448           UPolDse<double> tmp1= projection::eval_to_double(p1,alpha);
00449           //      std::cout <<"pol: "<<tmp1<<std::endl;
00450           u_solution_t y_sol = u_solve(tmp1);
00451           //      std::cout <<"sol: "<<y_sol<<std::endl;
00452           for(unsigned k=0; k<y_sol.size();++k)
00453             Yreg.push_back(convert(y_sol[k],type::As<double>()));
00455           if(both)
00456             {
00457               tmp1= projection::eval_to_double(p1,alpha);
00458               //  std::cout <<"pol: "<<tmp1<<std::endl;
00459               y_sol = u_solve(tmp1);
00460               //  std::cout <<"sol: "<<y_sol<<std::endl;
00461               for(unsigned k=0; k<y_sol.size();++k)
00462                 Yreg.push_back(convert(y_sol[k],type::As<double>()));
00463             }
00464           sort(Yreg.begin(),Yreg.end());
00465           //      std::cout << "  y-reg: " << Yreg << std::endl;
00466           L.I.push_back(-1);
00467         }
00468       //      sort(Yreg.begin(),Yreg.end()); // Could be removed.
00469       L.Y.push_back(Yreg);
00470       // cout <<"  Y Coordinates of Points above "<<alpha<<" : " << Yreg<< endl;
00471     }
00472     return true;
00473   }
00475   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00476   template<class GRAPH, class C>
00477   void connect(GRAPH & g, const projection::list_X_Y<C>& L)
00478   {
00479     int n0,n1,s0,s1;
00480     n0=g.Vertices.size();
00481     //    std::cout<<"n0= "<<n0<<std::endl;
00482     topology::point<double> p(2);
00483     s0=L.Y[0].size();
00484     //    std::cout<<"L.Y[0].size()= "<<L.Y[0].size()<<std::endl;
00485     p[0]=L.X[0];
00486     for (int j=0;j<s0;j++)
00487       {
00488         p[1]=L.Y[0][j];
00489         g.push_back(p);
00490       }
00492     //    std::cout<<"L.X.size()= "<<L.X.size()<<" "<<s0<<std::endl;
00493     for (unsigned i=1; i<L.X.size();i++)
00494     {
00495       //      std::cout<<">> "<<L.X[i-1]<<":::"<<L.X[i]<<std::endl;
00496       p[0]=L.X[i];
00497       n1=n0+s0;
00498       s1=L.Y[i].size();
00499       for (int j=0;j<s1;j++)
00500       {
00501         //      std::cout<<"L.Y[i].size()= "<<L.Y[i].size()<<std::endl;
00502         p[1]=L.Y[i][j];
00503         g.push_back(p);
00504         //        std::cout<<"p[1]= "<<p[1]<<std::endl;
00505       }
00506       //      std::cout<<n0<<" "<<s0<<" "<<n1<<" "<<s1<<" : "
00507       //               <<L.Y[i-1]<<" ; "<<L.Y[i]<<std::endl;
00508       int ku0,ku1,kd0,kd1;
00509       if (L.I[i-1]>-1)
00510         {
00511           ku0=L.I[i-1];
00512           kd0=ku0+1;
00513         }
00514       else
00515         {
00516           ku0=s0;
00517           kd0=0;
00518         }
00519       if (L.I[i]>-1)
00520         {
00521           ku1=L.I[i];
00522           kd1=ku1+1;
00523         }
00524       else
00525         {
00526           ku1=s1;
00527           kd1=0;
00528         }
00530       //   std::cout<<p[0]<<" : "<<ku0<<" "<<kd0<<" "<<ku1<<" "<<kd1<<std::endl;
00531       int k0,k1;
00533      for (k0=0;k0<ku0 && k0<ku1;k0++)
00534      {
00535        g.insert(n0+k0,n1+k0);
00536        std::cout<<"ru> "<<n0+k0<<" - "<<n1+k0<<" "
00537                 <<g.Vertices[n0+k0]<<" "
00538                 <<g.Vertices[n1+k0]
00539                 << std::endl;
00540      }
00541      for (k1=0;k1<s0-kd0 && k1<s1-kd1;++k1)
00542      {
00543        g.insert(n0+s0-k1-1,n1+s1-k1-1);
00544        std::cout<<"rd> "<<n0+s0-k1-1<<" - "<<n1+s1-k1-1<<" "
00545                 <<g.Vertices[n0+s0-k1-1]<<" "
00546                 <<g.Vertices[n1+s1-k1-1]
00547                 << std::endl;
00548      }
00549      // std::cout<<"n0: "<<n0<<" n1: "<<n1<<" k0: "<<k0<<" k1:"<<k1<<std::endl;
00550      for (int j0=k0;j0<s0-k1;j0++)
00551      {
00552        for (int j1=k0;j1<s1-k1;j1++)
00553        {
00554          g.insert(n0+j0,n1+j1);
00555          //      std::cout<<"Smile_inside"<<" > "<<n0+j0<<" - "<<n1+j1<<"> "
00556          //               <<g.Vertices[n0+j0]<<" "
00557          //               <<g.Vertices[n1+j1]
00558          //               << std::endl;
00559        }
00561      }
00562       n0=n1; s0=s1;
00563     }
00564   }
00566 };
00568 namespace topology 
00569 {
00570   template<class C,class U>
00571   void assign(point_graph<C>& g, 
00572               const MPol<U>& eq, 
00573               TopSweep2d<C> mth)
00574   {
00575     typedef C        coeff_t;
00576     typedef MPol<U>  mpol_t; 
00578     MPol<QQ> p; let::assign(p,eq);
00580     projection::list_X_Y<coeff_t> L,Lr;
00582     int nvc=0, d= degree(p);
00583     bool sw=false;
00584     if(!mth.insert_char_points(L,p,diff(p,1)))
00585       {
00586         p = MPOLDST::swap(p,0,1);
00587         sw=true; 
00588         L.clear();
00589         std::cout<<"Not generic "<<nvc<<std::endl;
00590         while (!mth.insert_char_points(L,p,diff(p,1)) && nvc < (d*(d-1)))
00591           {
00592             p=projection::change_x_minus_y(p);
00593             nvc++;
00594             L.clear();
00595             std::cout<<"Not generic "<<nvc<<std::endl;
00596           }
00597       }
00599     print(L);
00600     mth.add_regular_point(Lr,L,p,mth.nbpt);
00601     //    std::cout<<"----------------------------------------------"<<std::endl;
00602     print(Lr);
00603     mth.connect(g,Lr);
00605     std::cout<<nvc<<std::endl;
00606     if(nvc >0)
00607       projection::change_x_plus_y(g,-nvc);
00608     if(sw)
00609       projection::swap_x_y(g);
00610     std::cout<<g.Vertices.size()<<std::endl;
00611   }
00613   template<class C,class U>
00614   void assign(point_graph<C>& g, 
00615               const MPol<U>& P1, 
00616               const MPol<U>& P2, 
00617               TopSweep2d<C> mth)
00618   {
00619     typedef  TopSweep2d<C> mth_t;
00620     typedef typename TopSweep2d<C>::u_solution_t u_solution_t;
00622     MPol<QQ> p1; let::assign(p1,P1);
00623     MPol<QQ> p2; let::assign(p2,P2);
00625     projection::list_X_Y<C> L1,L2,LI,LIr;
00626     mth.insert_char_points(L1,p1,diff(p1,1));
00627     mth.insert_char_points(L2,p2,diff(p2,1));
00629     std::cout<<"====================================="<<std::endl;
00630     std::cout<<"C1"<<std::endl;
00631     print(L1);
00632     std::cout<<"====================================="<<std::endl;
00633     std::cout<<"C2"<<std::endl;
00634     print(L2);
00637     double alpha,beta;
00638     int mu;
00639     for(unsigned i=0; i< L2.X.size();i++)
00640       {
00641         alpha=L2.X[i];
00642         UPolDse<double> tmp1= projection::eval_to_double(p1,alpha);
00643         //      std::cout <<tmp1<<std::endl;
00644         u_solution_t y_sol = mth.u_solve(tmp1);
00645         //      std::cout <<"y_sol: "<<y_sol<<std::endl;
00646         for(unsigned j=0;j<y_sol.size();j++)
00647           {
00648             let::assign(beta,y_sol[j]);
00649             mu=projection::insert(L2.Y[i],beta);
00650             if(mu<=L2.I[i]) L2.I[i]++;
00651             //std::cout <<"insert "<<y_sol[j]<<" in |"<<L2.Y[i]<< " |"<<L2.I[i]<<std::endl;
00652           }
00653       }
00654     for(unsigned i=0; i< L1.X.size();i++)
00655       {
00656         alpha=L1.X[i];
00657         UPolDse<double> tmp1= projection::eval_to_double(p2,alpha);
00658         //      std::cout <<"x: "<< alpha<<"\npol: "<<tmp1<<std::endl;
00659         u_solution_t y_sol = mth.u_solve(tmp1);
00660         //      std::cout <<"y_sol: "<<y_sol<<std::endl;
00661         for(unsigned j=0;j<y_sol.size();j++)
00662           {
00663             let::assign(beta,y_sol[j]);
00664             mu=projection::insert(L1.Y[i],beta);
00665             if(mu<=L1.I[i]) L1.I[i]++;
00666           }
00667       }
00669     std::cout<<"====================================="<<std::endl;
00670     std::cout<<"C1"<<std::endl;
00671     print(L1);
00672     std::cout<<"====================================="<<std::endl;
00673     std::cout<<"C2"<<std::endl;
00674     print(L2);
00675     std::cout<<"====================================="<<std::endl;
00676     for(unsigned i=0; i< L2.X.size();i++)
00677       projection::insert(L1,L2.X[i],L2.Y[i],L2.I[i]);
00678     print(L1);
00679     std::cout<<"====================================="<<std::endl;
00680     mth.insert_char_points(LI,p1,p2,true); 
00681     print(LI);
00682     std::cout<<">>==================================="<<std::endl;
00683     for(unsigned i=0; i< LI.X.size();i++)
00684       {
00685         projection::insert(L1,LI.X[i],LI.Y[i],LI.I[i]);
00686       }
00688     for(int i=0;i<L1.X.size()-1;i++)
00689       {
00690         if(L1.I[i]>=0 && L1.I[i+1]>=0)
00691           {
00692             alpha= (L1.X[i]+L1.X[i+1])/2;
00693             Seq<double> ly;
00694             UPolDse<double> tmp1= projection::eval_to_double(p1,alpha);
00695             u_solution_t y_sol = mth.u_solve(tmp1);
00697             for(unsigned j=0; j<y_sol.size();j++)
00698               {
00699                 let::assign(beta,y_sol[j]);
00700                 ly.push_back(beta);
00701               }
00702             tmp1= projection::eval_to_double(p2,alpha);
00703             y_sol = mth.u_solve(tmp1);
00704             for(unsigned j=0; j<y_sol.size();j++)
00705               {
00706                 let::assign(beta,y_sol[j]);
00707                 ly.push_back(beta);
00708               }
00709             sort(ly.begin(),ly.end());
00710             projection::insert(LIr,alpha,ly,-1);
00711           }
00712       }
00713     std::cout<<"<<==================================="<<std::endl;
00714     for(unsigned i=0; i< LIr.X.size();i++)
00715       {
00716         projection::insert(L1,LIr.X[i],LIr.Y[i],LIr.I[i]);
00717       }
00718     std::cout<<"<<==================================="<<std::endl;
00719     print(L1);
00720     std::cout<<">>==================================="<<std::endl;
00721     mth.connect(g,L1);
00722   }
00723 }
00725 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00727 /********************************************************************/
00728 #endif //synaps_sweep2d_topology_H
