
00001 /*********************************************************************
00002 *      This file is part of the source code of SYNAPS kernel.        *
00003 *   Author(s): B. Mourrain, GALAAD, INRIA                            *
00004 **********************************************************************/
00005 #ifndef NDEBUG
00006         #include <cassert>
00007 #endif
00010 #ifndef SYNAPS_ARITHM_RG_H
00011 #define SYNAPS_ARITHM_RG_H
00013 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00014 #include <synaps/init.h>
00015 #include <synaps/arithm/REF.h>
00016 #include <synaps/base/shared_object.h>
00017 #include <synaps/base/COUNT.h>
00018 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00025 template<class T> struct Rg
00026 {
00027 public:
00028   shared_object<T> data;
00029   T &       rep()       {return *data;}
00030   const T & rep() const {return *data;}
00032   Rg () {init(rep());}
00033   Rg (const Rg<T>& b)   { init(rep());; }
00034   Rg (const T& t): data(t)  {}
00035   Rg (signed long sl)   {init_set(rep(),sl);}
00036   Rg (unsigned long ul) {init_set(rep(),ul);}
00037   Rg (int si)           {init_set(rep(),si);}
00038   Rg (const char* str, unsigned int b=10)  {init_set(rep(),str,b);}
00040   ~Rg () {};//clear(rep()); }
00042   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00043   template<class X> Rg<T> operator == (const VAL<X>& rhs) const 
00044     {assign(this->rep(),rhs.rep());}
00045   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00046   template<class X> bool operator == (const X& rhs) const 
00047     { return cmp(rep(),rhs) ==0 ; }
00048   template<class X> bool operator != (const X& rhs) const
00049     { return cmp(rep(),rhs)!=0; }
00050   template<class X> bool operator >  (const X& rhs) const
00051     { return cmp(rep(),rhs)>0; }
00052   template<class X> bool operator >= (const X& rhs) const
00053     { return cmp(rep(),rhs)>=0; }
00054   template<class X> bool operator <  (const X& rhs) const
00055     { return cmp(rep(),rhs) <0; }
00056   template<class X> bool operator <= (const X& rhs) const
00057     { return cmp(rep(),rhs)<=0; }
00058   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00059   Rg<T>& operator  = (const Rg<T>& rhs) {;     return *this;}
00060   template<class X>  Rg<T>& operator += (const X & rhs) 
00061     {*this=*this+rhs; return *this;}
00062   template<class X>  Rg<T>& operator -= (const X & rhs) 
00063     {*this=*this-rhs; return *this;}
00064   template<class X>  Rg<T>& operator *= (const X & rhs) 
00065     {*this=*this*rhs;   return *this;}
00066   template<class X>  Rg<T>& operator /= (const X & rhs) 
00067     { assert(rhs!=0); *this=*this/rhs;   return *this;}
00068   template<class X>  Rg<T>& operator %= (const X & rhs) 
00069     { assert(rhs!=0); *this=*this%rhs;   return *this;}
00070   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00071   void                  operator ++ ( );
00072   void                  operator -- ( );
00073   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00074 };
00075 //======================================================================
00077 template <class R> inline
00078 ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const  Rg<R> & p)
00079 {
00080   return Print(os,p.rep());
00081 }
00082 //======================================================================
00084 //======================================================================
00085 template <class R> inline
00086 const Rg<R> operator+(const Rg<R> & a, const Rg<R> & b)
00087 {
00088   Rg<R> r;  add(r.rep(),a.rep(),b.rep()); return r;
00089 }
00090 template<class R> inline
00091 const Rg<R> operator+(const Rg<R> & a, const int & b)
00092 {
00093   Rg<R> r;  add(r.rep(),a.rep(),b);  return r;
00094 }
00095 template<class R> inline
00096 const Rg<R> operator+(const int & b, const Rg<R> & a)
00097 {
00098    return a+b;
00099 }
00100 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00101 template <class R> inline
00102 const Rg<R> operator-(const Rg<R> & a, const Rg<R> & b)
00103 {
00104  Rg<R> r; sub(r.rep(),a.rep(),b.rep());  return r;
00105 }
00106 template<class R> inline
00107 const Rg<R> operator-(const Rg<R> & a, const int & b)
00108 {
00109   Rg<R> r; sub(r.rep(),a.rep(),b);  return r;
00110 }
00111 template<class R> inline
00112 const Rg<R> &  operator-(const int & b, const Rg<R> & a)
00113 {
00114    return a+(-b);
00115 }
00116 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00117 template<class R> inline
00118 const Rg<R>  operator*(const Rg<R> & a, const Rg<R> & b)
00119 {
00120   Rg<R> r; mul(r.rep(),a.rep(),b.rep()); return r;
00121 }
00123 template<class R> inline
00124 const Rg<R>  operator*(const Rg<R> & a, int b)
00125 {
00126   Rg<R> r; mul(r.rep(),a.rep(),b); return r;
00127 }
00128 template<class R> inline 
00129 const Rg<R>  operator*(int b, const Rg<R> & a)
00130 {
00131   return a*b;
00132 }
00133 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00134 template<class T> inline 
00135 Rg<T>& operator - (const Rg<T>& b) 
00136 {
00137   Rg<T> r(b); return (r.negate());
00138 }
00139 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00140 // Quotient
00141 template <class R>  inline 
00142 const Rg<R> operator/(const Rg<R> & a, const Rg<R> & b)
00143 {
00144   assert(b!=0);
00145   Rg<R> r; div(r.rep(),a.rep(),b.rep()); return r;
00146 }
00148 template <class R>  inline 
00149 const Rg<R> operator/(const Rg<R> & a, unsigned int b)
00150 {
00151   assert(b!=0);
00152   Rg<R> r; div(r.rep(),a.rep(),b); return r;
00153 }
00154 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00155 // Remainder
00156 template <class R>  inline 
00157 const Rg<R> operator%(const Rg<R> & a, const Rg<R> & b)
00158 {
00159   assert(b!=0);
00160   Rg<R> r; mod(r.rep(),a.rep(),b.rep()); return r;
00161 }
00163 template <class R>  inline 
00164 const Rg<R> operator%(const Rg<R> & a, unsigned int b)
00165 {
00166   assert(b!=0);
00167   Rg<R> r; mod(r.rep(),a.rep(),b); return r;
00168 }
00169 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00173 #endif // SYNAPS_ARITHM_RG_H
