
00001 /*********************************************************************
00002 *      This file is part of the source code of SYNAPS kernel.        *
00003 *      Author(s): B. Mourrain, H. Prieto, GALAAD, INRIA               *
00004 **********************************************************************
00005 $Id: Det.h,v 1.2 2005/09/28 06:40:50 mourrain Exp $
00006 **********************************************************************/
00007 #ifndef SYNAPS_LINALG_DET_H
00008 #define SYNAPS_LINALG_DET_H
00009 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00010 #include <synaps/init.h>
00011 #include <synaps/linalg/MethodName.h>
00012 #include <synaps/linalg/MATRIX.m>
00013 #include <synaps/linalg/Decomp.h>
00014 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00017 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00018 template<class X> bool IsNull(const X & x) {return( x==0);}
00019 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00020 inline int eps(unsigned int k) 
00021 {
00022   if(k%2==0) return 1;  else   return -1;
00023 }
00024 /**********************************************************************/
00025 // /*
00026 //    Triangulate a matrix by Bareiss method. The operations are performed 
00027 // inplace. \index{triang, Bareiss} 
00028 // */
00029 // template <class R>
00030 // typename R::value_type triang(const Bareiss & mth, R & M)
00031 // {
00032 //   typedef typename R::value_type value_type;
00033 //   typedef typename R::size_type  size_type;
00034 //   value_type d=1;
00035 //   int eps=1;
00037 //   for(size_type k=0; k<M.nbcol();k++){
00038 //     size_type l=k;
00039 //     while((l<M.nbrow()) && (M(l,k)==0) ) l++;
00040 //     if(l!=M.nbrow()){
00041 //       if(l!=k) {M.swaprow(l,k); eps*=-1;}
00042 //       if(k>0) d=M(k-1,k-1); 
00043 //       for(size_type i=k+1; i<M.nbrow(); i++){
00044 //      value_type c;
00045 //         c= M(i,k);
00046 //      for(size_type j=M.nbcol()-1; j>k; j--) {
00047 //        M(i,j)*=M(k,k);
00048 //        M(i,j)-=c*M(k,j);
00049 //        if ( (M(i,j)!=0) && (d!=0) && (d!=1) ) M(i,j)/=d;
00050 //      }
00051 //      M(i,k)=0;
00052 //       }
00053 //     }
00054 //   }
00055 //   // M(M.nbrow()-1,M.nbcol()-1)*=eps;
00056 //   return M(M.nbrow()-1,M.nbcol()-1)*eps;
00057 // }
00058 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00059 /* Pseudo-triangulation of the matrix @M@ by rows and columns permutations.
00060   The matrix @M@ is modified on output, and the number of rows and 
00061   columns transpositions is returned.
00062 */
00063 template <class R>
00064 typename R::size_type pseudo_triang( R & M)
00065 {
00066   typedef typename R::size_type size_type;
00068   size_type * colind=new size_type[M.nbcol()], * rowind=new size_type[M.nbrow()];
00069   size_type nbtrans=0;
00071   for (size_type i=0; i<M.nbrow(); i++) {
00072     colind[i]=0;
00073     rowind[i]=0;
00074   }
00076   for (size_type i=0; i<M.nbrow(); i++)
00077     for (size_type j=0; j<M.nbcol(); j++) 
00078         if (IsNull(M(i,j))) {
00079           rowind[i]+=1;
00080           colind[j]+=1;
00081         }
00083   bool finish=false;
00084   while (!finish) {
00085     finish=true;
00086     for (size_type i=0; i<M.nbrow()-1; i++)
00087       {
00088         if (rowind[i]>rowind[i+1]) {
00089           M.swaprow(i,i+1);
00090           swap(rowind[i],rowind[i+1]);
00091           nbtrans++;
00092           finish=false;
00093         }
00094       }
00095   }
00097   finish=false;
00098   while (!finish) {
00099     finish=true;
00100     for (size_type i=0; i<M.nbcol()-1; i++)
00101       {
00102         if (colind[i]<colind[i+1]) {
00103           M.swapcol(i,i+1);
00104           swap(colind[i],colind[i+1]);
00105           nbtrans++;
00106           finish=false;
00107         }
00108       }
00109   }
00110   return nbtrans;
00111 }
00112 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00124 template <class R>
00125 typename R::value_type Det(const R & M){
00126   using namespace MATRIX;
00127   assert(M.nbcol()==M.nbrow());
00129   if(M.nbcol()==2)
00130     return  M(0,0)*M(1,1)-M(1,0)*M(0,1);
00131   else if(M.nbcol()==3) {
00132     typename R::value_type res;
00133     res = M(0,0)*M(1,1)*M(2,2);
00134     res -=M(0,0)*M(1,2)*M(2,1);
00135     res -=M(1,0)*M(0,1)*M(2,2);
00136     res +=M(1,0)*M(0,2)*M(2,1);
00137     res +=M(2,0)*M(0,1)*M(1,2);
00138     res -=M(2,0)*M(0,2)*M(1,1);
00139     return res;
00140   } else 
00141     {
00142       R N(M.rep());
00143       return decomp(Bareiss(),N.rep());
00144     }
00145 }
00147 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00159 template <class R>
00160 typename R::value_type Det(const Mixed & mth, R & M){
00161   assert(M.nbcol()==M.nbrow());
00163   typedef typename R::value_type value_type;
00164   typedef typename R::size_type  size_type;
00166   value_type delta(0);
00167   size_type opp(0);
00169   if (M.nbcol()==1) return M(0,0);
00170   if (M.nbcol()==2)
00171     return (M(0,0)*M(1,1)-M(0,1)*M(1,0));
00173   opp=pseudo_triang(M);
00174   //  cout <<M<<endl;
00175   for(size_type k=0; k< M.nbcol();k++) {
00176     if (!IsNull(M(0,k))) {
00177       R N(M.nbrow(),M.nbcol());
00178       for(size_type i=0; i< M.nbrow();i++)
00179         for(size_type j=0; j< M.nbcol();j++)
00180           N(i,j) = M(i,j);
00182       submatrix(N,0,0,k,k);
00184       if ( M.nbcol() >= 4) {
00185         bool prob=true, altern=false;
00186         size_type i=0;
00187         for (size_type j=0;j<N.nbrow();j++) {
00188           while ((prob) && (i<=j)) {
00189             if (IsNull(N(j,i))) i++;
00190             else prob=false;
00191           }
00192           if (prob) {
00193             size_type l=j+1;
00194             while (l<N.nbrow() && IsNull(N(l,j)) ) l++;
00195             if (l<N.nbrow()) N.swaprow(j,l);
00196             else if (((j+1)<N.nbrow()) && (!IsNull(N(j,j+1)))) N.swapcol(j,j+1);
00197             if (!altern) altern=true;
00198             else altern=false;
00199           }
00200           i=0;
00201           prob=true;
00202         }
00204         Triang<Bareiss>(N);
00205         if (altern) delta-= value_type(eps(k))*M(0,k)*N(M.nbrow()-2,M.nbcol()-2);
00206         else delta+= value_type(eps(k))*M(0,k)*N(M.nbrow()-2,M.nbcol()-2);
00207       }
00208       else 
00209         if (M.nbcol()==4) {
00210           value_type minor1,minor2,minor3;
00211           minor1 =N(1,1)*N(2,2);
00212           minor1-=N(1,2)*N(2,1);
00213           minor1*=N(0,0);
00214           minor2 =N(1,0)*N(2,2);
00215           minor2-=N(1,2)*N(2,0);
00216           minor2*=N(0,1); 
00217           minor2*=(value_type)(-1);
00218           minor3 =N(1,0)*N(1,2);
00219           minor3-=N(1,1)*N(2,0);
00220           minor3*=N(0,2);
00221           delta+=value_type(eps(k))*M(0,k)*(minor1-minor2+minor3);
00222         }
00223         else 
00224           if (M.nbcol()==3)
00225             delta+= value_type(eps(k))*M(0,k)*(N(0,0)*N(1,1)-N(0,1)*N(1,0));
00226     }
00227   }
00229   if (opp%2 == 0) 
00230     return delta;
00231   else
00232     return -delta;
00233 }
00234 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00244 template<class R>
00245 typename R::value_type Det(const Berko & mth, const R & M)
00246 {
00247   using MATRIX::trace;
00248   assert(M.nbcol()==M.nbrow());
00249   typedef typename R::value_type value_type;
00250   typedef typename R::size_type  size_type;
00252   R SM(M);
00253   value_type d; int eps=1;
00254   d=trace(SM);
00255   for (size_type i=2; i<=M.nbcol(); i++)
00256     {
00257       SM*=M;
00258       SM-=(M*d);
00259       d=trace(SM);
00260       d/=i; eps*=-1;
00261     }
00262   d*=eps;
00263   return d;
00264 }
00269 #endif // SYNAPS_LINALG_DET_H
