How to install the library

1  How to get it

The library is available by ftp:
2  How to install it

Here are the instructions to install the library:

  1. If you get the file synaps-2.1.0.tar.gz by ftp, type
       tar zxvf synaps-2.1.0.tar.gz 
    (or gzip -dc synaps-2.1.0.tar.gz |tar -xvf -). You will otain a directory synaps-2.1.0 containing the current distribution, that you will put at your convenience in a place that we will refer hereafter by <synaps-2.1.0>.
  2. Move in <synaps-2.1.0> and type ./configue; make && make install. You will obtain

    See ./configure -h for the different options.

Here is an example, that we use on our site (see configure-sophia file)
./configure \
      --with-blas=    [where is the libblas.a] \
      --with-lapack=  [where is the liblapack.a] \
      --with-gmp=     [where is the directory gmp] \
      --with-mpsolve= [where is the directory mpsolve] \
      --infodir=      [where to install the documentation, with make install] \
      --bindir=       [where to install s++, with make install] \
      --prefix=       [where to install the rest of the library]

In order to install it, type
make && make install
In order to tune the configuration to your site, consider the options given by
./configure -h
You may also look at the exemple configure-sophia that we are using.


The version of the g++ compiler should be at least
   g++ 3.* 

ie. the c++ compiler should support the Koenig lookup mechanism.

3  How to use it

Once the s++ script has been generated, it can be used as a compiler command, as follows:
   s++ <file>.[cc|C] 
It will generate an executable file <file>.ex You can try a first example from the directory <synaps>:
   s++ test/

3.1  Compilation under emacs

It is convenient to use the emacs compile-mode, to compile such a <file>.cc:
  1. Edit the <file>.cc with emacs
  2. Compile it Esc-x compile [return] s++ <file>.cc
  3. If errors appear, click on the corresponding hightlighted part to go to their locations and to correct them.

3.2  The options

The options of the command s++ are optained by typing
   s++ -h
Any option not present there is passed directly to the c++ compile, as shown here:
   s++ -Wall -O6 -mcpu=

3.3  Check the installation

A usefull command to check the installation is s++ -v, which produces:
   VERSION = <time when you produce the s++ command>
   SOURCES = <source dir>
   INCDIR  = -I<includedir1> ...
   LIBDIR  = -L<libdir1> ...
   LIB     = -llib1 ...
   OPTION  = <options of compilation>
   OBJ     = <list of object files>
   CXX     = <c++ compiler used>
   No file specified

3.4  Separate compilation

Files can be compiled separately. Using the option -c as follows
   s++  -c <file>.cc 
will produce a file.o, which you will be able to link to another application.

3.5  Compile and run the executable

The file that you compile can be executed by
   s++  <file>.cc  -run     # Compile and run the <file>.ex
   s++  <file>.cc  -exe     # Execute the <file>.ex
5  The other libraries

The library synaps is connected to external libraries of the roxane project. For more information on how to get these libraries and to install them, see

In order to install synaps in a previous configuration, see
      ./configure -h
for the different options.

5  The developer corner

If you want to contribute to its development you may also get it via the cvs server, by typing:

   cvs -d login
   cvs -d co synaps

This will allow you to update easily the forthcomming versions, by typing in the synaps directory:

   cvs update -Pd 
Before you install the library, you have to type
./configure ... && make
Before you commit anything, to type
make check

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