Computational Algebraic Geometry and Applications
June 2-6, 2006, Nice, France.
University of Nice, Lab. J.A. Dieudonné, Dép. de Mathématiques, Parc Valrose
On the occasion of André Galligo's 60th birthday
Organizing Committee:
L. Busé, M. Elkadi, B. Mourrain.
Program Committee:
A. Dimca, P. Gianni, M. Giusti, P. Maisonobe, R. Piene, B. Salvy, M. Stillman.
Contact email :
Poster: download it here (A3 paper).
This conference is supported by
Invited talks
(the titles are very preliminar):
- James Damon (University of North Carolina, USA): Some challenges for
symbolic computation arising from geometric problems in computer imaging,
- David Eisenbud (University of Berkeley and MSRI, USA): The Regularity of Powers of an Ideal
- Bianca Falcidieno (CNR IMATI-Ge, Genova, Italy): Computational Topology Tools for Shape Modelling and Reasoning
- Jean-Charles Faugère (CNRS, France): Solving Polynomial Systems with Grobner bases,
- Michel Granger (Université d'Angers, France): Flatness properties in D-Modules theory,
- Gert-Martin Greuel (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany): Computational aspects in the theory of singularities,
- Joos Heintz (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina and Universidad de
Catanbria, Spain): Nullstellensatze before and after André Galligo,
- Henri Lombardi (Universit\'e de Franche-Comté, France): Picard group and seminormality (following T. Coquand),
- Mutsuo Oka (University of Tokyo, Japan): Tangential Alexander polynomial and non-reduced degeneration of plane curves,
- Bernd Sturmfels (University of California, USA): Tropical implicitization,
- Alain Yger (Universit\'e de Bordeaux, France): Calcul residuel et traces : des outils d'analyse complexe aux questions d'effectivite,
- Yosef Yomdin (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel): Fourier
transform of semi-algebraic functions.
Conference themes: (preliminary and not limited to)
- Deformation of singularities
- D-modules
- Symbolic computation and complexity
- Automatic differentiation
- Approximate polynomial algebra
- Computer aided geometric design
- Shapes
Program (in progress)
How to reach the conference
Important dates:
- 31 Mars 2006 : Deadline for proposition of presentations. Send a title and abstract (ABOUT 2 PAGES) to:
- 15 April 2006: Notification of acceptance for the presentations.
- 30 April 2006: Hotel reservation recommanded.
Please, send an email with the following information:
<FirstName> </FirstName>
<FamilyName> </FamilyName>
<email> </email>
<university> </university>
<Arrival> </Arrival>
<Departure> </Departure>
<Comments> </Comments>
to the organizer.
List of registered participants
Participants are encouraged to make hotel reservation on their own and as soon as possible. Here is a list of three hotels with negociated prices.
- Hotel MIRABEAU (45.90 euros/night including taxes and breakfast)
15 avenue Malaussena
Phone: 04 93 88 33 67
fax: 04 93 16 14 08 20
- Hotel Monsigny (60 euros/night including taxes and breakfast)
17 avenue Malaussena
Phone : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)
E-mail :
- Hotel Petit Palais (65.90 euros/night including taxes and breakfast)
17 avenue E. Bieckert
Phone: 04 93 62 19 11
fax: 04 93 62 53 60