Uses of Class

Packages that use QuantifiedVar
jml2b.structure.statement Provides the classes necessary to create and manage java and jml statements and expressions. 

Uses of QuantifiedVar in jml2b.structure.statement

Methods in jml2b.structure.statement that return QuantifiedVar
 QuantifiedVar QuantifiedExp.getVars()
 QuantifiedVar QuantifiedVar.getNext()
          Returns the next element of the list.

Methods in jml2b.structure.statement with parameters of type QuantifiedVar
 boolean QuantifiedVar.equals(QuantifiedVar q)
          Returns whether two lists are equal.

Constructors in jml2b.structure.statement with parameters of type QuantifiedVar
QuantifiedExp(int nodeType, java.lang.String nodeText, QuantifiedVar vars, Expression body)
          Constructs a quantified expression form another one
QuantifiedVar(ParsedItem pi, Field f, QuantifiedVar n)
          Constructs a quantified fields list form another one.