Uses of Class

Packages that use Field
jml2b.formula Provides the classes necessary to create and manage formulas.   
jml2b.structure.jml Provides the classes necessary to create and manage jml clauses such that depends, represents, specification cases, modifies and exsures. 
jml2b.structure.statement Provides the classes necessary to create and manage java and jml statements and expressions. 

Uses of Field in jml2b.formula

Methods in jml2b.formula with parameters of type Field
static Formula Formula.declarField(Field f)
          Returns the formula corresponding to a field declaration.
 Formula Formula.sub(Field a, Field b, boolean subInCalledOld)
          Applies a substitution on a formula.

Uses of Field in

Methods in that return Field
 Field VarStack.getField(java.lang.String name)
          Return the field with the given name.

Methods in with parameters of type Field
 void VarStack.add(Field f)
          Add a field to the set on the top of the stack.

Uses of Field in jml2b.pog.lemma

Methods in jml2b.pog.lemma that return Field
 Field ExsuresLemma.getExceptionField()

Methods in jml2b.pog.lemma with parameters of type Field
 Lemma Lemma.catchException(Type type, Field catchParam)
          Returns the lemma corresponding to the current lemma encapsulated in the fact that it corresponds to a catch of an exception.
 Lemma NormalLemma.catchException(Type type, Field catchParam)
          Creates an exceptional lemma set from the current one and a catched type with a catched parameter.
 Lemma SimpleLemma.catchException(Type type, Field catchParam)
          Returns an exsures lemma

Constructors in jml2b.pog.lemma with parameters of type Field
ExceptionalProofs(Type type, Field catchParam, Proofs proofs)
          Constructs an exceptional proof from a proof catched by an exception
ExsuresLemma(Type t, Field f, SimpleLemma p)
          Constructs an exsures lemma

Uses of Field in jml2b.pog.util

Subclasses of Field in jml2b.pog.util
 class TemporaryField
          This class provides services to create and use temporary fields that are usefull during the proof obligation calculation.

Uses of Field in

Methods in that return Field
static Field[] Field.parseVarDecl(JmlFile jmlFile, antlr.collections.AST vardecl, Modifiers mods)
 Field Parameters.getField(int i)
 Field[] VarDeclParser.getArray()
          Returns the parsed variables as an array of fields.

Methods in with parameters of type Field
 void Class.addGhost(Field f)
 void Class.addFields(Field fi)

Uses of Field in jml2b.structure.jml

Methods in jml2b.structure.jml that return Field
 Field Exsures.getField()
          Returns the field declared into the exsures clause.

Uses of Field in jml2b.structure.statement

Methods in jml2b.structure.statement that return Field
 Field QuantifiedVar.getField()
          Returns the current field.

Methods in jml2b.structure.statement with parameters of type Field
 Expression ArrayInitializer.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression BinaryExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
abstract  Expression Expression.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression IsSubtypeOfExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression MethodCallExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression QuantifiedExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression QuestionExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression TTypeExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression TerminalExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression UnaryExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression WithTypeExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)

Constructors in jml2b.structure.statement with parameters of type Field
QuantifiedVar(ParsedItem pi, Field f, QuantifiedVar n)
          Constructs a quantified fields list form another one.