Uses of Class

Packages that use GoalOrigin

Uses of GoalOrigin in jml2b.pog.lemma

Constructors in jml2b.pog.lemma with parameters of type GoalOrigin
ExsuresLemma(IJml2bConfiguration config, Exsures ex, Expression b, GoalOrigin origin)
          Constructs an exsures lemma from an exsures clause
ExsuresLemma(IJml2bConfiguration config, Exsures ex, GoalOrigin origin)
          Constructs an exsures lemma from an exsures clause
Goal(VirtualFormula vf, GoalOrigin origin)
          Constructs a goal from a formula and an origin.
Goal(Formula f, GoalOrigin origin)
          Constructs a goal from a formula and an origin.
SimpleLemma(IJml2bConfiguration config, Expression f, GoalOrigin origin)
          Constructs a lemma from an expression.
SimpleLemma(Formula f, GoalOrigin origin)
          Constructs a lemma from a formula.
SimpleLemma(IJml2bConfiguration config, java.util.Vector v, GoalOrigin origin)
          Constructs a lemma from a set of expression.
Theorem(IJml2bConfiguration config, java.util.Enumeration e, Expression b, GoalOrigin origin)
          Construct a theorem from an enumeration of Exsures.