Uses of Class

Packages that use ExceptionalProofs

Uses of ExceptionalProofs in jml2b.pog.lemma

Methods in jml2b.pog.lemma that return ExceptionalProofs
 ExceptionalProofs ExceptionalProofs.finallyOnExceptionalBehaviour(IJml2bConfiguration config, Statement body, Proofs finishOnReturn, LabeledProofsVector finishOnBreakLab, LabeledProofsVector finishOnContinueLab, ExceptionalBehaviourStack exceptionalBehaviour)
          Calculate the ExceptionalProofs stack resulting from the application of the body on the current stack (used to proceed a finally).

Methods in jml2b.pog.lemma with parameters of type ExceptionalProofs
 ExceptionalBehaviourStack ExceptionalBehaviourStack.push(ExceptionalProofs eb)
          Push an element on top of the stack

Constructors in jml2b.pog.lemma with parameters of type ExceptionalProofs
ExceptionalBehaviourStack(ExceptionalProofs eb)
          Constructs a stack with one element.