Uses of Class

Packages that use BasicType
jml2b.formula Provides the classes necessary to create and manage formulas. 

Uses of BasicType in jml2b.formula

Fields in jml2b.formula declared as BasicType
static BasicType BasicType.ZType
static BasicType BasicType.RefType
static BasicType BasicType.PropType
static BasicType BasicType.BoolType
static BasicType BasicType.TypesType

Methods in jml2b.formula that return BasicType
 BasicType BasicType.getRtype()
 BasicType BasicType.getLtype()
 BasicType BinaryForm.getBasicType()
abstract  BasicType Formula.getBasicType()
          Returns the type of a formula
 BasicType QuantifiedForm.getBasicType()
 BasicType TTypeForm.getBasicType()
 BasicType TerminalForm.getBasicType()
 BasicType TriaryForm.getBasicType()
 BasicType UnaryForm.getBasicType()

Constructors in jml2b.formula with parameters of type BasicType
BasicType(BasicType t1, BasicType t2)