LEMMA_VIEWER - Static variable in class jack.plugin.JackPlugin
The Id corresponding to
LIGHTWEIGHT_CASE - Static variable in class jml2b.structure.jml.SpecCase
Constant corresponding to lightweight cases.
LOADING - Static variable in class jack.plugin.prove.ProofTask
Constant corresponding to the loading state.
LOCALES - Static variable in class jml2b.pog.lemma.VirtualFormula
Formula origin corresponding to a local hypothese
LOCALES - Static variable in class jpov.Icons
Image corresponding to the local icon for hypothesis.
LOCAL_ELEMENTS_DECL - Static variable in interface jml2b.formula.IFormToken
Local xxxelements declaration corresponding formally to a B_IN
LOCAL_VAR_DECL - Static variable in interface jml2b.formula.IFormToken
Local variable declaration corresponding formally to a B_IN
LOCK - Static variable in class jack.plugin.JackPlugin
LOOP_EXSURES - Static variable in class jml2b.pog.lemma.GoalOrigin
Goal origin value that corresponds to the proof of an exsures clause of a loop.
LOOP_EXSURES - Static variable in class jml2b.pog.lemma.VirtualFormula
Formula origin corresponding to a loop exsures
LOOP_EXSURES - Static variable in class jpov.Icons
Image corresponding to the loop exsures icon.
LOOP_INVARIANT - Static variable in class jml2b.pog.lemma.VirtualFormula
Formula origin corresponding to a loop invariant
LOOP_INVARIANT - Static variable in class jpov.Icons
Image corresponding to the loop invariant icon.
LOOP_INVARIANT_INIT - Static variable in class jml2b.pog.lemma.GoalOrigin
Goal origin value that corresponds to the proof of the initialization of a loop invariant.
LOOP_INVARIANT_PRESERVE - Static variable in class jml2b.pog.lemma.GoalOrigin
Goal origin value that corresponds to the proof of the preservation of a loop invariant.
LOOP_VARIANT - Static variable in class jml2b.pog.lemma.GoalOrigin
Goal origin value that corresponds to the proof of a loop variant.
LabeledProofsVector - class jml2b.pog.lemma.LabeledProofsVector.
This class provides a set of LabeledProofs.
LabeledProofsVector() - Constructor for class jml2b.pog.lemma.LabeledProofsVector
Constructs an empty set.
LanguageException - exception jml2b.exceptions.LanguageException.
LanguageException(String) - Constructor for class jml2b.exceptions.LanguageException
Languages - class jml2b.languages.Languages.
This class allows to register plugins into Jack.
Languages() - Constructor for class jml2b.languages.Languages
Lemma - class jml2b.pog.lemma.Lemma.
This class defines a lemma.
Lemma() - Constructor for class jml2b.pog.lemma.Lemma
Lemma - class jpov.structure.Lemma.
This class implements a node tree corresponding to a case.
LemmaFilterWindow - class jpov.viewer.lemma.LemmaFilterWindow.
This class displays the filter window that allow to filter hypotheses
LemmaFilterWindow(Shell, Hashtable) - Constructor for class jpov.viewer.lemma.LemmaFilterWindow
Constructs a filter window into the current shell.
LemmaHierarchy - class jpov.structure.LemmaHierarchy.
LemmaSorter - class jpov.viewer.lemma.LemmaSorter.
The class implements a sorter for the hypothesis viewer
LemmaSorter(LemmaFilterWindow) - Constructor for class jpov.viewer.lemma.LemmaSorter
Constructs a lemma filter
LemmaView - class jpov.viewer.lemma.LemmaView.
This class implements the part of the viewer that displays the lemmas in different languages.
LemmaView(IJml2bConfiguration, Composite, boolean) - Constructor for class jpov.viewer.lemma.LemmaView
Constructs the part of the view that displays the lemma
LemmaViewer - class jack.plugin.perspective.LemmaViewer.
View displaying a lemma.
LemmaViewer() - Constructor for class jack.plugin.perspective.LemmaViewer
LinkContext - class jml2b.link.LinkContext.
LinkContext(JmlFile) - Constructor for class jml2b.link.LinkContext
LinkContext(AClass) - Constructor for class jml2b.link.LinkContext
LinkContext(LinkContext, LinkInfo) - Constructor for class jml2b.link.LinkContext
LinkException - exception jml2b.exceptions.LinkException.
LinkException(String, ParsedItem) - Constructor for class jml2b.exceptions.LinkException
LinkInfo - class jml2b.link.LinkInfo.
LinkInfo(Package) - Constructor for class jml2b.link.LinkInfo
LinkInfo(Type) - Constructor for class jml2b.link.LinkInfo
LinkUtils - class jml2b.link.LinkUtils.
LinkUtils() - Constructor for class jml2b.link.LinkUtils
Linkable - interface jml2b.link.Linkable.
LoadAndLink - class jack.plugin.source.LoadAndLink.
Action that loads end links a JML file.
LoadAndLink(ICompilationUnit) - Constructor for class jack.plugin.source.LoadAndLink
LoadException - exception jml2b.exceptions.LoadException.
This class provides an exception that can be threw during the load of a JPO file.
LoadException(String) - Constructor for class jml2b.exceptions.LoadException
Constructs an exception when a given message.
lemmas - Variable in class jml2b.structure.java.Method
lineGetStyle(LineStyleEvent) - Method in class jack.plugin.edit.JavaLineStyler
Event.detail line start offset (input) Event.text line text (input) LineStyleEvent.styles Enumeration of StyleRanges, need to be in order.
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in interface jml2b.link.Linkable
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.bytecode.ClassField
link(IJml2bConfiguration) - Method in class jml2b.structure.bytecode.ClassFile
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.bytecode.ClassFile
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.bytecode.ClassMethod
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Class
Link the externally visible parts of the class.
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Field
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Invariant
link(IJml2bConfiguration) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.JmlFile
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Method
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Parameters
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Type
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.VarDeclParser
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.Depends
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.Exsures
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.Represents
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.SpecCase
link(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.Statement
linkEnumeration(IJml2bConfiguration, Enumeration, LinkContext) - Static method in class jml2b.link.LinkUtils
Links all the Linkable elements provided by the enumeration e using LinkContext f.
linkFieldIdent(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext, ParsedItem) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Identifier
linkMethod(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext, Vector) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.Expression
Links a method call.
linkParameters(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext, Vector) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.Expression
Links the parameters list of a method call and the resulting type to the parameters vector.
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.ArrayInitializer
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.BinaryExp
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.IsSubtypeOfExp
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.MethodCallExp
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.QuantifiedExp
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.QuestionExp
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StAssert
Links the asserted predicate
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StBlock
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StControlFlowBreak
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StDoWhile
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StFor
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StIf
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StImplementsLabel
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StLabel
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StLoops
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StSequence
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StSkip
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StSpecBlock
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StSwitch
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StTry
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.StVarDecl
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.Statement
Links the statement.
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.TTypeExp
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.TerminalExp
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.UnaryExp
linkStatement(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.WithTypeExp
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, Enumeration, LinkContext) - Static method in class jml2b.link.LinkUtils
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in interface jml2b.link.Linkable
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.bytecode.ClassField
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.bytecode.ClassFile
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.bytecode.ClassMethod
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Class
Link the parts that cannot be directly referenced from the outside.
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Field
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Invariant
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.JmlFile
Links the statement parts of the file if needed.
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration) - Static method in class jml2b.structure.java.JmlLoader
Links statements for all the remaining files.
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Method
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Parameters
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Type
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.VarDeclParser
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.Depends
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.Exsures
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.ModifiesClause
Links the content of the clause.
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.ModifiesEverything
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.ModifiesList
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.ModifiesNothing
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.Represents
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.jml.SpecCase
linkStatements(IJml2bConfiguration, LinkContext) - Method in class jml2b.structure.statement.Statement
linkVars - Variable in class jml2b.link.LinkContext
Stack of local variables used for linking
load(JpoInputStream) - Method in interface jml2b.languages.ILanguage
Load a terminal formula from a jpo file.
load(JpoInputStream) - Method in class jml2b.languages.java.JavaLanguage
loadAstImage(IJml2bConfiguration, String) - Static method in class jml2b.Jml2b
loadClass(IJml2bConfiguration, String) - Static method in class jml2b.Serializer
loadClass(IJml2bConfiguration, Package, String) - Static method in class jml2b.structure.java.JmlLoader
Returns the class name from package p.
loadClass(IJml2bConfiguration, String) - Static method in class jml2b.structure.java.JmlLoader
Load the given class, creating the package as needed.
loadClass(IJml2bConfiguration, boolean) - Method in class jml2b.util.JmlClassEntryFile
loadClass(IJml2bConfiguration, boolean) - Method in class jml2b.util.JmlFileEntry
loadClass(IJml2bConfiguration, boolean) - Method in class jml2b.util.JmlSourceEntryFile
loadDefaultClasses() - Method in class jack.plugin.Generator
Loads the default classes.
loadDefaultClasses(IJml2bConfiguration) - Static method in class jml2b.structure.java.JmlLoader
Loads the default classes (ensures that they are loaded)
loadFile(boolean) - Method in class jml2b.util.JmlSourceEntryFile
/** Load the given Java/JML file and return a new JmlFile structure
loadFileImage(String) - Static method in class jml2b.Jml2b
Restore the JmlFile array as well as the system packages from the given file.
loadFiles(IJml2bConfiguration, String[]) - Static method in class jml2b.Jml2b
Loads files from args.
loadFiles(IJml2bConfiguration, String[], int) - Static method in class jml2b.Jml2b
Loads the file_count files from args.
loadJmlFile(IJml2bConfiguration, String) - Static method in class jpov.JpoFile
Loads a JPO file
loadJmlFile(IJml2bConfiguration, File, JpoInputStream) - Static method in class jpov.structure.JmlFile
Loads the root node from a .jpo file
loadJpoFile(IFile) - Static method in class jack.plugin.JpovUtil
Load a Jpov object from the given .jpo file.
loadPartialJpoFile(IFile) - Static method in class jack.plugin.JpovUtil
loadProperties() - Static method in class jml2b.Jml2b
loadSerializedImage(String) - Static method in class jml2b.structure.java.JmlLoader
Loads classes from the given serialized image.
loadedFilesCount - Static variable in class jml2b.structure.java.JmlFile
lock(IResource) - Static method in class jack.plugin.JackPlugin
lookupMethod(IJml2bConfiguration, String, Vector) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.AClass
Search the given method in the class and superclass methods.
lookupMethodClass(IJml2bConfiguration, String, Vector, AMethod) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.AClass
Lookup the given method in the current class (which is not an interface).
lookupMethodCurrentClass(IJml2bConfiguration, String, Vector, AMethod) - Method in class jml2b.structure.bytecode.ClassFile
lookupMethodCurrentClass(IJml2bConfiguration, String, Vector, AMethod) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.AClass
lookupMethodCurrentClass(IJml2bConfiguration, String, Vector, AMethod) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.Class
Search for a method looking only in the current class (or interface).
lookupMethodInterface(IJml2bConfiguration, String, Vector, AMethod) - Method in class jml2b.structure.java.AClass
Lookup the given method in the current interface (which is not class).