Esterel News





sterel News.

Esterelv5_91 is now available

The main novelties in Esterel v5_91 are the pre operators for accessing the previous status or value of a signal, a new explicit automata generator that uses the same causality as the rest of the system, and a new recorder in the xes simulator. Also, Ansi C code generation is now the default. The Xeve verifier is now distributed together with the Esterel compiler.

Please remove any copy of Esterelv5_91_beta you may have tried and use this new official version instead.

Download Esterel v5_91, now

Please read the release notes there.

The Esterel Team
The new FSM behavior equivalence checker is online..
download it now.
You should replace all V5_90 Compiler by v5_91 version.
The main novelty is the pre operator for signals and values.

The Esterel team is looking for people: engineers, post-doc, etc ...
please contact:
Mr Gérard Berry
CMA BP 93 06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex FRANCE
phone: 33 492 387 961 / fax: 33 492 387 998






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