Epidaure Research Project INRIA Sophia Antipolis

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Computer graphics

This work was done under supervision of Dr. Miguel Chover of the computer graphics research group of the Universitat Jaume I. The project consisted in creating a parametric surface renderer including illumination and fast shadow casting. The modelling of parametric surfaces included arbitrary deformation fields and displacements along the normal following solid textures (bump mapping). We used the Catmull algorithm for rendering, and Lambert and Phong illumination with multiple sources. Additionally, Williams' Z-buffer technique for fast shadow casting was implemented. Texture mapping, including the definition of finite-support patches for the local application of textures and solid textures is also available. Finally, a scene-specification language and a compiler were created. The program was designed following the OMT software engineering approach, and the expansion of the code to new texture or deformation classes was facilitated by the inclusion of a dynamic class declaration system.

Texture mapping and solid textures Generation of natural scenes Solid textures and shadow casting Patches

The Spanish National Scholarship for the Promotion of Research (1995-1996) was awarded to M. A. González Ballester for the realisation of the project.


M. A. González Ballester. Visualizador de Superficies Paramétricas con Texturas, Iluminación y Sombreado. Degree Thesis, Universitat Jaume I, 1996.


M. Chover. Un Modelo de Desplazamiento, Deformación y Textura para la Representación de Características Macrogeométricas Sobre Superficies Paramétricas. PhD Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 1996.

  Copyright 2002 © Epidaure - INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Last updated 31/3/2003