Publications of year 1999
Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. Stéphane Cotin, H. Delingette, and N. Ayache. Real-time elastic deformations of soft tissues for surgery simulation. IEEE Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics, 5(1):62--73, January-March 1999. (postscript) (bibtex entry)

  2. P. Le Tallec and M. Vidrascu. Efficient solution of mechanical and biomechanical problems by domain decomposition. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 6:599-616, 1999. (bibtex entry)

  3. Fabrice Neyret and Marie-Paule Cani. Pattern-Based Texturing Revisited. Computer Graphics, pp 235--242, August 1999. SIGGRAPH'99 Conference Proceedings. ( (bibtex entry)

Conference's articles
  1. F. Boux de Casson and C. Laugier. Modelling the dynamics of a human liver for a minimally invasive simulator. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computer-Assisted Intervention, Cambridge (GB), September 1999. (bibtex entry)

  2. D. d'Aulignac and R. Balaniuk. Providing reliable force-feedback for a virtual, echographic exam of the human thigh. In Proc. of the PHANToM Users Group Workshop, Boston, MA (US), October 1999. (bibtex entry)

  3. D. d'Aulignac, M. C. Cavusoglu, and C. Laugier. Modelling the dynamics of a human thigh for a realistic echographic simulator with force feedback. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'99), Cambridge (UK), September 1999. (bibtex entry)

  4. D. d'Aulignac, C. Laugier, and M.C. Cavusoglu. Towards a realistic echographic simulator with force feedback. In Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, volume 2, Kyongju (KR), pages 727--732, October 1999. (bibtex entry)

  5. Gilles Debunne and Marie-Paule Cani. Animation multirésolution interactive d'objets déformable. In Journées AFIG, November 1999. ( (bibtex entry)

  6. Gilles Debunne, Mathieu Desbrun, Alan H. Barr, and Marie-Paule Cani. Interactive multiresolution animation of deformable models. In Eurographics Workshop on Computer Animation and Simulation, September 1999. ( (bibtex entry)

  7. H. Delingette, S. Cotin, and N. Ayache. A Hybrid Elastic Model Allowing Real-Time Cutting Deformations and Force Feedback for Surgery Training and Simulation. In N. Thalmann and D. Thalmann, editors, Computer Animation (Computer Animation'99), pages 70--81, May 1999. IEEE Computer Society. (bibtex entry)

  8. H. Delingette. Simulation d'Interventions Chirurgicales. In E. Dombre and W. Khalil, editors, Deuxième Journées de la Recherche en Robotique (JNRR'99), Montpellier, pages 109--118, September 1999. (pdf) (bibtex entry)

  9. H. Delingette. Simulation d'interventions chirurgicales. In 12ème journées de l'association Française d'Infographie Graphique (AFIG'99), Reims, pages 37--48, November 1999. (bibtex entry)

  10. H. Delingette. La Simulation Médicale. In Colloque Technologies pour la santé : Refléxions pour l'avenir, Paris, November 1999. SFGBM. (postscript) (bibtex entry)

  11. H. Delingette, S. Cotin, and N. Ayache. Efficient Linear Elastic Models of Soft Tissues for real time surgery simulation. In Medecine Meets Virtual Reality VII, Interactive Technology and the New Paradigm for He althcare, pages 139-151, January 1999. IOS Press. (bibtex entry)

  12. J.-C. Lombardo, M.-P. Cani, and F. Neyret. Real-time collision detection for virtual surgery. In Computer Animation, Geneva Switzerland, May 26-28 1999. (postscript) (bibtex entry)

  13. G. Picinbono and J.-C. Lombardo. Extrapolation: a Solution for Force Feedback?. In International Scientific Workshop on Virtual Reality and Prototyping, Laval France, pages 117-125, June 3-4 1999. (postscript) (bibtex entry)


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