Uses of Class

Uses of ContentBlock in fr.inria.edelweiss.extractor.webpage

Subclasses of ContentBlock in fr.inria.edelweiss.extractor.webpage
 class Anchor
          reprensents the HTML element <a> and provides the getters for its attributes.
 class Embedded
          reprensents the HTML elements <object> and <embed> and provides the getters for their attributes.
 class Header
          reprensents the HTML elements <h1> ...
 class Image
          reprensents the HTML element <img> and provides the getters for its attributes.
 class Paragraph
          reprensents the HTML element <p> and <div> and any piece of text.

Methods in fr.inria.edelweiss.extractor.webpage that return types with arguments of type ContentBlock
 java.util.LinkedList<ContentBlock> WebPageExtractor.getContent()