Corese 3.0 / KGRAM Pragma

olivier.corby at - Edelweiss - INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée - 2009-2011.

Pragmas are directives sent to the KGRAM interpreter to tune execution. Implemented by means of a pragma keyword at the end of the query followed by a BGP whose triples are interpreted as directives.

select * where {
pragma {
  kg:path kg:loop false


kg:kgram kg:debug true        # debug mode
kg:kgram kg:list  true        # list group result

kg:path  kg:list  true        # list path result (no thread)
kg:path  kg:loop  false       # path without loop

kg:match kg:mode 'strict'     # strict type match
kg:match kg:mode 'relax'      # approximate type match
kg:match kg:mode 'subsume'    # subsume type match