Corese 3.0 / KGRAM

olivier.corby at - Edelweiss - INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée - 2009-2012.

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Corese is a Semantic Web Factory implementing W3C RDF, RDFS, SPARQL 1.1 Query & Update, SPARQL Rules for RDF. It has been redesigned (2011) as a set of libraries and is now based on kgram and on a new graph implementation named kgraph. Corese 3.0 goodies:

KGRAM stands for Knowledge Graph Abstract Machine. It is a generic SPARQL 1.1 interpreter designed to process labelled graphs including, but not limited to, RDF. The target graph must implement a simple Edge/Node API (Java interface). In order to process SPARQL queries, KGRAM is provided with three brokers:

KGRAM comes with a lightweight implementation of RDF/S using the Edge/Node API and is the core of Corese 3.0, including the following packages:

  1. kgram: SPARQL Abstract Interpreter
  2. sparql: SPARQL Parser, AST, XSD
  3. kgenv: SPARQL Compiler
  4. kgtool: RDF/S Graph, Loader, Printer, kgram brokers
  5. engine: Inference Rule Engine
  6. kgengine: Corese API
  7. kggui: GUI

Logo: Colin Japiot