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Re: blazy@rubis.iie.cnam.fr did not provide any subject!

>I'm currently writing an tool based on several formalisms, so I'd like to
>have several ctviews communicating through a sophtalk network. 
>Each ctview should enable the user to load a file in a specific formalism
>through a special menu. I'd like to know if I could use the Centaur
>query-dialog box in order to ask the user a file name. Has everyone ever
>tried this?
>Thanks for helping!

I apologize. This is the #:interface:query-dialog function documented in the 
environment manual. Sorry for the bother !

18 allée Jean Rostand         ph.: +33 (1) 69 36 73 83
91 025 Evry cedex             fax: +33 (1) 69 36 73 05
France                        email: blazy@iie.cnam.fr