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The SimplexConsistency procedure

This simplification procedure may be used to solve systems of equations as soon as the system has at least two equations with polynomial terms in at least one variable. The principle used for this simplification procedure is explained in the ALIAS-C++ manual section of Solve_Simplex.

The syntax of this procedure is:

where EQ is a list of equation, VAR a list of variable name and Simp is the name of the simplification procedure that will be written in the file Simp.C.

The behavior of this simplification procedure may be modified by using the following variables:

Two remarks about this procedure:

  1. it is usually very effective
  2. it may be computer intensive for large systems: hence its use should in general be avoided within the 3B method (see section 4.5)
  3. it is not numerically safe with the current implementation of the simplex i.e. in some cases it may lead to miss some solutions

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Jean-Pierre Merlet 2012-12-20