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Up: Newton method for solving
Previous: Mathematical background
The procedure for using Newton method is:
int Newton(int n,VECTOR (* TheFunction)(VECTOR &),
MATRIX (* Gradient)(VECTOR &),
VECTOR &Input,double Accuracy,int MaxIter,VECTOR &Residu)
- n: number of equations
- TheFunction: a procedure which return the value of the
equation for given values of the unknowns (see note
- Gradient: a procedure which return the Jacobian matrix of
the system for given values of the unknowns (see note
- Input: at the start of the procedure the estimate of the
solution, at the end of the procedure the solution
- Accuracy: the procedure return a solution if there is an
Input such that
for all
in [1,
- MaxIter: the procedure will return a failure code if a
solution is not found after MaxIter iteration
- Residu: the value of the equations for the solution
Note that it also possible to use in the Newton method
the interval evaluation of the
equation and of the Jacobian matrix which are necessary for the
general purpose solving algorithm with Jacobian (see
section 2.4). The syntax of this implementation
int Newton(int Dimension,
INTERVAL_VECTOR (* IntervalFunction)(int,int,INTERVAL_VECTOR &),
INTERVAL_MATRIX (* IntervalGradient)(int, int, INTERVAL_VECTOR &),
VECTOR &Input,double Accuracy,int MaxIter,VECTOR &Residu)
- IntervalFunction: a function which return the interval
vector evaluation of the equations, see the note
- IntervalGradient: a function which the interval matrix of the
jacobian of the equations, see the note
To avoid overflow problem it is possible to use the vector
ALIAS_Newton_Max_Dim that must be resized to the number of
unknowns and in which will be indicated the maximal possible value of
each variable after each Newton operation. If one of these values is
exceeded Newton will return 0.
The version of Newton method with constant
matrix is
implemented as:
int Newton(int n,VECTOR (* TheFunction)(VECTOR &),
MATRIX &InvGrad,VECTOR &Input,double Accuracy,int MaxIter,VECTOR &Residu)
There is a special implementation of Newton method for univariate
int Newton(int Degree,REAL *Input,VECTOR &Coeff,double Accuracy,int Max_Iter,REAL *Residu)
- Degree: degree of the polynomial
- Input: on entry an estimate of the solution and on exit
the solution
- Coeff: coefficient of the polynomial ordered in increasing
- Accuracy: Input is a solution if |
- MaxIter: the procedure will return a failure code if a
solution is not found after MaxIter iteration
- Residu: the value of the polynomial for the solution
In that case we may have a problem if the Accuracy cannot be
reached due to numerical errors. If you have determined that Newton
should converge (using for example Kantorovitch theorem, see
section 3.1.2) then you may use the procedure Newton_Safe
with the same argument: this procedure will return the solution which
has led to the lowest Residu during the Newton scheme.
An example of use of the Newton method is presented in
section 15.1.1, where it is compared to alternative methods.
Next: Return value
Up: Newton method for solving
Previous: Mathematical background
Jean-Pierre Merlet