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Example 4

In this example (see section 15.1.3) we deal with a complex problem of three equations in three unknowns $\psi,\theta,\phi$. We are looking for a solution in the domain:

\begin{displaymath}[4.537856054,4.886921908], [1.570796327,1.745329252], [0.6981317008,

The system has a solution which is approximately:

4.6616603883, 1.70089818026, 0.86938888189

This problem is extremely ill conditioned as for the TestDomain the functions intervals are:

\begin{displaymath}[-1.45096e+08,1.32527e+08]; [-38293.3,29151.5] ; [-36389.1,27705.7]

This program is implemented under the name Test_Solve_General. With espsilonf=0 and epsilon=0.001 and if we stop at the first solution we find with the maximum equation ordering:


with 531 boxes. We may also mention the following remarks: With the maximum middle-point equation ordering we find:


with 203 boxes. The importance of normalizing the functions appears if we use epsilonf=0.1 and epsilon=0. If we stop at the first solution we find:


while if we divide the first function by 1000 we find:


in four time less computation time.

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Jean-Pierre Merlet 2012-12-20