As interval coefficients may appear in the function we have to
define what will be called a minimum or a maximum of
. First we
assume that there is no interval coefficients in
and denote by
the minimal or maximal value of
over a set of ranges defined
and an accuracy
with which we want to determine
the extremum. The algorithm will return an interval
as an approximation of
such that
for a minimization problem
for a maximization problem
. The
algorithm will also return a value
where the extremum
occurs. If we deal with a constrained optimization problem we will
If there are interval coefficients in the optimum function there is
not a unique but according to the value of the coefficient a
minimal extremum value
and a maximal extremum value
. The algorithm will return in the lower bound of
approximation of
and in the upper bound of
approximation of
which verify for a minimization problem:
If the optimum function has no interval coefficients the algorithm
may return no solution if the interval evaluation of the optimum
function has a width larger than . Evidently the algorithm
will also return no solution if there is no solution that satisfy all
the constraints.