Fabien Mourgues

Graduate from ENS electrical engineering dpt

PhD, ChIR team, INRIA.

Phone:   (33)4-92-38-78-54

E-mail: fabien.mourgues@sophia.inria.fr

CV: soon here


  • F. Mourgues, T. Vieville, V. Falk, and È. Coste-Manière. Interactive guidance by image overlay in robot assisted coronary artery bypass,MICCAI2003, Montréal, Canada, November 2003.
  • È. Coste-Manière, L. Adhami, F. Mourgues, O. Bantiche et al. Optimal planning of robotically assisted heart surgery: Transfer precision in the operating room. International Journal of Robotics Research, in press.
  • È. Coste-Manière, L. Adhami, F. Mourgues, and A. Carpentier. Planning, simulation, and augmented reality for robotic cardiac procedures: The stars system of the chir team. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 15(2), April 2003.
  • F. Mourgues, È. Coste-Manière: Flexible Calibration of actuated stereoscopic endoscope for overlay in robot assisted surgery, MICCAI2002, Tokyo, Japan, 2002.
  • È. Coste-Manière, L. Adhami, F. Mourgues, O. Bantiche, and etal: Optimal planning of robotically assisted heart surgery: Transfer precision in the operating room., in Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Experimental Robotics VIII, 2002. pdf icon
  • F. Mourgues, Devernay, È. Coste-Manière, 3D reconstruction of the operating field for image overlay in 3D-endoscopic surgery, ISAR2001, Oct 2001. pdf icon
  • F. Mourgues, F. Devernay, G. Malandain, È. Coste-Manière: 3D+T Modeling of Coronary Artery Tree from Standard non Simultaneous Angiographic Sequences, MICCAI2001, Oct 2001.pdf icon
  • F. Devernay, F. Mourgues, È. Coste-Manière, Towards endoscopic augmented reality for robotically assisted minimally invasive cardiac surgery, Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality MIAR2001, Jun 2001.pdf icon
  • F. Mourgues, F. Devernay, G. Malandain, È. Coste-Manière, Modélisation 3D+t de l'arbre coronaire à partir de séquences angiographiques, ORASIS 2001, Cahors, pp 155-162, Jun 2001.pdf icon
  • F. Mourgues, Téléopération d'un brise-roches par réalité augmentée : Étalonnage du système, GRPR, Montreal University, GRPR-RT-9713, Aug 1997.

surgery: the next step


AR in the operating room

Medical imaging and organs modeling, based on massive introduction of computer science in medical domain, are used for diagnostic (arteries stenoses quantization, breast cancer tumour detection), monitoring the evolution of diseases (by registration of same patient's datas).

two angiograms

Augmented Reality is a solution to fuse preoperative results with the intrap context. The aim is to mix the surgeon's vision (extern, endoscopic...) with miscellaneous informations: patient images from other modalities, prereconstructed models of organs, preop planing results. The surgeon would be able to SEE THROUGH (transparent skin), SEE DIFFERENTLY (with Xrays eyes ;-) and SEE MORE (overlayed indications).

Augmented reality seems be very attractive, but raises some difficulties which must be solved by research:

* vision: calibration of the surgeon's vision system, features extraction, intraop model construction,

* registration: preop and in situ data (different modalities, deformations...),

* ergonomics: overlay images, interaction with the surgeon,

* real-time and security issues.

3D model of one left coronary tree

A large part of those developpements are limited to the preop stage. The next step is to intoduce medical imaging and modeling in the operating theatre. Results of preop planification, models of target organ's and their positioning in the real operating context would be very helpful in guiding the surgeon's gesture.

Simultaneously, robotics technics are being used in the operating room. In the roboticaly assisted mini-invasive operations, postop trauma are greatly reduced. Articulated instruments enhance surgeon's dexterity and insure his gesture. Planification and simulation technics based on patient dependant models help the surgeon getting used to this new context before the actual operation.

endoscopic view in a mini-invasive roboticaly assisted operation
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