Note that the same types are used to compute
the polynomial solutions of differential and difference equations
and systems. However, the
parameters to the polynomial solvers tell them
which type of equation to solve.
For differential equations and systems,
should be a type
of category LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory
should be a type of category UnivariatePolynomialCategory.
For recurrence equations and systems,
should be a type
of category LinearOrdinaryRecurrenceCategory
should be the type UnivariateFactorialPolynomial
since the solutions are computed as factorial polynomials.
Note that the series solver are meant for solving only around an ordinary point of the equation or system.
In addition, LinearOrdinaryRecurrenceHypergeometricSolutions provides a hypergeometric solver for linear recurrences. When solving systems, you must first create the system as an element of LinearOrdinaryFirstOrderSystem. That type does not specify whether its elements represent differential or difference equations, they are interpreted differently by the various solvers depending on the other parameters.