stream t
stream f
stream h
stream(n, g)
stream(n, g, m, t)
stream(gen, t)
stream(gen, m, t)
stream: T % stream: (() T) % stream: ((MachineInteger, %) T) % stream: (MachineInteger, MachineInteger T) % stream: (MachineInteger, MachineInteger T, MachineInteger, T) % stream: (Generator T, T) % stream: (Generator T, MachineInteger, T) %
Parameter | Type | Description |
n, m | MachineInteger | machine integers |
t | T | an element |
f | () T | a function |
g | MachineInteger T | a function |
h | (MachineInteger, %) T | a function |
gen | Generator T | a generator |
stream(t) returns the constant stream , while stream(f) returns the stream obtained by successive calls to , stream(n, g) returns the stream , stream(n, g, m, t) returns the eventually constant stream and stream(h) returns the stream where for any . When using generators, stream(gen, t) returns the stream followed by if is finite, while stream(gen, m, t) returns the first elements of the stream followed by .
See Also
The function must be defined for all (resp. ) and must be defined for all , even if you intend to use set! to set specific values of the stream later. Note that stream(f) does not necessarily returns a constant stream since each call to can side-effect its environment. Constant or eventually constant streams do not repeatedly store their constant value and are therefore preferable. For example, stores only one value no matter how many values are requested, while stores times when its element is requested.
The following code creates the stream of the Fibonnaci numbers and prints the first 10 of them:
import from MachineInteger, AldorInteger, Stream AldorInteger; fib(n:MachineInteger, f:Stream AldorInteger):AldorInteger == { n = 0 or n = 1 => 1; f(n-1) + f(n-2); } sfib := stream fib; a := sfib.9; -- computes sfib.0 to sfib.9 stdout << a << newline;