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set!(a, n, x)
a.n := x;


set!: (%, MachineInteger, T) $\to$ T

Parameter Type Description
a % a linear structure
n MachineInteger an index
x T an entry


Sets the element of $a$ with index $n$ to $x$ and returns $x$. The position of that element depends on the indexing scheme of each actual type, for example if it is $0$-indexed, then $a.n := x$ sets the ${(n+1)}^{{\rm st}}$ element of $a$, while if it is $1$-indexed, then $a.n := x$ sets the ${n}^{{\rm th}}$ element of $a$.


Bound checking depends on the actual type, some perform it and some do not.

Manuel Bronstein 2004-06-28