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90 Technical and Research Reports
4 - Restoration mehod for spatially variant blurred images.
S. Ben Hadj and L. Blanc-Féraud. Research Report 7654, INRIA, June 2011.
Keywords : Deconvolution, energy minimization, spatially-variant PSF, Total variation.
5 - Complex wavelet regularization for 3D confocal microscopy deconvolution.
M. Carlavan and L. Blanc-Féraud. Research Report 7366, INRIA, August 2010.
Keywords : 3D confocal microscopy, Deconvolution, complex wavelet regularization, discrepancy principle, Alternating Direction technique.
6 - Estimation des paramètres de modèles de processus ponctuels marqués pour l'extraction d'objets en imagerie spatiale et aérienne haute résolution .
S. Ben Hadj and F. Chatelain and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Rapport de recherche 7350, INRIA, July 2010.
Keywords : Marked point process, RJMCMC, Simulated Annealing, Stochastic EM (SEM), pseudo-vraisemblance, Object extraction.
7 - Building Extraction and Change Detection in Multitemporal Aerial and Satellite Images in a Joint Stochastic Approach.
C. Benedek and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Research Report 7143, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, December 2009.
Keywords : Change detection, Building extraction, Marked point process, MAP, multiple birth-and-death dynamics.
8 - Space non-invariant point-spread function and its estimation in fluorescence microscopy.
P. Pankajakshan and L. Blanc-Féraud and Z. Kam and J. Zerubia. Research Report 7157, INRIA, December 2009.
Keywords : Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, point spread function, Bayesian estimation, MAP estimation, Deconvolution, fluorescence microscopy.
9 - High resolution SAR-image classification.
V. Krylov and J. Zerubia. Research Report 7108, INRIA, November 2009.
Keywords : SAR image classification, Dictionary, amplitude probability density, Stochastic EM (SEM), Markov random field, copula.
Copyright : INRIA/ARIANA, 2009
10 - A formal Gamma-convergence approach for the detection of points in 2-D images.
D. Graziani and L. Blanc-Féraud and G. Aubert. Research Report 7038, INRIA, May 2009.
Note : to appear Siam Journal of Imaging Science
Keywords : points detection, curvature-depending functionals, divergence-measure fields, Gamma-convergence, biological 2-D images.
11 - Modeling the statistics of high resolution SAR images.
V. Krylov and G. Moser and S.B. Serpico and J. Zerubia. Research Report 6722, INRIA, November 2008.
Keywords : Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image, Probability density function, parametric estimation, finite mixture models, Stochastic EM (SEM).
Copyright : INRIA/ARIANA, 2008
12 - Parametric blind deconvolution for confocal laser scanning microscopy-proof of concept.
P. Pankajakshan and L. Blanc-Féraud and B. Zhang and Z. Kam and J.C. Olivo-Marin and J. Zerubia. Research Report 6493, INRIA, April 2008.
Keywords : Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Bayesian restoration, Blind Deconvolution, point spread function, Richardson-Lucy algorithm, Total variation.
Copyright : ARIANA/INRIA
13 - On the illumination invariance of the level lines under directed light. Application to change detection.
P. Weiss and A. Fournier and L. Blanc-Féraud and G. Aubert. Research Report 6612, INRIA, 2008.
Keywords : Level Lines, illumination invariance, topographic map, Change detection, remote sensing, Urban areas.
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