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Definitions and Notations 1/3

Marked point processes

Let $ S$ be the space of interest, called the state space, typically a subset of $ \mathbb{R}^{n}$. A configuration of objects in $ S$ is an unordered list of objects. A point process $ \mathit{X}\;$in $ S$ is a random variable whose realizations are random configurations of points.

The most obvious example of point processes is the homogeneous Poisson process (cf Fig. (2)), which induces a complete spatial randomness on $ S$, given the fact that the positions are uniformly and independently distributed.
Figure 2 : Realizations of an homogeneous discs Poisson process of mean 100 (click to enlarge).

To apply point processes to object extractions in images, the idea is to model the observed data $ \mathcal{I} $(cf Fig. (1)) as a realization of a marked point process of simple geometric objects. The space of the positions $ \mathcal{P}$ is given by the image size, while the space of the marks $ \mathcal{K}$ is a compact set of $ \mathbb{R}^{d}$.