Postal address

INRIA Sophia Antipolis - MéditerranĂ©e
Projet AOSTE
2004 route des Lucioles, BP 93
06 902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex

How to get to INRIA Sophia Antipolis ?

Map of Sophia Antipolis

Situation : Our institute is located on the French Riviera, close to Nice (28 km), to Cannes (12 km) and to Antibes (8 km).

By car : GPS 43.61619N (43°36'58") 7.06786E (07°04'04")

By train : The closer railway station is "Antibes" city. Regular shuttles from Antibes SNCF railways station to Sophia Antipolis with Envibus. Bus Stop "Lucioles" or "INRIA".

By public transportation :