1. ANIMATION | |||
ARGE:Animation of Grand Est Networks | André SCHAFF (LORIA) Partners : LORIA Nancy / INRIA-Lorraine-LIFC (Besançon)-LSIIT (Stasbourg)-LITA (Metz)-CRAN (nancy)-SUPELEC (Metz)-LERI (Reims)-LE2I (Dijon)-IUT (Colmar) | LORIA
BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre Lès Nancy |
GRID2 : French Working Group on GRID Computing | Jean-Louis PAZAT (IRISA) Partners : ID IMAG (Grenoble)-IRISA/INRIA (Rennes)- -LaBri Borofaux-LAMI (Evry)-LIFL (Lille)-LIP6 (Paris)-LIP (Lyon)-LIRMM (Montpellier)-LORIA/INRIA (Nancy)-LRI (Paris) | IRISA
Campus University of Beaulieu 35042 RENNES |
University of Lyon1 5, Bd Latarjet 69622 Villeurbanne |
ANCG :Numerical Algorithms for Global Computation | Nahid EMAD (PRISM) | Laboratory
PRISM University Versailles St Quentin 45, Av. of United States 78035 Versailles . |
CONCERTO: Adaptive parallel components | Yves MAHEO (VALORIA) | Valoria - Campus of Tohannic Rue Yves Mainguy 56000 Vannes |
Métacompil:MetaCC -- Compile and run everywhere | Georges-André SILBER (Ecole des Mines de Paris) | Ecole
des mines de Paris 35, rue Saint-Honoré, 77305 Fontainebleau |
RESAM Network Support and Intelligence for the Grid, | Congduc PHAM (RESAM) | Ecole
Normale Supérieure of Lyon, Bât. LR5 69364 Lyon . 07, France |
CARAML : Objective Caml libraries for grid computing | Gaétan HAINS (LIFO) Partners : PPS, Univ Paris-7 LIFO, Univ d'OrléYears-INRIA, Rocquencourt-LACL, UnivParis-12 | University
of Orléans, 45067 Orléanss |
CGP2P : Peer-to-Peer Global Computing (P2PGC) | Frank CAPPELLO (LRI) Partners : ASCI (Orsay)-IMAG,ID (Grenoble)-LAL (Orsay)-LARIA (Amiens)-LIFL (Lille)-LIX (Palaiseau)-LRI (Paris) | LRI
University Paris-Sud 91405 Orsay |
DOC-G Discrete Optimization Challenges on GRID | Van-Dat CUNG (PRISM) Partners : PRISM CU Versailles St Quentin-LIFL(Lille)-ID IMAG CU de Grenoble | PRISM
University of Versailles-Saint Quentin 45, avenue of United States, 78035 Versailles |
RMI Programming the Grid with distributed Objects | Christian PEREZ (IRISA) Partners : IRISA (Paris)-LIP(Lyon)-LIFL(Lille)-INRIA(Sophia)-EADS(Blagnac) |
ASP Application Service Provider | Frédéric DESPREZ (LIP) Partners : LIP/ReMaP/ENS (Lyon)-LORIA/Résédas (Nancy)- LIFC/SRDP (Besançon)- ENS-LST(Lyon)- IRCOM - UMR 7565 Chimie (CNRS Nancy) - Physique Lyon I - LAN | LIP UMR 5668 CNRS-INRIA-ENS Lyon, 46, allée d’Italie, 69364 Lyon |
COUMEHY Meteorological-Hydrological Coupling over West Africa | Christopher MESSAGER (LTHE) Partners : IDRIS : Institut du développement et des ressources en informatique scientifique (Orsay)- LTHE (Grenoble) - Institut Hydrosciences de Montpellier. | Transferts
en Hydrologie et Environnement Uninversity BP 53 38041 Grenoble |
GénoGRID : A grid portal for high performance genomic computation | Dominique LAVENIER (IRISA) Partners : IRISA (Rennes)-ABISS-LAMIH-LIH-LIFL-LORIA-IFREMER-SBR-GERM-INRA | IRISA University of Beaulieu 35042 Rennes |
GeoGRID : Meta Visual Geo-Computing | Jean-Claude PAUL (LORIA) Partners : ISA&ECOO : INRIA(Lorraine)-CPRG-CNRS-PRISME: INRIA(Sophia)-LABRI (Bordeaux) | LORIA
Campus Scientifique 615, rue du Jardin Botanique 54602 Villers-lès-Nancy |
GUIRLANDE-fr :Linguistic resource management and access for the diffusion and learning of french | Laurent ROMARY (LORIA) Partners : LORIA (Nancy)-l’ATILF (Analyses et Traitements Informatiques du Lexique Français )-ILF(CNRS de linguistique française)-INRIA | LORIA
Scientific univerity 615, rue du Jardin Botanique 54602 Villers-lès-Nancy |
IDHA : Distributed heterogenes images for astronomy | Françoise GENOVA (CDAS) Partners : CDS (Observatoire et Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg)-LSIIT(Lab des Sciences de l’Informatique de l’Image et de la Télédétection à Strasbourg) - PAST IAP-LAM- Queens University, Belfast- | CDAS Observatory astronomie 11 rue de l'University 67000 Strasbourg |
3 Years
TAG :Transformations Adaptation for the grid | Stéphane GENAUD (LSIIT) Partners : LSIIT-ICPS (Illkirch)- IPGS (Strasbourg), IECN LORIA (Nancy)-CCQMM (Strasbourg) | ICPS-LSIITBd S. Brant67400 Illkirch |
3 Years