Tag remove-ontology

To remove an ontology file.

Tag Information
Tag Classfr.inria.semtags.edit.onto.RemoveOntologyTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body Contentempty
Display NameNone

forceUpdatefalsetruebooleanTrue if the engine has to be reloaded, false otherwise. Default is false.
filetruetruejava.lang.StringThe relative (to the ontologies path specified for the engine or in the optional ontoDir attribute) path name of the ontology file to remove.
ontoDirfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe relative (to the webapp directory) path name of the ontologies directory.
enginefalsetruefr.inria.semtags.EngineWrapperThe engine instance to reload (use if it is not the default instance that has to be reloaded).

No Variables Defined.

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