Corese User Manual
Corese stands for COnceptual REsource Search Engine. It is an RDF engine based on Conceptual Graphs (CG). It enables the
processing of RDF Schema and RDF statements within the CG formalism (see the note
from T. Berners-Lee on the subject).
Corese is written in Java; it provides an API for developers to add semantic to their applications. The main functionality of
Corese is dedicated to retrieve web resources annotated in RDFS, by using a query language based on
SPARQL and an inference rule engine.
On top of Corese, a SEmantic WEb SErver (Sewese) has been developed. Sewese is a generic factory to design and develop semantic web servers and portals. It is designed to embed Corese as semantic search engine and is based on Tomcat.
This manual presents how to use Corese. After a short introduction
about what Corese is and what it is used for, the main part describes
how to use Corese (how to get the standalone version, how to load
ontologies, how to write queries, which functionalities are added, how
to write a new function, how to write rules), while the final part is
more technical, discussing about how to develop with Corese (it
describes the API, how to handle the results, how to manage the
property files).
It is written for persons with a measurable knowledge in semantic web.
It also gives some ideas on how to develop with Corese.
Note: In all the manual, we will use the notation corese.jar instead of CORESE_2006_12_12_v2_2_2.jar.
The standalone version of Corese can be used to:
The first version of the Corese prototype was created in 1999. Corese is now used, and has been used, as semantic search engine in more than 20 applications; here are some examples:
Other applications using Corese can be found here:
Corese is developed with Java 1.5.
A previous version has been developed in Java 1.4; but this documentation is for the current version, in Java 1.5.
Annotations are written in .rdf files, ontologies in .rdfs (or .owl) files, and rules in .rul files.
We use the following APIs:
With the following licenses:
In Corese, we use RDFS (or OWL) for the ontology, RDF for annotations and SPARQL as a query language, you can find information about these four standards (SPARQL will soon become a standard, RDF, RDFS and OWL are already ones) on the following W3C documents:
We also use RDF Rules; they will be explained later in this document.
To get the standalone version of Corese, go the Corese download web page, agree to the "Free of charge software agreement" by clicking on the "I AGREE" button, after having given your name, e-mail and organization.
On the next page, download "CORESE 2.2.2". Here can also be found licenses under which the software is provided, a set of examples of Corese, the Corese Javadoc, the libraries and the sources of Notio (the Conceptual Graph platform used to design Corese).
To start the standalone version of Corese, double click on the JAR (for Windows OS) or use the command
"java -jar corese.jar" (for any OS).
Once the application is launched, in the "Input" part, load an
ontology by clicking on the "Load ontologies" button and by selecting
the ontology (.rdfs file or .owl file) to load. Repeat this for all the
ontologies you want to load. Note: it is also possible to load a whole
directory in one time.
In the same way you can load annotations (.rdf files) with the "Load annotations" button.
Finally, it is possible (but not mandatory) to load rules (.rul files) with the "Load and run rules" button.
SPARQL is an RDF query language designed by the W3C Data Access Working Group
to easily access to RDF stores.
According to the SPARQL Working Draft:
"The SPARQL query language consists of the syntax and semantics for asking and answering queries against RDF graphs. SPARQL
contains capabilities for querying by triple patterns, conjunctions, disjunctions, and optional patterns. It also supports
constraining queries by source RDF graph and extensible value testing. Results of SPARQL queries can be ordered, limited and
offset in number, and presented in several different forms."
The Corese tutorial explains briefly what RDF, RDFS, and SPARQL are; before giving a tutorial on how to query Corese and how to use rules.
PREFIX tutor: <>
SELECT ?student ?name ?firstname
?student tutor:isStudentOf ?univ .
{ ?univ tutor:siteweb "http//" . }
{ ?univ tutor:siteweb "http//" . }
?student tutor:name ?name .
OPTIONAL { ?student tutor:firstname ?firstname . }
?student tutor:age ?age .
FILTER ( ?age > 21 )
ORDER BY ?name
With Corese, we offer several other functionalities that are not in SPARQL; they are described in the next part, "Additive functionalities".
Corese query language is based on SPARQL, but it offers in addition some original statements among which approximate search that find best matches according to the RDF Schema, aggregation, path patterns...
SPARQL specification covers simple
Entailment, but with Corese we cover RDFS-Entailment.
In Corese, edges that are inferred by a rule have a default source graph:
To get inferred edges, it is then possible to ask:
GRAPH <> { ?x ?p ?y }
With Corese, it is possible to ask for an approximate answer.
For example, an approximate search for "a teacher who has written a
book" can retrieve "a researcher who has written an article".
Syntactically, the keyword MORE in the select clause of a Corese query asks for approximate answers. In this case, Corese basically
approximates every concept types of the query.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
e:personA | e:Name | 'John' |
e:personA | rdf:type | e:Teacher |
e:personA | e:hasWritten | e:bookA |
e:bookA | rdf:type | e:Book |
e:personB | e:Name | 'Lara' |
e:personB | rdf:type | e:Researcher |
e:personB | e:hasWritten | e:artB |
e:artB | rdf:type | e:Article |
e:personC | e:Name | 'Lucio' |
e:personC | rdf:type | e:MathTeacher |
e:personC | e:hasWritten | e:artC |
e:artC | rdf:type | e:Article |
e:MathTeacher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Teacher |
e:Teacher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
e:Researcher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SELECT MORE ?name ?doc WHERE {
?person e:Name ?name .
?person rdf:type e:Teacher .
?person e:hasWritten ?doc .
?doc rdf:type e:Book
Query: Approximate search
name | doc |
John | e:bookA |
Lara | e:artB |
Lucio | e:artC |
Query Result
It is possible to require the specialization of some concepts while approximating others by using type operators. For instance, by using the <=: operator, Corese is able to retrieve persons who are teachers (or a subclass of teacher) and who have written a book (or something close) by processing the following query.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
e:personA | e:Name | 'John' |
e:personA | rdf:type | e:Teacher |
e:personA | e:hasWritten | e:bookA |
e:bookA | rdf:type | e:Book |
e:personB | e:Name | 'Lara' |
e:personB | rdf:type | e:Researcher |
e:personB | e:hasWritten | e:artB |
e:artB | rdf:type | e:Article |
e:personC | e:Name | 'Lucio' |
e:personC | rdf:type | e:MathTeacher |
e:personC | e:hasWritten | e:artC |
e:artC | rdf:type | e:Article |
e:MathTeacher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Teacher |
e:Teacher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
e:Researcher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SELECT MORE ?name ?doc WHERE {
?person e:Name ?name .
FILTER ( ?person <=: e:Teacher )
?person e:hasWritten ?doc .
?doc rdf:type e:Book
Query: Approximate search (with a part of the query where the concept is specialized)
name | doc |
John | e:bookA |
Lucio | e:artC |
Query Result
The keyword SCORE allows us to control the level of approximation we want, for every part of the query.
The value 1 corresponds to perfect matches while 0 would correspond to the highest approximation.
We can use SCORE with 2 syntaxes:
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
e:personA | e:Name | 'John' |
e:personA | rdf:type | e:Teacher |
e:personA | e:hasWritten | e:bookA |
e:bookA | rdf:type | e:Book |
e:personB | e:Name | 'Lara' |
e:personB | rdf:type | e:Researcher |
e:personB | e:hasWritten | e:artB |
e:artB | rdf:type | e:Article |
e:personC | e:Name | 'Lucio' |
e:personC | rdf:type | e:MathTeacher |
e:personC | e:hasWritten | e:artC |
e:artC | rdf:type | e:Article |
e:MathTeacher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Teacher |
e:Teacher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
e:Researcher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SCORE ?s1 { ?x rdf:type e:Teacher } .
SCORE ?s2 { ?doc rdf:type e:Book } .
?x e:hasCreated ?doc .
FILTER ( score() > 0.75 )
FILTER ( ?s2 > 0.5 )
Query: with SCORE
name | doc |
John | e:bookA |
Lucio | e:artC |
Query Result
In the example, we are looking for a teacher who has created an article; we are more flexible with the fact that the document is a book (?s2 > 0.5), than with the whole result of the query (score() > 0.75).
The function similarity computes the similarity between two concepts; the result is a number between 0 (the highest approximation)
and 1 (concept types are equal). If one concept subsumes the other, we still compute the similarity between the two concepts.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
e:p1 | rdf:type | e:Person |
e:p2 | rdf:type | e:Engineer |
e:p3 | rdf:type | e:Researcher |
e:t1 | rdf:type | e:Truck |
e:t2 | rdf:type | e:Car |
e:Engineer | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
e:Researcher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
e:Truck | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Vehicle |
e:Car | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Vehicle |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
?x rdf:type ?t1 .
?y rdf:type ?t2
FILTER ( ?x != ?y && similarity(?x, ?y) > 0.9 )
We are looking for 2 different persons, with the same familyname, that have similarity of 0.9.
x | t1 | y | t2 |
e:p1 | e:Person | e:p2 | e:Engineer |
e:p2 | e:Engineer | e:p1 | e:Person |
e:p1 | e:Person | e:p3 | e:Researcher |
e:p3 | e:Researcher | e:p1 | e:Person |
e:p2 | e:Engineer | e:p3 | e:Researcher |
e:p3 | e:Researcher | e:p2 | e:Engineer |
e:t1 | e:Truck | e:t2 | e:Car |
e:t2 | e:Car | e:t1 | e:Truck |
Query Result
The function classSimilarity do the same thing with two classes (and not two instances).
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
e:p1 | rdf:type | e:Person |
e:p2 | rdf:type | e:Person |
e:p2 | rdf:type | e:Engineer |
e:p2 | rdf:type | e:Actress |
e:p3 | rdf:type | e:Person |
e:p3 | rdf:type | e:Dancer |
e:p3 | rdf:type | e:Researcher |
e:Engineer | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Scientific |
e:Researcher | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Scientific |
e:Actress | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Artist |
e:Dancer | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Artist |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
?x rdf:type e:Person .
?x rdf:type ?t1 .
?x rdf:type ?t2 .
FILTER ( classSimilarity(?t1, ?t2) < 0.8 )
We are looking for 2 different types (with similarity less than 0.6) for a person
x | t1 | t2 |
e:p2 | e:Actress | e:Engineer |
e:p2 | e:Engineer | e:Actress |
e:p3 | e:Dancer | e:Researcher |
e:p3 | e:Researcher | e:Dancer |
Query Result
It is possible to have functions in the select clause. The syntax is function(?x) as ?fun.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
e:p1 | e:age | '2'^^xsd:integer |
e:p1 | e:FamilyName | 'Smith' |
e:p1 | e:birthdate | '1982-10-10'^^xsd:date |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SELECT ?p ?y datatype(?y) as ?datatype WHERE {
e:p1 ?p ?y
We want to know the datatype of values linked to e:p1 by a property
?p | ?y | ?datatype |
e:age | 2 | xsd:integer |
e:FamilyName | 'Smith' | xsd:string |
e:birthdate | 1982-10-10 | xsd:date |
Query Result
In SPARQL, the keyword DISTINCT is described as follows:
"[Distinct] ensures that every combination of variable bindings (i.e. each solution) in the sequence is unique".
Example: if we have the results aab aab abb aba abb, we will only keep aab, abb, and aba.
With Corese, in addition to the SPARQL keyword DISTINCT, we have add the keyword DISTINCT SORTED, which keep only distinct values in
variable binding sequence. In fact, we first sort the values in the results and then make the distinct.
Example: if we have the results aab aab abb aba abb, we will only keep
aab and abb (and not aba, because it is not "distinct sorted" with aab).
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||||||
e:p1 | e:FirstName | 'a' | e:p2 | e:FirstName | 'a' | |
e:p3 | e:FirstName | 'b' | e:p4 | e:FirstName | 'b' | |
e:p1 | e:hasFriend | e:p2 | e:p1 | e:hasFriend | e:p3 | |
e:p2 | e:hasFriend | e:p3 | e:p2 | e:hasFriend | e:p4 | |
e:p3 | e:hasFriend | e:p2 | e:p3 | e:hasFriend | e:p4 |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
?x e:FirstName ?n1 .
?x e:hasFriend ?y .
?y e:FirstName ?n2 .
?y e:hasFriend ?z .
?z e:FirstName ?n3 .
FILTER (?x != ?y && ?x != ?z && ?y != ?z)
n1 | n2 | n3 |
a | a | b |
a | b | b |
Query Result: aab, aab, abb, abb, aba, bab => aab, abb
By default, results are presented as described by the W3C Working Group: SPARQL Query Results XML Format.
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SELECT ?doc ?person WHERE {
?doc rdf:type e:Document .
?doc e:CreatedBy ?person
Example of simple query
<binding name='doc'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='doc'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='doc'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri>éphane.lapalut</uri></binding>
<binding name='doc'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri></uri></binding>
Standard presentation of results (XML presentation)
The DISPLAY clause enables to tune the pretty-printer that generates RDF/XML markup.
It is possible to print in RDF format by using the DISPLAY RDF statement.
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
?doc rdf:type e:Document .
?doc e:CreatedBy ?person
Query with DISPLAY RDF
<e:ResearchReport rdf:about=''/>
<e:Employee rdf:about=''>
<rdf:type rdf:resource='http://example/of/ontology#Manager'/>
<rdf:type rdf:resource='http://example/of/ontology#Researcher'/>
<e:ResearchReport rdf:about=''/>
<e:ProjectGroup rdf:about=''/>
<e:ResearchReport rdf:about=''/>
<e:Person rdf:about='éphane.lapalut'/>
<e:ResearchReport rdf:about=''/>
<e:ProjectGroup rdf:about=''/>
Presentation of results in RDF/S
Note: with the statements CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE, the graphs constructed are presented in RDF format.
The keyword MERGE merges all elementary solutions (projections) into one result.
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SELECT MERGE ?doc ?person WHERE {
?doc rdf:type e:Document .
?doc e:CreatedBy ?person
Query with MERGE
<binding name='doc'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='doc'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='doc'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='doc'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri>éphane.lapalut</uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri>égis.vincent</uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri></uri></binding>
<binding name='person'><uri>ère</uri></binding>
Results are merged
In SPARQL, results are presented in a list, but with Corese, it is
possible to group the results that have the same value for given
variables with the keyword GROUP.
It is possible to group on several variables; in this case, we will
group first according to the first group, then according to the second
one, and so on.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||||||||||
e:doc1 | rdf:type | e:Document | e:doc1 | e:createdBy | e:p1 | e:doc1 | e:date | '2006-10-10' | ||
e:doc2 | rdf:type | e:Document | e:doc2 | e:createdBy | e:p1 | e:doc2 | e:date | '2006-10-10' | ||
e:doc3 | rdf:type | e:Document | e:doc3 | e:createdBy | e:p1 | e:doc3 | e:date | '1999-12-08' | ||
e:doc4 | rdf:type | e:Document | e:doc4 | e:createdBy | e:p2 | e:doc4 | e:date | '2006-10-10' |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SELECT ?author ?date ?doc GROUP ?author GROUP ?date WHERE {
?doc rdf:type e:Document .
?doc e:createdBy ?author .
?doc e:date ?date
Example: group documents by author and then by date
author | date | doc |
e:p1 | 2006-10-10 | e:doc1, e:doc2 |
e:p1 | 1999-12-08 | e:doc3 |
e:p2 | 2006-10-10 | e:doc4 |
Query Result
One can count the number of different values for a variable in a result. The keyword COUNT, combined with the GROUP one, allows us to count the (different) documents retrieved. For instance, to mention the number of documents written on each subject, COUNT is applied to the document variable and GROUP to the subject one.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
e:doc1 | e:subject | 'Java' |
e:doc2 | e:subject | 'Java' |
e:doc3 | e:subject | 'Java' |
e:doc3 | e:subject | 'XML' |
e:doc4 | e:subject | 'XML' |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SELECT ?doc ?topic GROUP ?topic COUNT ?doc WHERE {
?doc e:subject ?topic
Example: counting documents on a subject
doc | topic | count doc |
e:doc1, e:doc2, e:doc3 | 'Java' | 3 |
e:doc3, e:doc4 | 'XML' | 2 |
Query Result
Note: we keep this functionality because we cannot have functions in the select clause for the moment, but it is preferable to use the function count(?x) when it is possible (see Corese functions).
Type comparators enable us to specify constraints on some types in a query: strict specialization (<:), specialization or same type (<=:), same type (=:), generalization or same type (>=:), strict generalization (>:).
For instance, by using the <: operator in the following example, we constrain the document to be a strict specialization of a thesis (e.g. a PhD thesis, a MSc thesis, etc.).
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||||||
e:doc1 | rdf:type | e:Document | e:p1 | e:hasWritten | e:doc1 | |
e:doc2 | rdf:type | e:Thesis | e:p2 | e:hasWritten | e:doc2 | |
e:doc3 | rdf:type | e:PhDThesis | e:p2 | e:hasWritten | e:doc3 | |
e:doc4 | rdf:type | e:MasterThesis | e:p3 | e:hasWritten | e:doc4 | |
e:PhDThesis | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Thesis | ||||
e:MasterThesis | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Thesis | ||||
e:Thesis | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Document |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
?x e:hasWritten ?doc .
?doc rdf:type ?type .
FILTER ( ?doc <: e:Thesis )
Ask for a strict specialization of a thesis
x | doc | type |
e:p2 | e:doc3 | e:PhDThesis |
e:p3 | e:doc4 | e:MasterThesis |
Query Result
The following example excludes students and their sub-types.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
e:p1 | rdf:type | e:Student |
e:p2 | rdf:type | e:MasterStudent |
e:p3 | rdf:type | e:Engineer |
e:Student | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
e:MasterStudent | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Student |
e:Engineer | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
?p rdf:type e:Person .
?p rdf:type ?type .
FILTER (!( ?p <=: e:Student))
Example of the negation of a type operator
p | type |
e:p3 | e:Engineer |
Query Result
In addition to the existing operators in SPARQL, we have defined
some other operators specifically for Corese, that applies for string, literals and URIs:
In this query, we are looking for titles that either contains the word 'Potter' or begins with 'Witch'.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||||||
e:book1 | e:title | 'Witches and Wizards'@en | e:book2 | e:title | 'Harry Potter 2' | |
e:book3 | e:title | 'The Witch Book' | e:book4 | e:title | 'Harry Potter 1' | |
e:book5 | e:title | 'Everything about Harry Potter' | e:book6 | e:title | 'Magic' |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SELECT ?book ?title WHERE {
?book e:title ?title .
FILTER ( (?title ^ 'Witch') || (?title ~ 'Potter') )
Example of use of other operator
book | title |
e:book1 | Witches and Wizards |
e:book2 | Harry Potter 2 |
e:book4 | Harry Potter 1 |
e:book5 | Everything about Harry Potter |
Query Result
These operators can be useful to manipulate URIs, for example to find every properties that have for prefix "" (which corresponds to the prefix "rdf:" in this manual).
?p rdf:type rdf:Property .
FILTER ( ?p ^ '' )
Find properties defined in the rdf syntax
A query with an oriented path of given maximum length n between two
resources generates n queries (written here as UNION) and stops at the
first query that succeeds.
The syntax for oriented path is to add [ <INTEGER> ] after the property.
Example: e:hasFriend[n] for a path of maximum length n.
We stop the query at the first result found.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
<http://maria> | e:hasFriend | <http://tania> |
<http://tania> | e:hasFriend | <http://leo> |
<http://leo> | e:hasFriend | <http://sophie> |
<http://john> | e:hasFriend | <http://nicolas> |
<http://john> | e:hasFriend | <http://maria> |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
<http://maria> e:hasFriend[2] ?y . FILTER(?y ~ 'o')
generates PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#> SELECT ?y WHERE { { <http://maria> e:hasFriend ?y . FILTER(?y ~ 'o') } UNION { <http://maria> e:hasFriend ?z . ?z e:hasFriend ?y . FILTER(?y ~ 'o') } }
Oriented path: we are looking for a friend of Maria or a friend of a friend of Maria
y |
<http://leo> |
Query Result
A query with a non oriented path of given maximum length n between
two resources generates 2^(n+1)-2 queries (written here as UNION) and
stops at the first query that succeeds.
?x e:hasFriend{n} ?y search the paths of maximum length n between ?x and ?y; both (?x e:hasFriend ?y) and (?y e:hasFriend ?x) are valid triples to
construct the path.
Note: This statement should be used with care because of the large number of triples that it generates.
We stop the query at the first result found.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
<http://maria> | e:hasFriend | <http://tania> |
<http://tania> | e:hasFriend | <http://leo> |
<http://leo> | e:hasFriend | <http://sophie> |
<http://john> | e:hasFriend | <http://nicolas> |
<http://john> | e:hasFriend | <http://maria> |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
<http://maria> e:hasFriend{2} ?y FILTER(?y ~ 'o')
generates PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#> SELECT * WHERE { { <http://maria> e:hasFriend ?y . FILTER(?y ~ 'o') } UNION { ?y e:hasFriend <http://maria> . FILTER(?y ~ 'o') } UNION { <http://maria> e:hasFriend ?v . ?v e:hasFriend ?y . FILTER(?y ~ 'o') } UNION { <http://maria> e:hasFriend ?v . ?y e:hasFriend ?v . FILTER(?y ~ 'o') } UNION { ?v e:hasFriend <http://maria> . ?y e:hasFriend ?v . FILTER(?y ~ 'o') } UNION { ?v e:hasFriend <http://maria> . ?v e:hasFriend ?y . FILTER(?y ~ 'o') } }
Non oriented path
y |
<http://john> |
Query Result
When using paths, we stop by default at the first query that succeeds, but it is possible to test all paths with the property qualifier all::. This is possible both for oriented and not oriented paths.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
<http://maria> | e:hasFriend | <http://tania> |
<http://tania> | e:hasFriend | <http://leo> |
<http://leo> | e:hasFriend | <http://sophie> |
<http://john> | e:hasFriend | <http://nicolas> |
<http://john> | e:hasFriend | <http://maria> |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
<http://maria> all::e:hasFriend[2] ?y FILTER(?y ~ 'o')
Usage of the property qualifier all::
y |
<http://john> |
<http://leo> |
<http://nicolas> |
Query Result
The direct:: property qualifier can be used either on rdfs:subClassOf or on rdf:type.
When it is used with rdfs:subClassOf, the aim is to limit the query to direct rdfs:subClassOf
by ignoring occurrences produced by the transitive nature of rdfs:subClassOf.
It is also possible to use this property with rdf:type to ask the most precise type(s) of ?x.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
e:Thesis | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Document |
e:MasterThesis | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Thesis |
e:MasterThesis | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Document |
e:Engineer | rdfs:subClassOf | e:Person |
e:p1 | rdf:type | e:Person |
e:p2 | rdf:type | e:Engineer |
e:p2 | rdf:type | e:Person |
{ ?class direct::rdfs:subClassOf ?super }
{ ?x direct::rdf:type ?class }
Usage of the property qualifier direct::
x | class | super |
e:Thesis | e:Document | |
e:MasterThesis | e:Thesis | |
e:Engineer | e:Person | |
e:p1 | e:Person | |
e:p2 | e:Engineer |
Query Result
The DESCRIBE statement is not well defined in SPARQL:
Current conventions for DESCRIBE return an RDF graph without any
specified constraints. Future SPARQL specifications may further
constrain the results of DESCRIBE, rendering some currently valid
DESCRIBE responses invalid. As with any query, a service may refuse to
serve a DESCRIBE query.
With Corese, when we ask for describing the variable ?x (respectively the URI <uri>), we transform the query in a SELECT MERGE ?x ?p ?v DISPLAY RDF statement (respectively SELECT MERGE <uri> ?p ?v DISPLAY RDF) that contains { { ?x ?p ?v } UNION { ?v ?p ?x } } (respectively { { <uri> ?p ?v } UNION { ?v ?p <uri> } }).
is transformed in SELECT MERGE <uri> ?p ?v DISPLAY RDF WHERE { { <uri> ?p ?v } UNION { ?v ?p <uri> } } DESCRIBE ?x WHERE { ?x rdf:type rdfs:Class } is transformed in SELECT MERGE ?x ?p ?v DISPLAY RDF WHERE { ?x rdf:type rdfs:Class . { { ?x ?p ?v } UNION { ?v ?p ?x } } }
Transformation of the DESCRIBE statement in Corese
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
<> | rdf:type | e:Person |
<> | rdf:type | e:Engineer |
<> | e:FamilyName | 'Dupont' |
<> | e:FirstName | 'Tania' |
<> | e:age | 25 |
<http://aurelie.morel> | e:hasFriend | <> |
<http://aurelie.morel> | e:age | 28 |
Exemple of a describe query
<e:Person rdf:about=''>
<rdf:type rdf:resource='http://example/of/ontology#Engineer'/>
<e:FamilyName rdf:datatype=''>Dupont</e:FamilyName>
<e:FirstName rdf:datatype=''>Tania</e:FirstName>
<e:age rdf:datatype=''>25</e:age>
<e:Person rdf:about='http://aurelie.morel'>
<e:hasFriend rdf:about=''/>
Query Result
The CONSTRUCT statement is defined in SPARQL
Here are some details about CONSTRUCT in Corese:
It is an error, when a variable is used in the CONSTRUCT while it is not defined in the WHERE clause.
It is not possible to use a property that is undefined in the ontology.
It is possible to restrict the maximum number of positive elementary projections with the keyword PROJECTION.
A projection is an elementary result, before being (possibly) grouped.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
<> | rdf:type | e:Person |
<> | rdf:type | e:Engineer |
<http://susan.trott> | rdf:type | e:Gardener |
<http://john.dotty> | rdf:type | e:Person |
<http://john.dotty> | rdf:type | e:Researcher |
<http://christina.meyer> | rdf:type | e:Engineer |
?x rdf:type ?type
Search all the possible types, but stop running the query after 4 elementary projections
x | type |
<> | e:Person |
<> | e:Engineer |
<http://susan.trott> | e:Gardener |
<http://john.dotty> | e:Person |
Query Result
For the functions score, similarity and classSimilarity, see the "Approximate search" paragraph.
These four functions can be applied when results are grouped (if not, it does not make sense).
The function count is used to count the number of different values for a variable in a result.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
<> | e:FirstName | 'Tania' |
<> | e:hasFriend | <http://aurelie.morel> |
<> | e:hasFriend | <http://susan.trott> |
<> | e:hasFriend | <http://christina.meyer> |
<http://aurelie.morel> | e:FirstName | 'Aurelie' |
<http://aurelie.morel> | e:hasFriend | <> |
<http://john.hartman> | e:FirstName | 'John' |
<http://john.hartman> | e:hasFriend | <> |
<http://john.hartman> | e:hasFriend | <http://aurelie.morel> |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
?x e:FirstName ?fname .
?x e:hasFriend ?friend .
FILTER ( count(?friend) > 2 )
Select persons who have more than 2 friends
fname |
Tania |
Query Result
Functions sum and avg can be applied only to numbers (if not, the returned value will be null). They are implemented as
described in the document "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators".
The function countItem is used to count the number of values for a variable in a result. In opposition to the function count,
countItem counts all values for a variable, and not only the different ones.
The function sum computes the sum of all values for a variable in a result.
The function avg computes the average of all values for a variable in a result.
avg(?x) = sum(?x) / countItem(?x)
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||||||
e:teamA | rdf:type | e:Team | e:teamB | rdf:type | e:Team | |
e:teamC | rdf:type | e:Team | ||||
e:p1 | e:isMemberOf | e:teamA | e:p1 | e:age | 30 | |
e:p1 | e:FirstName | 'James' | ||||
e:p2 | e:isMemberOf | e:teamA | e:p2 | e:age | 30 | |
e:p2 | e:FirstName | 'John' | ||||
e:p3 | e:isMemberOf | e:teamA | e:p3 | e:age | 28 | |
e:p3 | e:FirstName | 'Laura' | ||||
e:p4 | e:isMemberOf | e:teamB | e:p4 | e:age | 20 | |
e:p4 | e:FirstName | 'Jennifer' | ||||
e:p5 | e:isMemberOf | e:teamB | e:p5 | e:age | 22 | |
e:p5 | e:FirstName | 'Alice' | ||||
e:p6 | e:isMemberOf | e:teamB | e:p6 | e:age | 23 | |
e:p6 | e:FirstName | 'Bianca' | ||||
e:p7 | e:isMemberOf | e:teamB | e:p7 | e:age | 28 | |
e:p7 | e:FirstName | 'Pierre' | ||||
e:p8 | e:isMemberOf | e:teamC | e:p8 | e:age | 40 | |
e:p8 | e:FirstName | 'Steve' | ||||
e:p9 | e:isMemberOf | e:teamC | e:p9 | e:age | 45 | |
e:p9 | e:FirstName | 'Johan' |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SELECT ?t ?x ?age GROUP ?t WHERE {
?t rdf:type e:Team .
?x e:isMemberOf ?t .
?x e:FirstName ?fname .
?x e:age ?age .
FILTER ( avg(?age) < 30 && sum(?age) > 80 )
ORDER BY countItem(?age)
Select teams (with their members and ages of their members) where the average age of the members is less than 30 years and the sum of the ages of the members is more than 80 and sort the results on the number of age per team.
t | x | age | countItem(?age) |
e:teamA | e:p1, e:p2, e:p3 | 30, 30, 28 | 3 |
e:teamB | e:p4, e:p5. e:p6, e:p7 | 20, 22, 23, 28 | 4 |
Query Result
Functions sum, countItem and avg use all values for a variable in a result.
If there is a duplication, the result is biased, but it is the responsability of the person who asks the query.
For example, if we add the following triple to data, results of the
query will be biased, because a person (e:p4) will be counted twice
(because he/she has two names).
e:p4 | e:FirstName | 'Jenny' |
Triple added
t | x | age | countItem(?age) |
e:teamA | e:p1, e:p2, e:p3 | 30, 30, 28 | 3 |
e:teamB | e:p4, e:p4, e:p5. e:p6, e:p7 | 20, 20, 22, 23, 28 | 5 |
Query Result
This function returns the depth of a class in the hierarchy.
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
?class rdfs:subClassOf e:Person .
FILTER ( depth(?class) > 4 )
Example: Looking for a subclass of e:Person, which is at a depth greater than 4 in the ontology
class |
e:SoftwareEngineer |
e:MathTeacher |
e:FrenchTeacher |
Query Result
The depth is relative to the root class.
In Corese, the root class is owl:Thing (depth 0); rdfs:Resource (depth 1) is a subclass of owl:Thing;
concepts in the ontology can be at depth 2 or more.
This function is used to ask if a URI is a source (i.e a URI that represents a graph).
# Named graph: http://example/of/graphs/graphA | ||||
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||||
_:a | e:FirstName | 'Alice' | ||
_:a | e:FamilyName | 'Dupont' | ||
_:a | e:hasFriend | _:b | ||
_:b | e:FirstName | 'Bob' | ||
<http://example/of/graphs/graphA> rdf:type e:Graph | ||||
# Named graph: http://example/of/graphs/graphB | ||||
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||||
_:a | e:FirstName | 'Aline' | ||
_:a | e:hasFriend | _:b | ||
_:b | e:FirstName | 'Bianca' | ||
<http://example/of/graphs/graphB> rdf:type e:Graph |
?x ?p ?y .
FILTER ( isSource(?x) )
This query looks for sources
x |
<http://example/of/graphs/graphA> |
<http://example/of/graphs/graphB> |
Query Result
The function cardinality must be used on a property; if not, the query will fail.
It returns the number of occurrences of this property (and its subproperties) in the RDF base.
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||
<> | rdf:type | e:Person |
<> | rdf:type | e:Engineer |
e:teamA | rdf:type | e:Team |
<> | e:FirstName | 'Tania' |
<http://aurelie.morel> | e:FirstName | 'Aurelie' |
<> | e:FamilyName | 'Dupont' |
<> | e:FamilyName | 'Morel' |
<> | e:age | 25 |
<> | e:hasBestFriend | <http://aurelie.morel> |
<> | e:hasFriend | <http://susan.trott> |
<> | e:hasFriend | <http://christina.meyer> |
<> | e:hasFriend | <http://chris.bilon> |
<http://aurelie.morel> | e:hasFriend | <> |
<> | e:isMemberOf | e:teamA |
e:hasBestFriend | rdfs:subPropertyOf | e:hasFriend |
?p rdf:type rdf:Property .
ORDER BY DESC ( cardinality(?p) )
This query looks for the 3 properties the most used in the base graph
p | cardinality(?p) |
e:hasFriend | 5 |
rdf:type | 3 |
e:FirstName | 2 |
e:FamilyName | 2 |
e:age | 1 |
e:isMemberOf | 1 |
e:hasBestFriend | 1 |
rdfs:subPropertyOf | 1 |
Query Result
The function occurrence do the same thing but only for the property in argument, NOT its subproperties. With the previous example, with
the function occurrence, we would have found only 4 occurences of the property e:hasFriend
instead of 5.
These functions are taken from "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators".
Report to this document to have the full description of the functions.
Note: func-year-from-dateTime
, func-month-from-dateTime
and func-day-from-dateTime
have been renamed (respectivly)
, month
and day
Write a function (example: isOdd()) in a class (example:, in a package
(example: example.of.path).
In our example, the function's access path will be example.of.path.myClass.isOdd().
Note: The function must have an "ICoreseDatatype" as a result and zero, one or several "ICoreseDatatype" as arguments; to make this possible, include corese.jar in the classpath of the project.
The interface ICoreseDatatype is implemented by CoreseDouble, CoreseFloat, CoreseLong, CoreseInteger, CoreseURI,
CoreseBoolean, CoreseString..
See the Corese Javadoc for more documentation about ICoreseDatatype.
* say if the number is odd or not
* @param dt
* @return true if the argument is odd, false if not
public ICoreseDatatype isOdd(ICoreseDatatype dt) {
boolean res = (dt.getdValue() % 2 == 1);
return (res) ? CoreseBoolean.TRUE : CoreseBoolean.FALSE ;
Example of function
After having created the function, compile it and make a jar file.
It is possible to use ant, or simply the java command:
jar -cvf jar_name.jar classes/*
where jar_name.jar is the name of the jar and classes/* indicates where the compiled class is.
In order to recognize the new jar, add it to the java classpath; either add it to the classpath of the project in the IDE (if
a new application based on Corese is being created), or add it to the classpath when launching the Corese jar
(java -classpath "/path/of/the/newFunctionProject.jar;." -jar corese.jar)
Note: To execute this command, we have to be in the corese.jar directory; the dot in the classpath means that we use the
jar placed in the current directory (that is to say corese.jar).
To use the new function in a query, add a prefix, based on the following one (myurl).
function:// -> To inform Corese that the function is user defined
example.of.path.MyClass -> The path of the class where the function is defined
PREFIX humans: <>
PREFIX myurl: <function://example.of.path.MyClass>
?x humans:age ?age
Example of a query with a user defined function call
The Corese rule language is based on the triple model of RDF and SPARQL. The syntax of a rule is the following.
RDF Query
RDF Pattern
where cos: is the predefined prefix for the Corese namespace ( and where the triples correspond to RDF statements whose conjunction is translated into a conceptual graph.
In the IF part, it is possible to have prefix, defined like in SPARQL. The prefix is valid in the THEN part. It is however
possible to define the previous prefix again, to redefine it (with a new URI), or to define a new prefix in the THEN part.
The IF part follows the SPARQL syntax of the WHERE clause, i.e. GroupGraphPattern. Hence OPTIONAL, UNION and FILTER can be used in the IF part.
The THEN part follows the SPARQL syntax of BasicGraphPattern, hence OPTIONAL, UNION and FILTER cannot be used in the THEN part.
PREFIX s: <http://example/of/ontology#>
{ ?m rdf:type s:Person .
?m s:head ?t .
?t rdf:type s:Team .
?t s:hasMember ?p .
?p rdf:type s:Person }
{ ?m s:manage ?p }
Rule example
Here is the translation of the previous rule:
IF we have a person m (?m rdf:type s:Person) who is at the head (?m
s:head ?t) of a team (?t rdf:type s:Team), with another person p (?p
rdf:type s:Person) who is a member of this team (?t s:hasMember ?p),
THEN the person m manages the person p (?m s:manage ?p).
Rules are processed in forward chaining mode until saturation of the RDF base. The inference engine stops when nothing new is deduced. The deductions are stored within a default source which is: Hence the SPARQL graph statement enables to retrieve deductions of rules.
There are also Constraint Rules that enable to test whether constraints hold within the RDF graph. The condition describes a situation that should not happen, in which case the conclusion infer an error, by means of a predefined cos:Error system class. In this case, an error message is delivered, the resource (here ?m) is not typed to cos:Error, i.e. it is syntactic sugar.
PREFIX s: <http://example/of/ontology#>
{ ?m rdf:type s:Adult .
?m s:age ?age .
filter(?age < 18)}
{ ?m rdf:type cos:Error }
Constraint Rule example
Tip: As the document is an RDF/XML file, pay attention to write:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!ENTITY cos "">
<!ENTITY rdf "">
<!ENTITY s "">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="&rdf;" xmlns:cos="&cos;" xmlns:s='&s;' >
<cos:rule cos:name='r1'>
PREFIX s: <http://example/of/ontology#>
{ ?m rdf:type s:Person .
?m s:head ?t .
?t rdf:type s:Team .
?t s:hasMember ?p .
?p rdf:type s:Person }
{ ?m s:manage ?p }
Complete example
Corese is compliant with SPARQL, except in two cases:
@prefix e: <http://example/of/ontology#> | ||||||||||
e:x1 | e:p | e:y1 | e:a1 | e:q | e:y1 | e:x1 | e:q | e:a1 | ||
e:x2 | e:p | e:y2 | e:a2 | e:q | e:y2 | |||||
e:x3 | e:p | e:y3 | e:x3 | e:q | e:a3 |
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
SELECT ?x ?y ?z ?a WHERE {
?x e:p ?y .
OPTIONAL { ?a e:q ?y } .
?x e:q ?a .
Example of different results with OPTIONAL
Corese Result:
x | y | a |
e:x1 | e:y1 | e:a1 |
e:x3 | e:y3 | e:a3 |
x | y | a |
e:x1 | e:y1 | e:a1 |
Query Result
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>Note: it is possible to write the query in another way to get the results:
?x e:p ?y .
OPTIONAL { { ?x e:q ?z } UNION { ?x e:r ?z } } .
FILTER ( ! bound(?z) )
PREFIX e: <http://example/of/ontology#>
?x e:p ?y .
OPTIONAL { ?x e:q ?z1 }
OPTIONAL { ?x e:r ?z2 }
FILTER ( !bound(?z1) && !bound(?z2) )
The processor of the query language is the conceptual graph projection. It takes advantage of RDF Schema by using subsumption relations (rdfs:subClassOf and rdfs:subPropertyOf) and processes datatype values (i.e. not the lexical form). It also exploits property signature (domain and range). The query language can query the RDF schema itself.
The Corese engine internally works on conceptual graphs. When matching a query with an annotation, according to their common ontology, both RDF graphs and their schemas are translated in the conceptual graph model. Through this translation, Corese takes advantage of the existing work of the knowledge representation community leading to reasoning capabilities of this language.
Corese general principle
As can be seen in the figure, Corese takes RDFS (ontology), RDF (annotations), Rules, and SPARQL (query) in entries. It constructs a conceptual graph with RDFS, RDF, and rules (using inferences). When a query (SPARQL) is submitted to Corese, we also transform it in a conceptual graph and then make projections on the first graph created (the one which represents ontology + annotations + rules). We finally find conceptual graph results, that we transform into RDF/S to pretty print the results.
Corese corese = new Corese();
To load an ontology, use corese.RDFSLoad(filename); where filename is the path of the RDFS file you want to load.
To load annotations, use either corese.RDFLoad(filename); where filename is the path of the RDF file you want to load, or
corese.RDFLoadDir(path) where path is the path of the directory that contains RDF files.
To load a rule, use corese.RuleLoad(filename); where filename is the path of the RDFS file you want to load, and to run the
rule, use corese.RuleApply();.
Corese corese = new Corese("", path);
The first argument, "", is the name of Corese configuration file; it should be located in the same place as the other data
(rdf files, rdfs files, and rul files). More information about the configuration file are available further in this
The second argument, path, is also a String; it indicates the path of the directory where data are located. The path must be absolute.
Exemple of path with Windows: String path = "D:/toto/corese/data"; Exemple of path with Linux: String path = "/0/user/toto/corese/data";
While executing the query, syntactic or semantic errors can appear. It is possible to treat them in two ways, hence two methods are proposed to ask the query to Corese: one where exceptions can be catched and a second one where errors are written in the result (if there are errors).
The function querySPARQLWithEx allows us to get exceptions if errors occurred.
try {
RDFResult res = corese.querySPARQLWithEx(query);
} catch (JavaccParseException e) {
} catch (TokenMgrError e) {
} catch (CompileException e) {
In this example, query is a string which represents the query asked to Corese; corese is an instance of Corese.
You can find explanations about the exceptions in the next part "Validate the query".
The function querySPARQL hide the handling of exceptions.
RDFResult res = corese.querySPARQL(query);
In this example, query is a string which represents the query asked to Corese; corese is an instance of Corese.
When executing the query, a "RDFResult" is returned; more information about this class can be found in the next part,
"Handling the results"
If syntactic or semantic errors are found, they will be written in
the result, between <cos:error> and </cos:error>.
Note: "cos" corresponds to Corese's prefix.
<cos:error><![CDATA[Undefined Property :
It is possible to validate the query before its execution.
try {
boolean validated = corese.validateSPARQLWithEx(query);
System.out.println("...query validated");
} catch (JavaccParseException e) {
} catch (TokenMgrError e) {
} catch (CompileException e) {
How to get the query validated
In this example, query is a string which represents the query asked to Corese; corese is an instance of Corese.
Here are the exceptions/errors that one can get:
With a query result, the most common and practical thing to do is to just print it. Results will be printed as asked by the DISPLAY statement (in XML by default, except for CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE where results are printed in RDF format).
RDFResult res = corese.querySPARQL(queryString);
But it is also possible to get details to manage results in another way.
It is possible to get each result (a CoreseGraph) with an enumeration.
Then, for each result, to get the name of the variable wanted and its
corresponding value.
RDFResult res = corese.querySPARQL(queryString);
String[] var = res.getSelectVar();
for (Enumeration en = res.getValues(); en.hasMoreElements();) {
CoreseGraph cg = (CoreseGraph) en.nextElement();
for (String varidx : var) {
CoreseConcept[] value = cg.getValue(varidx);
if (value.length != 0)
System.out.println(varidx + " = " + value[0].getLabel());
System.out.println(varidx + " = No Value");
Note: value is an array of CoreseConcept, because it is possible to have several CoreseConcept in a result when results are grouped. The method getLabel() returns the label of the concept; it can be a URI, a number, a String..
To know if there are results, it is possible to use the function getSuccess()
RDFResult res = corese.querySPARQL(queryString);
if (res.getSucces()) {
//do something because there is one or more results!
Corese can be configurated with the file Here are explained some of the main properties:
Input files |
corese.schema=ontology/humans.rdfs owlOntology.owl Description: Ontologies to load Values: rdfs files, owl files | annot/data2 annot/testrdf.rdf Description: Annotations to load Values: rdf files, or directories that contain .rdf files |
corese.rule=rule/testrule.rul Description: Rules to load Values: rul files |
corese.gui.namespace=a i Description: Predefined prefix associated with a namespace Values: (see above) |
Runtime parameters |
corese.debug=false Description: If true, prints a maximum of information about the inferences it is making Values: true or false | Description: The path (absolute or relative) to indicate where to find the log4j properties file Values: String |
Result parameters |
corese.result.projection.max=10000 Description: Maximum number of projections computed to answer a query Values: Integer |
corese.result.max=100 Description: Maximum number of result returned after possibly grouping projections Values: Integer | Description: Maximum number of statements printed by the RDF pretty printer Values: Integer |
corese.result.join=false Description: When this property is set to true, Corese groups projections that share the same first concept into one result. Values: true or false |
Note: Corese can run without; properties then take their default values.
A complete example of can be found here.
Paths given (in the three first properties for example), are relative to the launching directory (i.e where Corese starts).
Corese uses the log4j logging system, from Apache.
When using the jar in an application, it is possible to get the first logger and then to define a new appender, a new layout.
// get the default logger, from whom every other logger herits
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("fr.inria.acacia.corese");
// remove appenders
// define a new Appender (example: a WriterAppender)
WriterAppender wa = new WriterAppender(new PatternLayout("%m%n") , System.out);
// add this appender to the default logger
Example of a redefinition of the root logger
Log4j javadoc can be found here:
Corese grammar is inspired by SPARQL Grammar, but as mentioned in the part
additive functionalities,
we have added some other functionalities; moreover, to try to be
compliant with the last query language of Corese, we are more flexible
with some aspects (for example, it is not mandatory to have a dot
between triples).
The complete Corese grammar can be found here.