Motivation: Automatic Differentiation (AD) tools assume differentiability of the function implemented by the given program. However, due to switches in the control flow, most programs are only piecewise differentiable. Thereby, sometimes the derivatives are wrong, unfortunately this fact is overlook by everyday use of AD. There exist extended models of AD that return useful generalized derivatives for some classes of piecewise differentiable functions, but there is little hope of doing so for all cases. In contrast, our goal is to evaluate, along with the derivative, the size of the differentiable neighborhood around the current input. This ``safe neighborhood" is essential to use the derivatives consistently.
Mechanism: To validate the derivatives we evaluate the interval around the input data where no non-differentiability problem arises. Practically, this requires to analyzing each conditional statement at run-time, in order to find for which data it will switch, and propagate this information as a constraint on the input data.
COMMON /validity_test_common/ gmin, gmax, infmin, infmax REAL gmin, gmax LOGICAL infmin, infmaxThat piece of code give you access to the boundaries of the safe neighborhood, where gmin is the lower bound of the interval and gmax is the upper bound, if infmin or infmax is true, then the interval has a infinite lower or upper bound.
Example of Application:
PROGRAM main REAL tol, x, xd, tmp1, tmp1d INTEGER r, it tol = 1.0e-3 r = 0 x = 6 WRITE(*, '(/, A, F3.1)') ' Initial guess: ', x xd = 1 WRITE(*, '(A, F3.1)') ' Initial guess direction: ', xd it = 20 WRITE(*, '(A, I4)') ' Iteration times: ', it WRITE(*, '(/, A)') " x f(x) f'(x)" DO CALL F_D( x, xd, tmp1, tmp1d ) WRITE(*, '(3(F9.5, X))') x, tmp1, tmp1d C x = x - ( tmp1 / tmp1d ) IF ( ABS( tmp1d ) < tol ) EXIT r = r + 1 IF ( r > it ) EXIT END DO END SUBROUTINE F( x, y ) REAL x, y IF ( x > 1 ) THEN y = x**2 ELSE y = 2-x**2 ENDIF ENDApplying TAPENADE to obtain the derivatives (subroutine F_D )
> tapenade -d -root F -vars "x" -outvars "y" newton-piecewise.f Tapenade - Version 2.1 - (Id: 1.33 vmp Stable - Wed Jan 12 13:35:07 MET 2005) - Java 1.5.0_02 File: (TC33) External procedure f_d is not declared @@ Creating ./f_d.f job is completed > cat f_d.f C Generated by TAPENADE (INRIA, Tropics team) C Version 2.1 - (Id: 1.33 vmp Stable - Wed Jan 12 13:35:07 MET 2005) C C Differentiation of f in forward (tangent) mode: C variations of output variables: y C with respect to input variables: x C SUBROUTINE F_D(x, xd, y, yd) IMPLICIT NONE REAL x, xd, y, yd C IF (x .GT. 1) THEN yd = 2*x*xd y = x**2 ELSE yd = -(2*x*xd) y = 2 - x**2 END IF ENDCompiling
> g77 -c f_d.f > g77 f_d.o newton-piecewise.f -o newton-piecewise
Initial guess: 6.0 Initial guess direction: 1.0 Iteration times: 20 x f(x) f'(x) 6.00000 36.00000 12.00000 3.00000 9.00000 6.00000 1.50000 2.25000 3.00000 0.75000 1.43750 -1.50000 1.70833 2.91840 3.41667 0.85417 1.27040 -1.70833 1.59782 2.55301 3.19563 0.79891 1.36175 -1.59782 1.65116 2.72634 3.30233 0.82558 1.31842 -1.65116 1.62406 2.63756 3.24812 0.81203 1.34061 -1.62406 1.63750 2.68140 3.27500 0.81875 1.32965 -1.63750 1.63075 2.65935 3.26150 0.81538 1.33516 -1.63075 1.63412 2.67034 3.26823 0.81706 1.33242 -1.63412 1.63243 2.66483 3.26486 0.81622 1.33379 -1.63243 1.63327 2.66758 3.26655
> tapenade -dV -root F -vars "x" -outvars "y" newton-piecewise.f Tapenade - Version 2.1 - (Id: 1.33 vmp Stable - Wed Jan 12 13:35:07 MET 2005) - Java 1.5.0_02 File: (TC33) External procedure f_dva is not declared @@ Creating ./f_dva.f job is completed > cat f_dva.f C Generated by TAPENADE (INRIA, Tropics team) C Version 2.1 - (Id: 1.33 vmp Stable - Wed Jan 12 13:35:07 MET 2005) C C Differentiation of f in forward (tangent) validated mode: C variations of output variables: y C with respect to input variables: x C SUBROUTINE F_DVA(x, xd, y, yd) IMPLICIT NONE REAL x, xd, y, yd yd = 0.0 C CALL VALIDITY_TEST(x - 1, xd) IF (x .GT. 1) THEN yd = 2*x*xd y = x**2 ELSE yd = -(2*x*xd) y = 2 - x**2 END IF END
PROGRAM main REAL tol, x, xd, tmp1, tmp1d INTEGER r, it INTEGER tmp2, tmp3 COMMON /validity_test_common/ gmin, gmax, infmin, infmax REAL gmin, gmax LOGICAL infmin, infmax tol = 1.0e-3 r = 0 x = 6 WRITE(*, '(/, A, F3.1)') ' Initial guess: ', x xd = 1 WRITE(*, '(A, F3.1)') ' Initial guess direction: ', xd it = 20 WRITE(*, '(A, I4)') ' Iteration times: ', it WRITE(*, '(/, A)') " x f(x) f'(x) gmin gmax + infmin infmax" DO gmin=.0 gmax=.0 infmin=.TRUE. infmax=.TRUE. CALL F_DVA(x, xd, tmp1, tmp1d) IF ( infmin .eqv. .TRUE. ) THEN tmp2 = 1 ELSE tmp2 = 0 END IF IF ( infmax .eqv. .TRUE. ) THEN tmp3 = 1 ELSE tmp3 = 0 END IF WRITE(*, '(5(F9.5, X), I5, X, I5)') x, tmp1, tmp1d, gmin, gmax + , tmp2, tmp3 C x = x - ( tmp1 / tmp1d ) IF ( abs( tmp1d ) < tol ) EXIT r = r + 1 IF ( r > it ) EXIT END DO END SUBROUTINE F( x, y ) REAL x, y IF ( x > 1 ) THEN y = x**2 ELSE y = 2-x**2 ENDIF END
> g77 -c f_dva.f > g77 validity_test2.o f_dva.o newton-piecewise-validity.f -o newton-piecewise-validityResults
Initial guess: 6.0 Initial guess direction: 1.0 Iteration times: 20 x f(x) f'(x) gmin gma infmin infmax 6.00000 36.00000 12.00000 5.00000 0.00000 0 1 3.00000 9.00000 6.00000 2.00000 0.00000 0 1 1.50000 2.25000 3.00000 0.50000 0.00000 0 1 0.75000 1.43750 -1.50000 0.00000 0.25000 1 0 1.70833 2.91840 3.41667 0.70833 0.00000 0 1 0.85417 1.27040 -1.70833 0.00000 0.14583 1 0 1.59782 2.55301 3.19563 0.59782 0.00000 0 1 0.79891 1.36175 -1.59782 0.00000 0.20109 1 0 1.65116 2.72634 3.30233 0.65116 0.00000 0 1 0.82558 1.31842 -1.65116 0.00000 0.17442 1 0 1.62406 2.63756 3.24812 0.62406 0.00000 0 1 0.81203 1.34061 -1.62406 0.00000 0.18797 1 0 1.63750 2.68140 3.27500 0.63750 0.00000 0 1 0.81875 1.32965 -1.63750 0.00000 0.18125 1 0 1.63075 2.65935 3.26150 0.63075 0.00000 0 1 0.81538 1.33516 -1.63075 0.00000 0.18462 1 0 1.63412 2.67034 3.26823 0.63412 0.00000 0 1 0.81706 1.33242 -1.63412 0.00000 0.18294 1 0 1.63243 2.66483 3.26486 0.63243 0.00000 0 1 0.81622 1.33379 -1.63243 0.00000 0.18378 1 0 1.63327 2.66758 3.26655 0.63327 0.00000 0 1
For every step we have the validity interval [gmin, gmax] which shows the "safe differential" area around your input. In the present example the problem is point (1.0, 1.0). For instance, the step (3.0, 9.0) has a validity interval [2.0, +inf], which means that on the direccion of derivation (xd=1) there is no problem (+inf), but on the opposite direction we have a problem 2.0 units far from the step.
A second and more appealing example is under development.
For small an example looks trivial, but for large number of the conditionals the results may be very useful and not easy the obtain using a non-automatic way.
* "Certification of Directional Derivatives Computed by Automatic Differentiation" at The 7th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS (MATH 2005), Cancun, Mexico. May 2005.
* "Domain of Validity of Derivatives Computed by Automatic Differentiation", Rapport de Recherche, RR-5237. INRIA-SOP, France. June 2004.
last update 13/03/2006