From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. (** ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# ** Lesson 7: summary - generic notations and theories - interfaces - parametrizing theories - the BigOp library (the theories of fold) Let's start with a lie and then make it true: #
# Coq is an object oriented programming language. #
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# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# ** Generic notations and theories Polymorphism != overloading. Example: the [==] computable equality #
# *) (** #
# Polymorphism #
# *) Check (_ = _). Check true = false. Check (eq true false). Check @eq. Check (@eq _ true false). Check (@eq nat true false). (** #
# Overloading : looking inside types #
# *) Check (_ == _). Check true == false. Check (@eq_op _ true false). Check (@eq_op bool_eqType true false). Check 3 == 4. Check [::] == [:: 2; 3; 4]. Section T. Variable T : eqType. Variable x : T. Eval lazy in x == x. End T. (** #
# Object oriented flavor #
# *) Eval lazy in true == false. Eval lazy in 3 == 4. Eval lazy in [::] == [:: 2; 3; 4]. Check (3, true) == (4, false). Eval lazy in (3, true) == (4, false). (** #
# Overloading may fail, polymorphism never #
# *) Fail Check (fun x => x) == (fun y => y). Check (fun x => x) = (fun y => y). (** #
# Type inference #
# *) Check [eqType of bool]. Fail Check [eqType of bool -> bool]. Check [eqType of {ffun bool -> bool}]. Check [eqType of nat]. Fail Check [eqType of nat -> nat]. Check [eqType of {ffun 'I_256 -> nat}]. Check [eqType of seq nat]. Fail Check [eqType of seq (nat -> nat)]. Check [eqType of seq {ffun 'I_256 -> nat}]. (** #
# We call [eqType] an interface. With some "approximation" [eqType] is defined as follows: << Module Equality. Structure type : Type := Pack { sort : Type; op : sort -> sort -> bool; axiom : ∀x y, reflect (x = y) (op x y) }. End Equality >> #
# This slide corresponds to section 5.4 of #the Mathematical Components book# #
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# ** Interfaces Mathematical Components defines a hierarchy of interfaces. They group notations and theorems. # # Let's use the theory of [eqType] #
# *) About eqxx. About eq_refl. Lemma test_eq (*(T : eqType) (x : T)*) : (3 == 3) && (true == true) (*&& (x == x)*). Proof. rewrite eqxx. rewrite eqxx. (* rewrite eqxx. *) by []. Qed. (** #
# Interfaces do apply to registered, concrete examples such as [bool] or [nat]. They can also apply to variables, as long as their type is "rich" ([eqType] is richer than [Type]). #
# This slide corresponds to section 5.5 and 7 of #the Mathematical Components book# #
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# ** Theories over an interface Interfaces can be used to parametrize an entire theory #
# *) Module Seq. Section Theory. Variable T : eqType. Implicit Type s : seq T. Fixpoint mem_seq s x := if s is y :: s1 then (y == x) || mem_seq s1 x else false. (* the infix \in and \notin are generic, not just for sequences. *) Fixpoint uniq s := if s is x :: s1 then (x \notin s1) && uniq s1 else true. Fixpoint undup s := if s is x :: s1 then if x \in s1 then undup s1 else x :: undup s1 else [::]. End Theory. End Seq. About undup_uniq. Eval lazy in (undup [::1;3;1;4]). Lemma test : uniq (undup [::1;3;1;4]). Proof. by rewrite undup_uniq. Qed. (** #
# Others interfaces **) Section Interfaces. Variable chT : choiceType. Check (@sigW chT). Check [eqType of chT]. Variable coT : countType. Check [countType of nat]. Check [choiceType of coT]. Check [choiceType of nat * nat]. Check [choiceType of seq coT]. Variable fT : finType. Check [finType of bool]. Check [finType of 'I_10]. Check [finType of {ffun 'I_10 -> fT}]. Check [finType of bool * bool]. End Interfaces. (** #
# #
# This slide corresponds to section 5.6 of #the Mathematical Components book# #
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# ** Generic theories: the BigOp library The BigOp library is the canonical example of a generic theory. It it about the [fold] iterator we studied in lesson 1, and the many uses it can have. #
# *) Lemma sum_odd_3 : \sum_(0 <= i < 6 | odd i) i = 3^2. Proof. rewrite unlock /=. by []. Qed. About big_mkcond. About big_nat_recr. Lemma sum_odd_3_bis : \sum_(0 <= i < 6 | odd i) i = 3^2. Proof. rewrite big_mkcond big_nat_recr //= -big_mkcond /=. Abort. Lemma prod_odd_3_bis : (* try [maxn/0] and also [maxn/1] *) \big[muln/1]_(0 <= i < 6 | odd i) i = 3^2. Proof. rewrite big_mkcond big_nat_recr //= -big_mkcond /=. Abort. (** #
# Most of the lemmas require the operation to be a monoid, some others to be a commutative monoid. #
# *) About bigD1. (** #
# Searching for bigop #
# *) Lemma sum_odd_even_all n : \sum_(0 <= i < n) i = \sum_(0 <= i < n | odd i) i + \sum_(0 <= i < n | ~~ odd i) i. Proof. Search _ (~~ _) in bigop. by rewrite (bigID odd). Qed. (** #
# Primer for bigop #
# *) Section Primer. Variable n: nat. Variable f : 'I_n -> nat. Variable g : nat -> nat. Check \big[addn/0]_(i <- [::1; 4; 5] | odd i) g i. Check \big[addn/0]_(i : 'I_n | odd i) f i. Definition oddIn := [pred i | odd (i : 'I_n)]. Check \big[addn/0]_(i in oddIn) f i. Goal \sum_(i in oddIn) i = \sum_(i < n | odd i) i. Proof. by []. Qed. Check \big[addn/0]_(0 <= i < n | odd i) g i. Goal \sum_(0 <= i < n | odd i) g i = \sum_(i < n | odd i) g i. Proof. Check big_mkord. rewrite big_mkord. by []. Qed. Goal \sum_(0 <= i < n |odd i) i.*2 = \sum_(0 <= i < n|odd i) (i + i). Proof. Fail rewrite addnn. About eq_bigr. apply: eq_bigr. move=> i Hi. by rewrite addnn. Qed. Goal \sum_(0 <= i < n |odd i) i.*2 = \sum_(0 <= i < n | odd i) (i + i). Proof. About eq_bigr. rewrite (eq_bigr (fun i => i + i)) //. move=> i Hi. by rewrite addnn. Qed. Goal (\sum_(i < n|odd i) i).*2 = \sum_(i < n |odd i) i.*2. Proof. About big_morph. Fail rewrite big_morph. rewrite (big_morph _ (_ : {morph double : x y / x + y}) (_ : 0.*2 = 0)). - by []. - move=> x y; exact: doubleD. by []. Qed. End Primer. (** #
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# This slide corresponds to section 5.7 of #the Mathematical Components book# #
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# ** Sum up - Coq is an object oriented language ;-) - in the Mathematical Components library [xxType] is an interface (eg [eqType] for types with an equality test). Notations and theorems are linked to interfaces. Interfaces are organized in hierarchies (we just saw a picture, how it works can be found in the book). #
# *)