From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. (** ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# ** Lesson 5 : summary - bool vs Prop - views as iff - using views - reflect and other inductive "spec" #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# ** Propositions and booleans So far we used boolean connectives. But this is not what is used in the Curry Howard correspondence to represent connectives and their proofs. #
# *) Print andb. Print and. Print orb. Print or. Check true ==> false. Check True -> False. (** #
# Let's play a little with [and] and [andb], [or] and [orb] in order to understand the difference. #
# *) Lemma test_and (P : bool) : True /\ P -> P. (* true && P -> P. *) Proof. move=> t_p. case: t_p => t p. apply: p. Qed. Lemma test_orb (P Q R : bool) : P \/ Q -> R. (* P || Q -> R *) Proof. move=> p_q. case: p_q. Abort. (** #
# Propositions: - structure to your proof as a tree - more expressive logic (closed under forall, exists...) Booleans: - computation & Excluded Middle - Uniqueness of Identity Proofs (lesson 4) We want the best of the two worlds, and a way to link them: views. #

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# This slide corresponds to section 3.x of #the Mathematical Components book# #
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# ** Stating and proving a reflection view To link a concept in bool and one in Prop we typically use the [reflect] predicate. To prove [reflect] we use the [iffP] lemma that turns it into a double implication. This is also a recap of many of the proof commands we have seen so far. #
# *) About iffP. About idP. Lemma eqnP {n m : nat} : reflect (n = m) (eqn n m). Proof. apply: (iffP idP). elim: n m => [|n IH] m; case: m => // m Hm. by rewrite (IH m Hm). move=> def_n; rewrite {}def_n. Undo. move=> ->. (* move + rewrie + clear idiom *) by elim: m. Qed. (** #
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# This slide corresponds to sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 of #the Mathematical Components book# #
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# ** Using views The syntax [/view] can be put in intro patterns to modify the top assumption using [view] #
# *) About andP. Lemma example n m k : k <= n -> (n <= m) && (m <= k) -> n = k. Proof. move=> lekn /andP H; case: H => lenm lemk. Undo. move=> lekn /andP[lenm lemk]. (* view + case idiom *) Abort. (** #
# The [apply:] tactic accepts a [/view] flag to modify the goal using [view]. #
# *) Lemma leq_total m n : (m <= n) || (m >= n). Proof. (* About implyNb.*) rewrite -implyNb -ltnNge. apply/implyP. (* About ltnW *) by apply: ltnW. Qed. (** #
# The [case:] tactic accepts a [/view] flag to modify the term being analyzed just before performing the case analysis. #
# *) Lemma leq_max m n1 n2 : (m <= maxn n1 n2) = (m <= n1) || (m <= n2). Proof. case/orP: (leq_total n2 n1) => [le_n21 | le_n12]. Abort. (** #
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# This slide corresponds to sections 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 of #the Mathematical Components book# #
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# ** The reflect predicate and other specs The [reflect] inductive predicate has an index. Indexes are replaced by the value dictated by the constructor when performing a case analysis. In a way indexes express equations that are substituted automatically. In Mathematical Components we exploit this feature of the logic in order to structure proofs that proceed by case split. #
# *) Print Bool.reflect. About andP. Lemma example_spec a b : a && b ==> (a == b). Proof. by case: andP => [ [-> ->] | // ]. Qed. (** #
# Note that [(andP _ _)] has in the type, as the value of the index, [(_ && _)] that we call "a pattern". The [case:] tactic looks for a subterm of the goal that matches the pattern and "guesses" that the two [_] are respectively [a] and [b]. This form of automation is the same of [rewrite]. One can craft many "spec" to model the structure of a proof. Eg [leqP] and [ltngtP] #
# *) About leqP. Print leq_xor_gtn. Lemma example_spec2 a b : (a <= b) || (b < a). Proof. case: leqP. Abort. About ltngtP. Print compare_nat. Lemma example_spec3 a b : (a <= b) || (b < a) || (b == a). Proof. case: ltngtP. Abort. (** #
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# ** Using views with non reflexive lemmas - By processing an assumption through a lemma. - The leading / makes the lemma work as a function. - If lemma states A -> B, we ca use it as a function to get a proof of B from a proof of A. - One can also chain multiple views on the same stack item. #
# *) About prime_gt1. Lemma example_2 x y : prime x -> odd y -> 2 < y + x. Proof. move/prime_gt1 => x_gt_1. (* view through prime_gt1 *) Undo. move/prime_gt1/ltnW. Abort. (** #
# Using views with tactics - we can also use views on non reflexive lemmas: apply/V, case/V. #
# *) (** #
# The view mechanism can also be used for double implication: - A <-> B is a notation for the conjonction: (A -> B) /\ (B -> A) - If V is a proof of (A <-> B), apply/V will automatically guess which part of the conjonction it will use #
# *) Lemma example_3 A B (V: A <-> B): B -> A . Proof. move=>b. apply/V. by []. Qed. (** #
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# This slide corresponds to section 4.2 of #the Mathematical Components book# #
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# ** Lesson 5: sum up - [reflect] and [iffP] - [case/v: m] case split + view application - [move=> /v H] introduction + view - [apply/v: t] backchain with a view - [_spec] predicates to model case split [leqP] and [ifP] - [move=> []] (for case) - [move=> ->] (for rewrite) - [... => ...] the arrow can be used after any command #
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