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Exercise 1:

Prove that the equation $$ 8y = 6x + 1 $$ has no solution.

  • Hint 1: take the modulo 2 of the equation.
  • Hint 2: Search _ modn addn and Search _ modn muln

Exercise 2:

The ultimate Goal of this exercise is to find the solutions of the equation $$ 2^n = a^2 + b^2,$$ where n is fixed and a and b unkwown.

We hence study the following predicate:

  • First prove that there are no solutions when n is 0.

    • Hint: Lookup ltnP, ltn_eqF, leq_add and Search _ "_gt0".

  • Now prove the only solution when n is 1.

  • Now prove a little lemma that will guarantee that a and b are even.

    • Hint 1: first prove (x * 2 + y) ^ 2 = y ^ 2 %[mod 4].
    • Hint 2: About divn_eq and Search _ modn odd

  • Deduce that if n is greater than 2 and a and b are solutions, then they are even.

  • Prove that the solutions for n are the halves of the solutions for n + 2.

    • Hint: Search _ odd double and Search _ "eq" "mul".

  • Prove there are no solutions for n even

    • Hint: Use sol0 and solSS.

  • Certify the only solution when n is odd.

    • Hint 1: Use sol1, solSS and sol_are_even.
    • Hint 2: Really sketch it on paper first!

Exercise 3:

Certify the solutions of this problem.

  • Hint: Do not hesitate to take advantage of Coq's capabilities for brute force case analysis

Exercise 4:

Certify the result of the euclidean division of $$a b^n - 1\quad\textrm{ by }\quad b ^ {n+1}$$

Exercise 5:

Prove that the natural number interval $$[n!+2\ ,\ n!+n]$$ contains no prime number.

  • Hint: Use Search _ prime dvdn, Search _ factorial, ...