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Exercise 1:
- look for lemmas supporting contrapositive reasoning
- use the eqP view to finish the proof.
Exercise 2:
- it helps to find out what is behind ./2 and .*2 in order to Search
- any proof would do, but there is one not using implyP
Exercise 3:
- Prove this view by unfolding maxn and then using leqP
Exercise 5:
- Prove some reflection lemmas for the proposed reflect definition
- A possible definition for reflect
Exercise 6:
Get excluded-middle when P is equivalent to a bool
Equivalence definition
Exercise 7:
- Let's use standard reflect (and iffP, idP etc...)
Exercise 8:
If you have time.. more reflections
leq_max : use leq_total maxn_idPl
dvdn_fact: use leq_eqVlt dvdn_mulr dvdn_mull
For this section:
only move=> h, move/V: h => h, case/V: h, by ... allowed
No case analysis on b, b1, b2 allowed
No xxxP lemmas allowed, but reflectT and reflectF and case analysis allowed ,