(** Cheat sheet available at #https://www-sop.inria.fr/teams/marelle/types18/cheatsheet.pdf# *) From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect. Implicit Type p q r : bool. Implicit Type m n a b c : nat. (** ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
# *** Exercise 1: - prove this satement by induction #
# *) Lemma iterSr A n (f : A -> A) x : iter n.+1 f x = iter n f (f x). Admitted. (** #
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# *** Exercise 2: - look up the definition of [iter] (note there is an accumulator varying during recursion) - prove the following statement by induction #
# *) Lemma iter_predn m n : iter n predn m = m - n. Proof. Admitted. (** #
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# *** Exercise 3: Prove the sum of the lists [odds n] of exercise 1 is [n ^ 2]. You can prove the following lemmas in any order, some are way easier than others. - Recall from exercise 1. #
# *) Definition add2list s := map (fun x => x.+2) s. Definition odds n := iter n (fun s => 1 :: add2list s) [::]. (** #
# - We define a sum operation [suml]. #
# *) Definition suml := foldl addn 0. (** #
# - Any [foldl addn] can be rexpressed as a sum. #
# *) Lemma foldl_addE n s : foldl addn n s = n + suml s. Proof. Admitted. (** #
# - Not to break abstraction, prove [suml_cons]. #
# *) Lemma suml_cons n s : suml (n :: s) = n + suml s. Admitted. (** #
# - Show how to sum a [add2list]. #
# *) Lemma suml_add2list s : suml (add2list s) = suml s + 2 * size s. Proof. Admitted. (** #
# - Show the size of a [add2list]. #
# *) Lemma size_add2list s : size (add2list s) = size s. Admitted. (** #
# - Show how many elments [odds] have. #
# *) Lemma size_odds n : size (odds n) = n. Admitted. (** #
# - Show the final statment. #
# *) Lemma eq_suml_odds n : suml (odds n) = n ^ 2. Proof. Admitted. (** #
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# For [eq_suml_odds], use [sqrnD] #
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# *** Exercise 4: Prove the sum of the lists [odds n] is what you think. You may want to have at least one itermediate lemma to prove [oddsE] #
# *) Lemma oddsE n : odds n = [seq 2 * i + 1 | i <- iota 0 n]. Proof. Admitted. (** #
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# this intermediate lemma would be: #
# *) Lemma oddsE_aux n k : iter n (fun s : seq nat => 2 * k + 1 :: add2list s) [::] = [seq 2 * i + 1 | i <- iota k n]. Admitted. (** #
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# *) Lemma nth_odds n i : i < n -> nth 0 (odds n) i = 2 * i + 1. Proof. Admitted. (** #
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# *** Exercise 5: Let us prove directly formula #$$ \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} (2 i + 1) = n ^ 2 $$# from lesson 1, slightly modified. Let us first define a custom sum operator: #
# *) Definition mysum m n F := (foldr (fun i a => F i + a) 0 (iota m (n - m))). Notation "\mysum_ ( m <= i < n ) F" := (mysum m n (fun i => F)) (at level 41, F at level 41, i, m, n at level 50, format "'[' \mysum_ ( m <= i < n ) '/ ' F ']'"). (** #
# - First prove a very useful lemma about summation #
# *) Lemma mysum_recl m n F : m <= n -> \mysum_(m <= i < n.+1) F i = \mysum_(m <= i < n) F i + F n. Proof. Admitted. (** #
# - Now prove the main result Do NOT use [eq_suml_odds] above, it would take much more time #
# *) Lemma sum_odds n : \mysum_(0 <= i < n) (2 * i + 1) = n ^ 2. Proof. Admitted. (** #
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