From Coq Require Import ZifyClasses ZArith_base. From elpi Require Import elpi. From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum ssrint rat intdiv. From mathcomp Require Import ssrZ zify ring lra. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Import GRing.Theory. Local Delimit Scope Z_scope with coqZ. (** #
# * Lesson 8: Proof automation ** Goals - This lecture explains how to use proof-automation tactics in MathComp - ... and how to implement such proof-automation tactics for MathComp, but very briefly (because this is still an active research subject and intricate.) ** Tools we use - The #Mczify# library adapts the #lia# and #nia# tactics to MathComp. - This adaptation is done by relying on the #zify# tactic, which provides an extensible preprocessing facility for the [lia] tactic. - The #Algebra Tactics# library provides a reimplementation of #ring#, #field#, #lra#, #nra#, and #psatz# tactics for MathComp. - These tactics ([lia] too) use _large-scale_ Boolean reflection (cf. Lesson 1): they have proof procedures implemented in Coq, and run them inside the Coq kernel to check that the goal propositions hold. - This reimplementation is done by reimplementing reification procedures in #Coq-Elpi# and reusing the proof procedures bundled in Coq. A reification procedure is a _meta_-function that takes the goal and produces a syntax tree representing the goal, that we can manipulate inside Coq. Coq-Elpi allows us to write Coq plugins in #Elpi#, a dialect of a higher-order logic programming language called λProlog. #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** [lia]: linear integer arithmetic (a.k.a. Presburger arithmetic) solver This tactic provides a certifying decision procedure for quantifier-free linear integer arithmetic.
*) Goal forall m n : nat, n <= m -> n.*2 <= m + n. Proof. lia. (* move=> m n lenm. Zify.zify. lia. *) Qed. Goal forall m n : int, (n <= m -> n * 2 <= m + n)%R. Proof. lia. Qed. (* A complicated example taken from the Coq reference manual. *) Goal forall m n : int, (27 <= 11 * m + 13 * n <= 45)%R -> (-10 <= 7 * m - 9 * n <= 4)%R -> False. Proof. lia. Qed. (** #
# The [zify] and [lia] tactics support some [bool] operators. #
# *) Goal forall m n : nat, (n <= m) = ~~ (m.*2 < n.*2). Proof. lia. Qed. (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** Some advanced features of the [lia] tactic The [lia] tactic performs normalization with respect to (semi)ring axioms, and can actually solve some non-linear problems. #
# *) Goal forall m n : nat, m * n = n * m. Proof. lia. Qed. Goal forall m n : nat, (m + n) ^ 2 = m ^ 2 + n ^ 2 + 2 * m * n. Proof. lia. Qed. (** #
# The Mczify library also pre-processes Euclidean division and the divisibility relation. #
# *) Goal forall m : nat, m %/ 2 <= m. Proof. lia. (* move=> m. Zify.zify. lia. *) Qed. Goal forall m : nat, 6 %| m -> 4 %| m -> 12 %| m. Proof. lia. Qed. Goal forall m : nat, (6 %| m) && (4 %| m) = (12 %| m). Proof. lia. Qed. (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** [nia]: non-linear integer arithmetic solver The [nia] tactic is an extension of the [lia] tactic that allows for some non-linear reasoning by propagating positivity and negativity conditions through multiplication and exponentiation. #
# *) Goal forall m n : int, (0 <= m -> 0 <= n -> 0 <= m * n)%R. Proof. nia. Qed. Goal forall (m : int) (n : nat), (0 <= (m ^+ 2) ^+ n)%R. Proof. nia. Qed. Goal forall m n : nat, n <= m -> n ^ 2 <= m * n. Proof. nia. Qed. Goal forall m n p : int, (0 <= n)%R -> (m %/ (n * p))%Z = ((m %/ n) %/ p)%Z. Proof. (* Too slow in jsCoq: *) (* nia. *) Abort. (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** Instructing the [zify] tactic to pre-process new arithmetic operators The [zify] and [lia] tactics do not recognize user-defined operators out of the box: #
# *) Definition triple (n : nat) : nat := n * 3. Goal forall n, triple (triple n) = n * 9. Proof. Fail lia. Zify.zify. Abort. (** #
# Declare an instance of type [UnOp triple], and register it through the [Add Zify UnOp] command: #
# *) Fact Op_triple_subproof (n : nat) : Z.of_nat (triple n) = (3 * Z.of_nat n)%coqZ. Proof. rewrite /triple; lia. Qed. #[global] Instance Op_triple : UnOp triple := { TUOp := Z.mul 3; TUOpInj := Op_triple_subproof }. Add Zify UnOp Op_triple. (** #
# Then, the [zify] tactic starts recognizing the new operator [triple]: #
# *) Goal forall n, triple (triple n) = n * 9. Proof. lia. Qed. (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** [ring]: polynomial equation solver This tactic provides a certified decision procedure for polynomial equations over commutative rings. #
# *) Goal forall a b : int, ((a + b) ^+ 2 = a ^+ 2 + b ^+ 2 + 2 * a * b :> int)%R. Proof. move=> a b; ring. Qed. (** #
# It works for any abstract or concrete commutative rings: #
# *) Goal forall a b : rat, ((a + b) ^+ 2 = a ^+ 2 + b ^+ 2 + 2 * a * b :> rat)%R. Proof. move=> a b; ring. Qed. Goal forall (R : comRingType) (a b : R), ((a + b) ^+ 2 = a ^+ 2 + b ^+ 2 + 2 * a * b :> R)%R. Proof. move=> R a b; ring. Qed. Goal forall (R : comRingType) (a : R) (b : R * int), (((a, 1) + b) ^+ 2 = (a, 1) ^+ 2 + b ^+ 2 + 2 * (a, 1) * b :> R * int)%R. Proof. move=> R a b; ring. Qed. (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** Some advanced features of the [ring] tactic The [ring] tactic can prove polynomial equations modulo monomial equalities: #
# *) Goal forall a b : int, (a * b = 15 -> (a + b) ^+ 2 = a ^+ 2 + b ^+ 2 + 30)%R. Proof. move=> a b H. ring: H. Qed. (** #
# The Algebra Tactics library implements preprocessors to push down homomorphism applications: #
# *) Goal forall (R : ringType) (S : comRingType) (f : {rmorphism R -> S}) (a b : R), (f ((a + b) ^+ 2) = f a ^+ 2 + f b ^+ 2 + 2 * f a * f b)%R. Proof. move=> R S f a b. rewrite rmorphX rmorphD. (* This line can be removed. *) ring. Qed. (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** [field]: rational equation solver This tactic provides a certified decision procedure for rational equations over fields. #
# *) Goal forall (F : fieldType) (x : F), (x != 0 -> (1 - 1 / x) * x - x + 1 = 0)%R. Proof. move=> F x x_neq0. field. (* The field tactic leaves a proof obligation saying that the denominators in the input are non-zero. *) exact: x_neq0. Qed. Goal forall (F : fieldType) (n : nat), (n%:R != 0 :> F -> (2 * n)%:R / n%:R = 2 :> F)%R. Proof. move=> F n n_neq0. field. exact: n_neq0. Qed. (** #
# For a partially ordered field ([numFieldType]), non-nullity conditions of the form [n%:R != 0] and [n%:~R != 0] where [n] is a non-zero constant are trivial, and thus are not generated. #
# *) Goal forall (F : numFieldType) (x : F), ((x / 2) * 2)%R = x. Proof. move=> F x. field. by []. Qed. (** #
# As in the [ring] tactic, the [field] tactic supports homomorphisms and reasoning modulo monomial equalities. #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** [lra] and [nra]: linear and non-linear real arithmetic _NB_: The support for the [lra] and [nra] tactics in Algebra Tactics is experimental for the moment. #
# *) Goal forall (x y : int), (y <= x -> 0 <= x -> y <= x * 2)%R. Proof. move=> R x y; lra. Qed. (** #
# For [realFieldType]s, division and multiplicative inverse are avairable. #
# *) Goal forall (x y : rat), (y <= x -> 0 <= x -> y / 2 <= x)%R. Proof. move=> R x y; lra. Qed. (** #
# These tactics work for any abstract or concrete [realDomainType] or [realFieldType]. #
# *) Goal forall (R : realDomainType) (x y : R), (x + 2 * y <= 3 -> 2 * x + y <= 3 -> x + y <= 2)%R. Proof. move=> R x y; lra. Qed. (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** How do they work? -- proof by large-scale reflection We first prove the following reflection lemma (but do not try to understand the formal statement and proof). #
# *) Import Ring_polynom. Lemma ring_correct (R : comRingType) (* `l` below is called a variable map, whose i-th item gives the *) (* interpretation of the variable i. *) (l : seq R) (* `pe1` and `pe2` below are polynomial expressions with integer *) (* coefficients, representing the LHS and RHS of the equation to prove. *) (pe1 pe2 : PExpr Z) : (* If `pe1` and `pe2` normalized to polynomials (in horner normal form) are *) (* equal, *) Peq Z.eqb (norm_subst 0%R 1%R Z.add Z.mul Z.sub Z.opp Z.eqb (triv_div 0%R 1%R Z.eqb) 0 [::] pe1) (norm_subst 0%R 1%R Z.add Z.mul Z.sub Z.opp Z.eqb (triv_div 0%R 1%R Z.eqb) 0 [::] pe2) -> (* `pe1` and `pe2` interpreted as values of the ring `R` are equal. *) PEeval 0%R 1%R +%R *%R (fun x y => (x - y)%R) -%R%R (fun n => ((int_of_Z n)%:~R)%R) id (fun x n => (x ^+ N.to_nat n)%R) l pe1 = PEeval 0%R 1%R +%R *%R (fun x y => (x - y)%R) -%R%R (fun n => ((int_of_Z n)%:~R)%R) id (fun x n => (x ^+ N.to_nat n)%R) l pe2. Proof. exact: (@Internals.Rcorrect R 0 l [::]). Qed. (** #
# Let us apply the above lemma to the example below. #
# *) Goal forall a b : int, ((a + b) ^+ 2 = a ^+ 2 + b ^+ 2 + 2 * a * b :> int)%R. Proof. move=> a b. (* Variable map: *) pose l := [:: a; b]. (* Polynomial expressions representing the LHS and RHS, where numbers `1` and *) (* `2` given as arguments of `PEX` represents 1st and 2nd variables, namely, *) (* `a` and `b`: *) pose pe1 : PExpr Z := PEpow (PEadd (PEX _ 1) (PEX _ 2)) 2. pose pe2 : PExpr Z := PEadd (PEadd (PEpow (PEX _ 1) 2) (PEpow (PEX _ 2) 2)) (PEmul (PEmul (PEc 2%coqZ) (PEX _ 1)) (PEX _ 2)). (* Apply the reflection lemma with the variable map and polynomial *) (* expressions given above: *) apply: (@ring_correct _ [:: a; b] pe1 pe2). (* By reducing some subterms, we notice that we are comparing the same normal *) (* form: *) rewrite /norm_subst [p1 in Peq _ p1 _]/= [p2 in Peq _ _ p2]/=. (* Actually, the entire goal reduces to `true`: *) rewrite /=. by []. Qed. (** #
# The only missing piece in turning this methodology into a fully-automated tactic is how to obtain the variable map and the polynomial expressions from the goal, which is called _reification_. #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** Further reading - Benjamin Grégoire, Assia Mahboubi. #Proving Equalities in a Commutative Ring Done Right in Coq#. In: TPHOLs 2005. This paper explains the implementation of the [ring] tactic. - Frédéric Besson. #Fast Reflexive Arithmetic Tactics the Linear Case and Beyond#. In: TYPES 2006. This paper explains the implementation of the [lia], [nia], [lra], [nra], and [psatz] tactics. - Kazuhiko Sakaguchi. #Reflexive tactics for algebra, revisited#. In: ITP 2022. This paper explains: - a toy reflexive tactic for [zmodType] equations, - its reification procedure implemented in Coq-Elpi, that works in the presence of an inheritance hierarchy and overloaded operators (cf. Lesson 5), - how to preprocess homomorphisms by reflection efficiently, and - the application of Mczify and Algebra Tactics to #the formal proof of the irrationality of ζ(3)#. The insights from the following papers are the key ingredients of reification in the presence of overloaded operators: - Reynald Affeldt, Cyril Cohen, Marie Kerjean, Assia Mahboubi, Damien Rouhling, Kazuhiko Sakaguchi. #Competing Inheritance Paths in Dependent Type Theory: A Case Study in Functional Analysis#. In: IJCAR 2020. - Georges Gonthier, Enrico Tassi. #A Language of Patterns for Subterm Selection#. In: ITP 2012. - Enrico Tassi. #Coq-Elpi#. #
# ** A takeaway A better understanding of the principles of MathComp leads us to better design and implementation of tools for MathComp. In my opinion, the principles of MathComp are that: - relying on the computational power of the logic (dependent type theory) makes formal proofs easier and more efficient to check, and - to properly do so, we have to carefully design computational behaviors of our definitions. #
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