From elpi Require Import elpi. From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect. From mathcomp Require Import ssralg finalg countalg zmodp matrix mxalgebra. (* all_algebra *) Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Import GRing.Theory. Local Open Scope ring_scope. (** #
# * Linear algebra in mathematical components Extensive documentation in the header of: - the library #matrix# - and the library #mxalgebra# * Roadmap for the lesson: - definition of matrices - main theorems - help with depend types - vector spaces as matrices *) (** #
# *) Module DefinitionMatrices. (** #
# *) (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# * Defining Matrices (Credits "ITP 2013 tutorial: The Mathematical Components library" by Enrico Tassi and Assia Mahboubi) *) (** #
# *) Reserved Notation "''M[' R ]_ n" (at level 8, n at level 2, format "''M[' R ]_ n"). Reserved Notation "''M[' R ]_ ( m , n )" (at level 8, format "''M[' R ]_ ( m , n )"). Reserved Notation "\matrix_ ( i , j ) E" (at level 36, E at level 36, i, j at level 50, format "\matrix_ ( i , j ) E"). Reserved Notation "x %:M" (at level 8, format "x %:M"). Reserved Notation "A *m B" (at level 40, left associativity, format "A *m B"). Reserved Notation "A ^T" (at level 8, format "A ^T"). Reserved Notation "\tr A" (at level 10, A at level 8, format "\tr A"). (** #
# *) (** ** A matrix is a 2-dimension array *) (** #
# *) Inductive matrix (R : Type) (m n : nat) : Type := Matrix of {ffun 'I_m * 'I_n -> R}. (** #
# *) (** Some notations : size inside parentheses, type of coefficients inside square brackets. NB: In the library, the type of coefficients can also be ommitted. *) (** #
# *) Notation "''M[' R ]_ ( m , n )" := (matrix R m n) : type_scope. Notation "''M[' R ]_ n" := 'M[R]_(n, n) : type_scope. (* Test *) Check 'M[nat]_(2,3). Check 'M[nat]_2. (** #
# *) (** The type "matrix" is just a tag over ffun: it inherits from its structure. We can "transfer" automatically all structures from the type of finite functions by "trivial subTyping". *) (** #
# *) Definition mx_val R m n (A : 'M[R]_(m,n)) : {ffun 'I_m * 'I_n -> R} := let: Matrix g := A in g. HB.instance Definition _ R m n := [isNew for @mx_val R m n]. HB.instance Definition _ (R : eqType) m n := [Equality of 'M[R]_(m, n) by <:]. HB.instance Definition _ (R : choiceType) m n := [Choice of 'M[R]_(m, n) by <:]. HB.instance Definition _ (R : countType) m n := [Countable of 'M[R]_(m, n) by <:]. HB.instance Definition _ (R : finType) m n := [Finite of 'M[R]_(m, n) by <:]. (** #
# *) (** Test overloaded "_ == _" notation *) (** #
# *) Check 'M[nat]_2 : eqType. Check forall A : 'M[nat]_2, A == A. (** #
# *) (** Since matrices over nat are comparable with _ == _, matrices over matrices over nat are also comparable *) (** #
# *) Check forall AA : 'M[ 'M[nat]_3 ]_2, AA == AA. (** #
# *) (** We define a coercion in order to access elements as if matrices were functions. *) (** #
# *) Definition fun_of_mx R m n (A : 'M[R]_(m,n)) : 'I_m -> 'I_n -> R := fun i j => mx_val A (i, j). Coercion fun_of_mx : matrix >-> Funclass. Check forall (A : 'M[nat]_3) i j, A i j == 37%N. (** #
# *) (** We provide a notation to build matrices from a general term. *) (** #
# *) Definition mx_of_fun R m n (F : 'I_m -> 'I_n -> R) : 'M[R]_(m,n) := Matrix [ffun ij => F ij.1 ij.2]. Notation "\matrix_ ( i , j ) E" := (mx_of_fun (fun i j => E)) (at level 36, E at level 36, i, j at level 50) : ring_scope. Check \matrix_(i,j) (i - j)%N : 'M[nat]_(3,4). End DefinitionMatrices. Module MatrixProperties. (** #
# *) (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# * Main Theorems We now show the most used theorems for matrix manipulation. ** mxE mxE is an equation to compute a term in the matrix at given coordinates: it extracts the general term of the matrix and compute the substitution of indexes. It is generally the right move when you have
(A complicated matrix) i j
in your goal. *) (** #
# *) Check mxE. (** #
# *) (** ** matrixP matrixP is the "extensionality theorem" for matrices, it says two matrices are equal if and only if all their coefficients are pairwise equal. *) (** #
# *) Check matrixP. (** #
# *) (** #
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# ** Operations on matrices *** Specific operation: trace and transpose (do not confuse the names) *) (** #
# *) Print mxtrace. Locate "\tr". Print trmx. Locate "^T". (** #
# *) (** *** Specific operation scalar matrix *) (** #
# *) Print scalar_mx. Locate "%:M". (** #
# *) (** *** Matrices on rings are provided with a R-module canonical structure. But not a ring as the multiplication is heterogeneous. *) (** #
# *) Lemma test1 (R : ringType) m n (A B : 'M[R]_(m,n)) : A + B = B + A. Proof. exact: addrC. Qed. Print mulmx. Lemma test2 (R : ringType) m n (a : R) (A : 'M[R]_(m,n)) : a *: A = a%:M *m A. Proof. by rewrite mul_scalar_mx. Qed. (** #
# *) (** *** Square matrices with explicit non zero size have a ring canonical structure. This ring product coincides with the matrix product. *) (** #
# *) Lemma test3 (R : ringType) n (A B : 'M[R]_n.+1) : A * B = A *m B. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (** #
# *) (** *** Specific operation: the determinant. *) (** #
# *) Print determinant. Locate "\det". (** #
# *) (** *** Square matrices on a commutative unit ring with explicit non zero size have a unit ring canonical structure. and these notions of inversibility are definitionally equivalent. *) (** #
# *) Lemma test4 (R : comUnitRingType) n (A : 'M[R]_n.+1) : (unitmx A) = (A \is a GRing.unit) /\ (A \is a GRing.unit) = (\det A \is a GRing.unit). Proof. split; reflexivity. Qed. End MatrixProperties. (** #
# *) (** #
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# * SUB VECTOR SPACES AS MATRICES ** General understanding - A specificity of the mathematical components library is to allow to reason on matrices as if they represented their own image. - The doc and the code are in #mxalgebra# - rows can be seen as vectors, and matrix can be seen as the familiy of its row vectors. - #WARNING# Following the diagramatic convention (which is opposite to the usual convention), composition/application of linear maps represented by matrices should be done left to right: applying A to u is
u *m A
- the scope MS (matrix space) contains all notions about this vision of matrices (comparison, addition, intersection of spaces). - as a consequence, membership to a space is the same operation as comparison of spaces. *** The rank of a matrix is also the dimension of the space it represents *) (** #
# *) Locate "\rank". About mxrank. (** #
# *) (** *** Inclusion can be used both for elements (row vectors) and subspaces (matrices). *) (** #
# *) Locate "_ <= _". About submx. (** #
# *) (** *** The total space is represented by 1, and the trivial space by 0. *) (** #
# *) About submx1. About sub1mx. About sub0mx. About submx0. (** #
# *) (** *** Addition of subspaces is not the same thing as addition of matrices. (In Coq: same notation, different scope) *) (** #
# *) Locate "_ + _". About addsmx. (** #
# *) (** *** Intersection of subspaces *) (** #
# *) Locate "_ :&: _". About capmx. About sub_capmx. (** #
# *) (** *** Equality of subspaces is double inclusion. Alternatively, the library provides an equivalent definition (via eqmxP) that can be used for rewriting in inclusion statements or rank. *) (** #
# *) Locate "_ == _". Check (_ == _)%MS. Locate "_ :=: _". About eqmx. Print eqmx. About mxdirectE. About mxdirect_addsP. (** #
# *) (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** Usage. - Im A is represented by the matrix A itself. - vectors of a space represented by the matrix A are linear combinations of the rows of A, which amount to making a product by an element (i.e. row of coefficients, or coordinates in the family generated by A) on the left. *) (** #
# *) About submxP. About row_subP. About submxMl. (** #
# *) (** - Ker A is represented by the square matrix kermx A. *) (** #
# *) About kermx. About sub_kermxP. (** #
# *) (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** Let's do an example together *) (** #
# *) Section ex_6_12. Variables (F : fieldType) (n' : nat). Let n := n'.+1. Variable (u : 'M[F]_n) (S : 'M[F]_n). Hypothesis eq_keru_imu : (kermx u :=: u)%MS. Hypothesis S_u_direct : (S :&: u)%MS = 0. Hypothesis S_u_eq1 : (S + u :=: 1)%MS. Implicit Types (x y z : 'rV[F]_n). Lemma Su_rect x : exists2 yz, x = yz.1 + yz.2 *m u & (yz.1 <= S)%MS && (yz.2 <= S)%MS. Proof. pose y := x *m proj_mx S u. have /submxP [z'] := proj_mx_sub u S x => xpu. pose z := z' *m proj_mx S u. exists (y, z) => /=; last by rewrite !proj_mx_sub. rewrite -{1}(@add_proj_mx _ _ _ S u x) ?S_u_direct ?S_u_eq1 ?submx1 //. congr (_ + _); apply/eqP; rewrite xpu -subr_eq0 -mulmxBl. apply/eqP/sub_kermxP. by rewrite eq_keru_imu proj_mx_compl_sub ?S_u_eq1 ?submx1. Qed. Lemma Su_dec_eq0 y z : (y <= S)%MS -> (z <= S)%MS -> (y + z *m u == 0) = (y == 0) && (z == 0). Proof. move=> yS zS; apply/idP/idP; last first. by move=> /andP[/eqP -> /eqP ->]; rewrite add0r mul0mx. rewrite addr_eq0 -mulNmx => /eqP eq_y_Nzu. have : (y <= S :&: u)%MS by rewrite sub_capmx yS eq_y_Nzu submxMl. rewrite S_u_direct // submx0 => /eqP y_eq0. move/eqP: eq_y_Nzu; rewrite y_eq0 eq_sym mulNmx oppr_eq0 eqxx /= => /eqP. move=> /sub_kermxP; rewrite eq_keru_imu => z_keru. have : (z <= S :&: u)%MS by rewrite sub_capmx zS. by rewrite S_u_direct // submx0. Qed. End ex_6_12. (** #
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