From elpi Require Import elpi. From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. (** ---- #
# ** Roadmap for lessons 3 and 4 - finite types - big operators *) (** #
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# ** Lesson 3 - The math-comp library gives some support for finite types. - ['I_n] is the the set of natural numbers smaller than n. - [a : 'I_n] is composed of a value m and a proof that [m < n]. - Example : [oid] modifies the proof part with an equivalent one. #
# *) Definition oid n (x : 'I_n) : 'I_n. Proof. pose v := nat_of_ord x. pose H := ltn_ord x. pose H1 := leq_trans H (leqnn n). exact: Ordinal H1. Defined. (** #
# ** Note - [nat_of_ord] is a coercion (see H) - ['I_0] is an empty type #
# *) Lemma empty_i0 (x : 'I_0) : false. Proof. case: x. by []. Qed. (** #
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# ** Equality - Every finite type is also an equality type. - For ['I_n], only the numeric value matters (the proof is irrelevant) - This characteristic comes with the notion of subtype. together with a function val (injection from the subtype to the larger type) #
# *) Definition i3 := Ordinal (isT : 3 < 4). Lemma ieq : oid i3 == i3. Proof. exact: eqxx. Qed. Lemma ieq' (h : 3 < 4) : Ordinal h == i3. Proof. apply/eqP. pose H := val_inj. apply:val_inj. rewrite /=. by []. Qed. (** #
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# ** An optimistic map from [nat] to [ordinal] : [inord] - Takes a natural number as input and return an element of ['I_n.+1] - The _same number_ if it is small enough, otherwise [0]. - The expected type has to have the shape ['I_n.+1] because ['I_0] is empty #
# *) Check inord. Check inordK. Check inord_val. Example inord_val_3_4 : inord 3 = (Ordinal (isT : 3 < 4)) :> 'I_4. Proof. apply:val_inj. rewrite /=. rewrite inordK. by []. by []. Qed. (** #
# ** Note - The equality in [inordK] is in type [nat] - The equality in [inord_val] is in type ['I_n.+1] #
# *) (** #
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# ** Sequence - a finite type can be seen as a sequence - if [T] is a finite type, [enum T] gives this sequence. - it is duplicate free. - it relates to the cardinal of a finite type #
# *) Lemma iseq n (x : 'I_n) : x \in 'I_n. Proof. set l := enum 'I_n. rewrite /= in l. have ordinal_finType_n := [finType of 'I_n]. have mem_enum := mem_enum. have enum_uniq := enum_uniq. have cardT := cardT. have cardE := cardE. by []. Qed. (** #
# ** Note - None of the lines before [by []] are needed for the proof - [mem_enum] et [enum_uniq] are generic theorems for any predicate on the finite type (practically: subsets) - In this excerpt, we start a habit of making some theorems appear in the context, under the same or a similar name, just for scrutiny (here [mem_enum], [enum_uniq], [cardT], and [cardE] #
# *) (** #
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# ** Boolean theory of finite types. - for finite type, boolean reflection can be extended to quantifiers - getting closer to classical logic! #
# *) Lemma iforall (n : nat) : [forall x: 'I_n, x < n]. Proof. apply/forallP. rewrite /=. move=> x. exact: ltn_ord. Qed. Lemma iexists (n : nat) : (n == 0) || [exists x: 'I_n, x == 0 :> nat]. Proof. case: n. by []. move=> n. rewrite /=. (* optional, try removing this line. *) apply/existsP. pose H : 0 < n.+1 := isT. (* use of small scale reflection. *) pose x := Ordinal H. exists x. by []. (* mention function ord0. *) Qed. (** #
# ** Note - Small scale reflection is used in several places here. - The equality in [inord_val] is in type ['I_n.+1] #
# *) (** #
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# ** Selecting an element - pick selects an element that has a given property - pickP triggers the reflection #
# *) Check pick. Definition izero n (x : 'I_n) := odflt x [pick i : 'I_n | i == 0 :> nat]. Check izero. Lemma izero_def n (x : 'I_n.+1) : izero x == 0 :> nat. Proof. rewrite /izero. case: pickP. rewrite /=. by []. rewrite /=. move=> H. have := H (Ordinal (isT : 0 < n.+1)). rewrite /=. by []. Qed. (** #
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# ** Building finite types - The property of finiteness is inherited through a large variety of type constructors - For instance, when constructing a cartesian product of finite types - For functions there is an explicit construction [ffun x => body] #
# *) Check [finType of ('I_3 * 'I_4)%type]. Fail Check [finType of ('I_3 * nat)%type]. Lemma ipair : [forall x : 'I_3 * 'I_4, x.1 * x.2 < 12]. Proof. apply/forallP. rewrite /=. case. rewrite /=. move=> a b. have H := ltn_mul. have -> : 12 = 3 * 4 by []. apply: H. by []. by []. Qed. Check [finType of {ffun 'I_3 -> 'I_4}]. Fail Check [finType of ('I_3 -> 'I_4)]. Lemma ifun : [exists f : {ffun 'I_3 -> 'I_4}, forall x, f x == x :> nat]. Proof. apply/existsP. rewrite /=. have H : forall n x, x < n -> x < n.+1. move=> n x H. rewrite ltnS. by rewrite ltnW. exists [ffun x : 'I_3 => Ordinal (H 3 x (ltn_ord x))]. apply/forallP. move=> x. have ffunE' := ffunE. rewrite ffunE'. rewrite /=. by []. Qed. (** #
# ** Note - Equipping an arbitrary type that is provably finite with the [finType] structure will be done in a later lesson #
# *)Inductive forest_monster := Lion | Tiger | Bear. Fail Check [finType of forest_monster]. (** #
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# ** Big operators - Big operators provide a library to manipulate iterations in math-comp - this is an encapsulation of the fold function #
# *) Section Illustrate_fold. Definition f (x : nat) := 2 * x. Definition g x y := x + y. Definition r := [::1; 2; 3]. Lemma bfold : foldr (fun val res => g (f val) res) 0 r = 12. Proof. rewrite /=. rewrite /g. by []. Qed. End Illustrate_fold. (** #
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# ** Notation - iteration is provided by the \big notation - the basic operation is on list - special notations are introduced for usual case (\sum, \prod, \bigcap ..) #
# *) Lemma bfoldl : \big[addn/0]_(i <- [::1; 2; 3]) i.*2 = 12. Proof. rewrite big_cons. rewrite big_cons. rewrite big_cons. rewrite big_nil. by []. Qed. Lemma bfoldlm : \big[muln/1]_(i <- [::1; 2; 3]) i.*2 = 48. Proof. rewrite big_cons. rewrite big_cons. rewrite big_cons. rewrite big_nil. by []. Qed. (** #
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# ** Range - different ranges are provided #
# *) Lemma bfoldl1 : \sum_(1 <= i < 4) i.*2 = 12. Proof. have big_ltn' := big_ltn. have big_geq' := big_geq. rewrite big_ltn. rewrite big_ltn. rewrite big_ltn. rewrite big_geq. by []. by []. by []. by []. by []. Qed. Lemma bfoldl2 : \sum_(i < 4) i.*2 = 12. Proof. rewrite big_ord_recl. rewrite /=. rewrite big_ord_recl. rewrite /=. rewrite /bump. rewrite big_ord_recl. rewrite big_ord_recl. rewrite big_ord0. by []. Qed. Lemma bfoldl3 : \sum_(i : 'I_4) i.*2 = 12. Proof. exact: bfoldl2. Qed. (** #
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# ** Filtering - it is possible to filter elements from the range #
# *) Lemma bfoldl4 : \sum_(i <- [::1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6] | ~~ odd i) i = 12. Proof. have big_pred0' := big_pred0. have big_hasC' := big_hasC. pose x := \sum_(i < 8 | ~~ odd i) i. pose y := \sum_(0 <= i < 8 | ~~ odd i) i. rewrite big_cons. rewrite /=. rewrite big_cons. rewrite /=. rewrite big_cons. rewrite /=. rewrite big_cons. rewrite /=. rewrite big_cons. rewrite /=. rewrite big_cons. rewrite /=. rewrite big_nil. by []. Qed. (** #
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# ** Switching range - it is possible to change representation (big_nth, big_mkord). #
# *) Lemma bswitch : \sum_(i <- [::1; 2; 3]) i.*2 = \sum_(i < 3) (nth 0 [::1; 2; 3] i).*2. Proof. have big_nth' := big_nth. rewrite (big_nth 0). rewrite /=. have big_mkord' := big_mkord. rewrite big_mkord. by []. Qed. (** #
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# ** Big operators and equality - one can exchange function and/or predicate #
# *) Lemma beql : \sum_(i < 4 | odd i || ~~ odd i) i.*2 = \sum_(i < 4) i.*2. Proof. have eq_bigl' := eq_bigl. apply: eq_bigl. rewrite /=. move=> u. by rewrite orbN. Qed. Lemma beqr : \sum_(i < 4) i.*2 = \sum_(i < 4) (i + i). Proof. have eq_bigr' := eq_bigr. apply: eq_bigr. rewrite /=. move=> u _. rewrite addnn. by []. Qed. Lemma beq : \sum_(i < 4 | odd i || ~~ odd i) i.*2 = \sum_(i < 4) (i + i). Proof. have eq_big' := eq_big. apply: eq_big; rewrite /=. move=> e. by apply: orbN. move=> i Hi. rewrite addnn. by []. Qed. (** #
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# ** Monoid structure - one can use associativity to reorganize the bigop #
# *) Lemma bmon1 : \sum_(i <- [::1; 2; 3]) i.*2 = 12. Proof. have H := big_cat. have -> : [:: 1; 2; 3] = [::1] ++ [::2; 3]. by []. rewrite big_cat. rewrite /=. rewrite big_cons. rewrite big_nil. rewrite !big_cons big_nil. by []. Qed. Lemma bmon2 : \sum_(1 <= i < 4) i.*2 = 12. Proof. have big_cat_nat' := big_cat_nat. rewrite (big_cat_nat _ _ _ (isT: 1 <= 2)). rewrite /=. rewrite big_ltn //=. rewrite big_geq //. by rewrite 2?big_ltn //= big_geq. by []. Qed. Lemma bmon3 : \sum_(i < 4) i.*2 = 12. Proof. have big_ord_recl' := big_ord_recl. have big_ord_recr' := big_ord_recr. (* Note the added assumption on the operator in big_ord_recr *) rewrite big_ord_recr. rewrite /=. rewrite !big_ord_recr //=. rewrite big_ord0. by []. Qed. Lemma bmon4 : \sum_(i < 8 | ~~ odd i) i = 12. Proof. have big_mkcond' := big_mkcond. rewrite big_mkcond. rewrite /=. rewrite !big_ord_recr /=. rewrite big_ord0. by []. Qed. (** #
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# ** Abelian Monoid structure - one can use communitativity to massage the bigop #
# *) Lemma bab : \sum_(i < 4) i.*2 = 12. Proof. have bigD1' := bigD1. pose x := Ordinal (isT: 2 < 4). rewrite (bigD1 x). rewrite /=. rewrite big_mkcond /=. rewrite !big_ord_recr /= big_ord0. by []. by []. (* This is about proving that the (hidden) filter predicate of the big operation is satisfied for x *) Qed. Lemma bab1 : \sum_(i < 4) (i + i.*2) = 18. Proof. have big_split' := big_split. rewrite big_split /=. rewrite bab. rewrite !big_ord_recr big_ord0 /=. by []. Qed. Lemma bab2 : \sum_(i < 3) \sum_(j < 4) (i + j) = \sum_(i < 4) \sum_(j < 3) (i + j). Proof. have exchange_big' := exchange_big. have reindex_inj' := reindex_inj. rewrite exchange_big. rewrite /=. apply: eq_bigr. move=> i _. apply: eq_bigr. move=> j _. by rewrite addnC. Qed. (** #
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# ** Distributivity - one can exchange sum and product #
# *) Lemma bab3 : \sum_(i < 4) (2 * i) = 2 * \sum_(i < 4) i. Proof. have big_distrr' := big_distrr. by rewrite big_distrr. Qed. Lemma bab4 : (\prod_(i < 3) \sum_(j < 4) (i ^ j)) = \sum_(f : {ffun 'I_3 -> 'I_4}) \prod_(i < 3) (i ^ (f i)). Proof. have big_distr_big' := big_distr_big. rewrite (big_distr_big ord0). rewrite /=. apply: eq_bigl. move=> f. rewrite /=. apply/forallP. rewrite /=. by []. Qed. (** #
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# ** Property, Relation and Morphism #
# *) Lemma bap n : ~~ odd (\sum_(i < n) i.*2). Proof. have big_ind' := big_ind. have big_ind2' := big_ind2. have big_morph' := big_morph. elim/big_ind: _. - by []. - move=> x y. rewrite oddD. case: odd. by []. by []. move=> i _. by rewrite odd_double. Qed. (** #
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