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Triangular number from Exercise session 2

Use the lia and nia tactics to prove the following lemmas.

Use induction and the lia tactic to prove the following lemma.

Exercise 4 from Excersise session 3

Use induction and the nia tactic to prove the following lemmas.

Use induction and the ring tactic to prove the following lemma (it is also possible to use lia though).

NB: there is a bug in the ring tactic of Algebra Tactics that it does not recognize _.+1 (successor) inside _%:R (generic embedding of natural numbers to ring). You have to explicitly rewrite it by the natr1 lemma for now.

Pyramidal numbers

Use induction and the nia tactic to prove the following lemmas.

Use induction and the lia tactic to prove the following lemma.

NB: Apparently, nia is not powerful enough to deal with nonlinearity and Euclidean division by 2 at the same time in this problem. You have to deal with Euclidean division by 2 manually.


Use the ring tactic to prove the following lemma.

NB: the ring tactic does not directly support the scalar multiplication operator (_ *: _). You have to explicitly rewrite them.