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Triangular number

Hints : halfD half_bit_double

Hints sqrnD

Triangular root

Hints before_find find_size size_iota nth_iota

Hints hasP mem_iota half_bit_double half_leq nth_find nth_iota

The modulo for triangular numbers

Fermat Numbers

Hints : subn_sqr subnBA odd_double_half

Hints: logn_gt0 mem_primes dvdn2

Hints pfactor_dvdnn logn_div pfactorK

Hints divnK pfactor_dvdnn prime_nt_dvdP prime_nt_dvdP

Hints oddX neq_ltn expn_gt0

Hint subn_sqr

Hints subnK expnD expnM

Hints gcdnMDl coprimen2