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ASCII1D format

``ASCII1D'' is a simple data format for small 1D problems. Each line of the data file is coded in ascii and can be easily edited, or produced by programs, or both.

A line begining with the # character is a comment line. Other lines are composed of tokens. Each token is a character string, and tokens are seperated by one or more of the characters ``space'', ``tabular'' or ``new line''.

Each token is a keyword or data associated to a keyword.

The available keywords are:

An example (presented in three columns):
# every line beginning by 
# `#' is a comment line
# points 
#number_of_points    # value scalar_value_name
                     # value for each node. 
points   14           value beta                   value gamma
  -12.                      12.                       5.  
  -6.                       11.                       6.
   0.                       10.                       7.
   1.                       9.                        6.8
   2.3                      9.8                       6.
   3.                       10.                       7.
   3.4                      11.                       8.2
   4.                       14.                       9.
   5.                       16.                       8.
   6.                       20.                       7. 
   7.                       24.                       6.
   8.                       26.                       4.
   10.                      30.                       1.
   11.                      28.                      -2.

Robert Fournier 2002-09-13